University majors
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Arcu risu
# | Course Name | Course Level |
1 | African and African American Studies | Bachelor |
2 | Anthropology | Bachelor |
3 | Art History | Bachelor |
4 | Art Studies | Bachelor |
5 | Museum Studies | Bachelor |
6 | Arts | Bachelor |
7 | Asia Studies (East Asia) | Bachelor |
8 | Asia Studies (South Asia) | Bachelor |
9 | Asia Studies (Southeast Asia) | Bachelor |
10 | Asian Languages (Chinese) | Bachelor |
11 | Asian Languages (Japanese) | Bachelor |
12 | Asian Pacific American Studies | Bachelor |
13 | Biochemistry | Bachelor |
14 | Biology | Bachelor |
15 | Business Administration | Bachelor |
16 | Communication | Bachelor |
17 | Financial Planning | Bachelor |
18 | Food Industry Management | Bachelor |
19 | Global Agribusiness | Bachelor |
20 | Global Logistics Management | Bachelor |
21 | Global Politics | Bachelor |
22 | Health care | Bachelor |
23 | Human Resources | Bachelor |
24 | Information Security | Bachelor |
25 | Language and Culture | Bachelor |
26 | Law | Bachelor |
27 | Public Service and Public Policy | Bachelor |
28 | Sports Business | Bachelor |
29 | Statistics | Bachelor |
30 | Sustainability | Bachelor |
31 | Technology | Bachelor |
32 | Tourism | Bachelor |
33 | Chemistry | Bachelor |
34 | Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership | Bachelor |
35 | Communication | Bachelor |
36 | Community Advocacy and Social Policy | Bachelor |
37 | Community Development | Bachelor |
38 | Conflict Resolution | Bachelor |
39 | Digital Culture | Bachelor |
40 | Art | Bachelor |
41 | Arts and Design Studies | Bachelor |
42 | Design | Bachelor |
43 | English | Bachelor |
44 | Film | Bachelor |
45 | Graphic Information Technology | Bachelor |
46 | Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance | Bachelor |
47 | Music | Bachelor |
48 | Theatre | Bachelor |
49 | Disability Services | Bachelor |
50 | Earth and Environmental Studies | Bachelor |
51 | English | Bachelor |
52 | Creative Writing | Bachelor |
53 | Linguistics | Bachelor |
54 | Literature | Bachelor |
55 | Secondary Education | Bachelor |
56 | Writing, Rhetorics and Literacies | Bachelor |
57 | Environmental Science | Bachelor |
58 | Fashion | Bachelor |
59 | Film and Media Production | Bachelor |
60 | Film and Media Studies | Bachelor |
61 | Filmmaking Practices | Bachelor |
62 | French | Bachelor |
63 | General Studies | Bachelor |
64 | Geography | Bachelor |
65 | German | Bachelor |
66 | Global Health | Bachelor |
67 | Global Studies | Bachelor |
68 | History | Bachelor |
69 | Secondary Education | Bachelor |
70 | History of Science, Ideas and Innovation | Bachelor |
71 | Innovation in Society | Bachelor |
72 | Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance | Bachelor |
73 | Interdisciplinary Arts and Science | Bachelor |
74 | Interdisciplinary Studies | Bachelor |
75 | International Letters and Cultures | Bachelor |
76 | Arabic Studies | Bachelor |
77 | Classical Civilization | Bachelor |
78 | Classics | Bachelor |
79 | Italian | Bachelor |
80 | Jewish Studies | Bachelor |
81 | Journalism and Mass Communication | Bachelor |
82 | Justice Studies | Bachelor |
83 | Latin American Studies | Bachelor |
84 | Liberal Studies | Bachelor |
85 | Mathematics | Bachelor |
86 | Music | Bachelor |
87 | Music and Culture | Bachelor |
88 | Popular Music | Bachelor |
89 | Organizational Leadership | Bachelor |
90 | Project Management | Bachelor |
91 | Performance and Movement | Bachelor |
92 | Philosophy | Bachelor |
93 | Morality, Politics and Law | Bachelor |
94 | Philosophy, Religion and Society | Bachelor |
95 | Physics | Bachelor |
96 | Political Science | Bachelor |
97 | Psychology | Bachelor |
98 | Forensic Psychology | Bachelor |
99 | Religion, Culture and Public Life | Bachelor |
100 | Religion, Politics and Global Affairs | Bachelor |
101 | Russian | Bachelor |
102 | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Bachelor |
103 | American Studies | Bachelor |
104 | Ethnicity, Race and Indigenous Studies | Bachelor |
105 | Latin American Studies | Bachelor |
106 | Peace Studies | Bachelor |
107 | Queer and Sexuality Studies | Bachelor |
108 | Women and Gender Studies | Bachelor |
109 | Social Justice and Human Rights | Bachelor |
110 | Sociology | Bachelor |
111 | Spanish | Bachelor |
112 | Sports Journalism | Bachelor |
113 | Sustainability | Bachelor |
114 | Theatre | Bachelor |
115 | Acting | Bachelor |
116 | Design and Production | Bachelor |
117 | Media and Expressive Culture | Bachelor |
118 | Transborder Community Development and Health | Bachelor |
119 | US and Mexican Regional Immigration Policy and Economy | Bachelor |
120 | Urban and Metropolitan Studies | Bachelor |
121 | Women and Gender Studies | Bachelor |
122 | Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education | Bachelor |
123 | Educational Studies | Bachelor |
124 | Elementary Education | Bachelor |
125 | Educating Multilingual Learners | Bachelor |
126 | Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics | Bachelor |
127 | Biological Sciences | Bachelor |
128 | Chemistry | Bachelor |
129 | Earth and Space Sciences | Bachelor |
130 | English | Bachelor |
131 | History | Bachelor |
132 | Mathematics | Bachelor |
133 | Physical Education | Bachelor |
134 | Physics | Bachelor |
135 | Political Science | Bachelor |
136 | Spanish | Bachelor |
137 | Visual Impairment | Bachelor |
138 | Special Education and Elementary Education | Bachelor |
139 | Applied Leadership (Transfer Only) | Bachelor |
140 | Aviation (Transfer Only) | Bachelor |
141 | Emergency Management (Transfer Only) | Bachelor |
142 | Food and Nutrition Entrepreneurship (Transfer Only) | Bachelor |
143 | Graphic Information Technology (Transfer Only) | Bachelor |
144 | Health Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Transfer Only) | Bachelor |
145 | Health Sciences (Transfer Only) | Bachelor |
146 | Internet and Web Development (Transfer Only) | Bachelor |
147 | Operations Management (Transfer Only) | Bachelor |
148 | Project Management (Transfer Only) | Bachelor |
149 | Technical Communication (Transfer Only) | Bachelor |
150 | Applied Science (Transfer Only) | Bachelor |
151 | Art Education | Bachelor |
152 | Ceramics | Bachelor |
153 | Drawing | Bachelor |
154 | Intermedia | Bachelor |
155 | Painting and Drawing | Bachelor |
156 | Photography | Bachelor |
157 | Printmaking | Bachelor |
158 | Sculpture | Bachelor |
159 | Textiles | Bachelor |
160 | Dance | Bachelor |
161 | Dance Education | Bachelor |
162 | Global Management | Bachelor |
163 | Music Learning and Teaching | Bachelor |
164 | Music Therapy | Bachelor |
165 | Collaborative Piano | Bachelor |
166 | Guitar | Bachelor |
167 | Jazz | Bachelor |
168 | Keyboard | Bachelor |
169 | Music Theatre | Bachelor |
170 | Orchestral Instrument | Bachelor |
171 | Voice | Bachelor |
172 | Composition | Bachelor |
173 | Theory | Bachelor |
174 | Accountancy | Bachelor |
175 | Actuarial Science | Bachelor |
176 | Air Traffic Management | Bachelor |
177 | Air Transportation Management | Bachelor |
178 | Professional Flight | Bachelor |
179 | Unmanned Aerial Systems | Bachelor |
180 | American Indian Studies | Bachelor |
181 | Anthropology | Bachelor |
182 | Applied Biological Sciences | Bachelor |
183 | Natural Resource Ecology | Bachelor |
184 | Preveterinary Medicine | Bachelor |
185 | Secondary Education in Biology | Bachelor |
186 | Sustainable Horticulture | Bachelor |
187 | APPLIED COMPUTING | Bachelor |
188 | Cybersecurity | Bachelor |
189 | Applied Mathematics | Bachelor |
190 | Applied Mathematics for Life and Social Sciences | Bachelor |
191 | Applied Physics | Bachelor |
192 | Applied Quantitative Science | Bachelor |
193 | Biochemistry | Bachelor |
194 | Medicinal Chemistry | Bachelor |
195 | Biological Sciences | Bachelor |
196 | Biology and Society | Bachelor |
197 | Biomedical Sciences | Bachelor |
198 | Conservation Biology and Ecology | Bachelor |
199 | Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology | Bachelor |
200 | Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior | Bachelor |
201 | Biology | Bachelor |
202 | Pharmacology/Toxicology | Bachelor |
203 | Biomedical Informatics | Bachelor |
204 | Biophysics | Bachelor |
205 | Biotechnology and Bioenterprise | Bachelor |
206 | Business Data Analytics | Bachelor |
207 | Business Entrepreneurship | Bachelor |
208 | Chemistry | Bachelor |
209 | Environmental Chemistry | Bachelor |
210 | Communication | Bachelor |
211 | Community Health | Bachelor |
212 | Community Sports Management | Bachelor |
213 | Events | Bachelor |
214 | Computational Forensics | Bachelor |
215 | Computational Mathematical Sciences | Bachelor |
216 | Computer Information Systems | Bachelor |
217 | Computer Science | Bachelor |
218 | Cybersecurity | Bachelor |
219 | Software Engineering | Bachelor |
220 | Construction Management and Technology | Bachelor |
221 | Counseling and Applied Psychological Science | Bachelor |
222 | Substance Abuse and Addictions | Bachelor |
223 | Criminology and Criminal Justice | Bachelor |
224 | Data Science | Bachelor |
225 | Earth and Space Exploration | Bachelor |
226 | Astrobiology and Biogeosciences | Bachelor |
227 | Astrophysics | Bachelor |
228 | Exploration Systems Design | Bachelor |
229 | Geological Sciences | Bachelor |
230 | Economics | Bachelor |
231 | Politics and the Economy | Bachelor |
232 | Environmental and Resource Management | Bachelor |
233 | Environmental Design | Bachelor |
234 | Environmental Science | Bachelor |
235 | Exercise and Wellness | Bachelor |
236 | Family and Human Development | Bachelor |
237 | Finance | Bachelor |
238 | Food and Nutrition Entrepreneurship | Bachelor |
239 | Forensic Science | Bachelor |
240 | Geographic Information Science | Bachelor |
241 | Geography | Bachelor |
242 | Meteorology-Climatology | Bachelor |
243 | Graphic Information Technology | Bachelor |
244 | User Experience | Bachelor |
245 | Health Care Compliance and Regulations | Bachelor |
246 | Health Care Coordination | Bachelor |
247 | Health Education and Health Promotion | Bachelor |
248 | Health Entrepreneurship and Innovation | Bachelor |
249 | Health Sciences | Bachelor |
250 | Healthy Lifestyles Coaching | Bachelor |
251 | Human Systems Engineering | Bachelor |
252 | User Experience | Bachelor |
253 | Informatics | Bachelor |
254 | Information Technology | Bachelor |
255 | Innovation in Society | Bachelor |
256 | Integrative Health | Bachelor |
257 | Integrative Social Science | Bachelor |
258 | International Trade | Bachelor |
259 | Justice Studies | Bachelor |
260 | Kinesiology | Bachelor |
261 | Management | Bachelor |
262 | Manufacturing Engineering | Bachelor |
263 | Marketing | Bachelor |
264 | Digital and Integrated Marketing Communications | Bachelor |
265 | Professional Sales | Bachelor |
266 | Mathematics | Bachelor |
267 | Secondary Education | Bachelor |
268 | Statistics | Bachelor |
269 | Medical Studies | Bachelor |
270 | Microbiology | Bachelor |
271 | Medical Microbiology | Bachelor |
272 | Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology | Bachelor |
273 | Nonprofit Leadership and Management | Bachelor |
274 | American Indian Studies | Bachelor |
275 | Nutrition | Bachelor |
276 | Parks and Recreation Management | Bachelor |
277 | Therapeutic Recreation | Bachelor |
278 | Pharmacology and Toxicology | Bachelor |
279 | Physics | Bachelor |
280 | Secondary Education | Bachelor |
281 | Political Science | Bachelor |
282 | Politics and the Economy | Bachelor |
283 | Population health | Bachelor |
284 | Psychology | Bachelor |
285 | Forensic Psychology | Bachelor |
286 | Psychological Science | Bachelor |
287 | Public Health | Bachelor |
288 | Public Service and Public Policy | Bachelor |
289 | American Indian Studies | Bachelor |
290 | Business | Bachelor |
291 | Criminology | Bachelor |
292 | Emergency Management and Homeland Security | Bachelor |
293 | Health Policy | Bachelor |
294 | Law and Policy | Bachelor |
295 | Nonprofit Leadership and Management | Bachelor |
296 | Parks and Recreational Management | Bachelor |
297 | Science and Technology Policy | Bachelor |
298 | Social Services Delivery | Bachelor |
299 | Sustainability | Bachelor |
300 | Recreation Therapy | Bachelor |
301 | Science of Health Care Delivery | Bachelor |
302 | Science, Technology and Society | Bachelor |
303 | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Bachelor |
304 | Sociology | Bachelor |
305 | Software Engineering | Bachelor |
306 | Speech and Hearing Science | Bachelor |
307 | Sports Science & Performance Programming | Bachelor |
308 | Statistics | Bachelor |
309 | Supply Chain Management | Bachelor |
310 | Sustainability | Bachelor |
311 | Sustainable Food Systems | Bachelor |
312 | Technical Communication | Bachelor |
313 | Technical Communication (User Experience) | Bachelor |
314 | Technological Entrepreneurship and Management | Bachelor |
315 | Technological Leadership | Bachelor |
316 | Tourism and Recreation Management | Bachelor |
317 | Tourism Development and Management | Bachelor |
318 | Meeting and Events | Bachelor |
319 | Resort and Hotel Leadership | Bachelor |
320 | Sustainable Tourism | Bachelor |
321 | Urban and Metropolitan Studies | Bachelor |
322 | Women and Gender Studies | Bachelor |
323 | Architectural Studies | Bachelor |
324 | Graphic Design | Bachelor |
325 | Industrial Design | Bachelor |
326 | Interior Design | Bachelor |
327 | Aeronautics | Bachelor |
328 | Aerospace Engineering (Astronautics) | Bachelor |
329 | Autonomous Vehicle Systems | Bachelor |
330 | Biomedical Engineering | Bachelor |
331 | Chemical Engineering | Bachelor |
332 | Civil Engineering | Bachelor |
333 | Sustainable Engineering | Bachelor |
334 | Computer Systems Engineering | Bachelor |
335 | Computer Systems Engineering (Cybersecurity) | Bachelor |
336 | Construction Engineering | Bachelor |
337 | Electrical Engineering | Bachelor |
338 | Electric Power and Energy Systems | Bachelor |
339 | Engineering | Bachelor |
340 | Automotive Systems | Bachelor |
341 | Electrical Systems | Bachelor |
342 | Mechanical Engineering Systems | Bachelor |
343 | Robotics | Bachelor |
344 | Engineering Management | Bachelor |
345 | Environmental Engineering | Bachelor |
346 | Industrial Engineering | Bachelor |
347 | Materials Science and Engineering | Bachelor |
348 | Mechanical Engineering | Bachelor |
349 | Computational Mechanics | Bachelor |
350 | Energy and Environment | Bachelor |
351 | Landscape Architecture | Bachelor |
352 | Nursing | Bachelor |
353 | Urban Planning | Bachelor |
354 | Social Work | Bachelor |
355 | American Studies | none |
356 | Art Education | none |
357 | Art History | none |
358 | Asian Languages/Civilizations (Chinese) | none |
359 | Asian Languages/Civilizations (Japanese) | none |
360 | Classic Liberal Education and Leadership | none |
361 | Communication Studies | none |
362 | Creative Enterprise and Cultural Leadership | none |
363 | Digital Culture | none |
364 | Educational Policy | none |
365 | Emergency Management and Homeland Security | none |
366 | Biosecurity and Threat Management | none |
367 | Community Resilience | none |
368 | Cybersecurity Policy and Management | none |
369 | Emergency Management | none |
370 | Homeland Security | none |
371 | English | none |
372 | English Education | none |
373 | Ethnomusicology | none |
374 | French Comparative Literature | none |
375 | French Linguistics | none |
376 | French Literature | none |
377 | Geography | none |
378 | Global Health | none |
379 | History | none |
380 | Interdisciplinary Studies | none |
381 | Investigative Journalism | none |
382 | Language Teaching | none |
383 | Learning Sciences | none |
384 | Linguistics and Applied Linguistics | none |
385 | Mathematics | none |
386 | Museum Studies | none |
387 | Music (Musicology) | none |
388 | Narrative Studies | none |
389 | Philosophy | none |
390 | Political Science | none |
391 | Religious Studies | none |
392 | Social and Cultural Pedagogy | none |
393 | Social Justice and Human Rights | none |
394 | Social Technologies | none |
395 | Spanish | none |
396 | Sports Journalism | none |
397 | Sustainability | none |
398 | Theatre | none |
399 | Women and Gender Studies | none |
400 | Accountancy | none |
401 | Architecture | none |
402 | Geographic Information Systems | none |
403 | Marriage and Family Therapy | none |
404 | Business Administration | none |
405 | Executive Business Administration | none |
406 | Counseling | none |
407 | Computer Science | none |
408 | Computer Science (Big Data Systems) | none |
409 | Computer Science (Cybersecurity) | none |
410 | Educational Leadership | none |
411 | Elementary Education (Teacher Certification) | none |
412 | Higher and Postsecondary Education | none |
413 | Secondary Education (Teacher Certification) | none |
414 | Special Education (Teacher Certification) | none |
415 | Art | none |
416 | Art (Digital Technology) | none |
417 | Creative Writing | none |
418 | Dance | none |
419 | Interdisciplinary Digital Media and Perform | none |
420 | Dramatic Writing | none |
421 | Interdisciplinary Digital Media | none |
422 | Theatre for Youth | none |
423 | Global Management | none |
424 | Creative Industries and Design Thinking | none |
425 | Data Science | none |
426 | Development and Innovation | none |
427 | Digital Audience Strategy | none |
428 | Executive | none |
429 | Global Affairs | none |
430 | Global Business | none |
431 | Global Digital Transformation | none |
432 | Global Entrepreneurship | none |
433 | Healthcare Delivery | none |
434 | (Integrated Healthcare | none |
435 | Legal Studies | none |
436 | Nonprofit Leadership and Management | none |
437 | Public Administration | none |
438 | Public Policy | none |
439 | Sustainability Solutions | none |
440 | Sustainable Tourism | none |
441 | Interior Architecture | none |
442 | Industrial Design | none |
443 | Integrated Health Care | none |
444 | Master of Science in Management | none |
445 | Landscape Architecture | none |
446 | Liberal Studies | none |
447 | Film and Media Studies | none |
448 | Interdisciplinary Digital Media and Performance | none |
449 | Music Composition | none |
450 | Music Learning and Teaching | none |
451 | Music Performance | none |
452 | Music Therapy | none |
453 | Conducting | none |
454 | Voice, Music Theatre, Opera | none |
455 | Performance Pedagogy | none |
456 | Piano, Collaborative | none |
457 | Master of Mass Communication | none |
458 | Nonprofit Leadership and Management | none |
459 | Geological Sciences | none |
460 | Physics | none |
461 | Public Administration | none |
462 | Emergency Management | none |
463 | NonProfit Administration | none |
464 | Public Finance | none |
465 | Urban Management | none |
466 | Physical Education | none |
467 | Public Policy | none |
468 | Environmental Policy | none |
469 | Policy Informatics | none |
470 | Science and Technology Policy | none |
471 | Urban Policy | none |
472 | Community Development Practice | none |
473 | Real Estate Development | none |
474 | Actuarial Science | none |
475 | Aerospace Engineering | none |
476 | Indigenous Rights and Social Justice | none |
477 | Tribal Leadership and Governance | none |
478 | Applied Behavior Analysis | none |
479 | Applied Biological Sciences | none |
480 | Energy Performance and Climate Responsive Architecture | none |
481 | Astrophysics and Astronomy | none |
482 | Auditory and Language Neuroscience | none |
483 | Biochemistry | none |
484 | Biological Data Science | none |
485 | Biology | none |
486 | Biology and Society | none |
487 | Biomedical Engineering | none |
488 | Biomedical Informatics | none |
489 | Business Analytics | none |
490 | Chemical Engineering | none |
491 | Chemistry | none |
492 | Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering | none |
493 | Clinical Exercise Physiology | none |
494 | Communication Disorders | none |
495 | Community Resources and Development | none |
496 | Nonprofits and NGOs | none |
497 | Parks and Recreation Management | none |
498 | Sustainable Communities | none |
499 | Tourism | none |
500 | Computer Systems | none |
501 | Electrical Engineering | none |
502 | Computer Science | none |
503 | Art, Media and Engineering | none |
504 | Big Data Systems | none |
505 | Biomedical Informatics | none |
506 | Cybersecurity | none |
507 | Construction Management and Technology | none |
508 | Criminology and Criminal Justice | none |
509 | Art, Media and Engineering | none |
510 | Engineering | none |
511 | Environmental and Resource Management | none |
512 | Water Management | none |
513 | Exercise and Wellness | none |
514 | Finance | none |
515 | Geological Sciences | none |
516 | Global Logistics | none |
517 | Global Sustainability Science | none |
518 | Global Technology and Development | none |
519 | Graphic Information Technology | none |
520 | Healthcare Simulation | none |
521 | Human Systems Engineering | none |
522 | Industrial Engineering | none |
523 | Information Management | none |
524 | Information Technology | none |
525 | Innovation and Venture Development | none |
526 | Intregrative Social Science | none |
527 | Justice Studies | none |
528 | Manufacturing Engineering | none |
529 | Materials Science and Engineering | none |
530 | Mechanical Engineering | none |
531 | Microbiology | none |
532 | Modern Energy Production and Sustainable Use | none |
533 | Molecular and Cellular Biology | none |
534 | Entry to Nursing Practice | none |
535 | Organizational Leadership | none |
536 | Plant Biology and Conservation | none |
537 | Program Evaluation and Data Analytics | none |
538 | Psychology | none |
539 | Regulatory Science | none |
540 | Artificial Intelligence | none |
541 | Electrical Engineering | none |
542 | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | none |
543 | Systems Engineering | none |
544 | Science of Health Care Delivery | none |
545 | Software Engineering | none |
546 | Statistics | none |
547 | Sustainability | none |
548 | Technical Communication | none |
549 | User Experience | none |
550 | Visual Communication Design | none |
551 | Industrial Design | none |
552 | Interior Design | none |
553 | Construction Engineering | none |
554 | Electrical Engineering | none |
555 | Aviation Management and Human Factors | none |
556 | Management of Technology | none |
557 | Science and Technology Policy | none |
558 | Sustainability Solutions | none |
559 | Planning, Administration and Community Practice | none |
560 | Direct Practice | none |
561 | Social Work - Standard Program | none |
562 | Taxation | none |
563 | Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages | none |
564 | Urban Design | none |
565 | Urban and Environmental Planning | none |
566 | Visual Communication Design | none |
567 | Nanoscience | none |
568 | Solar Energy Engineering and Commercialization | none |
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We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions We also assist students that wish to develop their English language at schools and language colleges across that English speaking countries.
We could cater for almost all needs and requests. We also have several options for Young Learners to develop their English during the summer in a secure and enjoyable environment.
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