Glasgow Caledonian University

University majors



United Kingdom
  • Overview University
  • Specializations
  • Why Choose UK
Overview University

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#Course NameCourse Level
1Biological Sciencesnone
2Health and Social Care none
3Nursing none
5Vision Sciencesnone
6Built Environment - Glasgownone
7Computing - Glasgownone
8Engineering - Glasgownone
9Business Management none
10Economics none
12Risk, Accounting and Financenone
13Media and Journalismnone
14Social Sciencesnone
15Engineering none
17Built Environmentnone
18Health PsychologyMasters
19Sports and Exercise PsychologyMasters
20Counselling PsychologyMasters
21Master of Public HealthMasters
22Biological SciencesMasters
23Advanced PracticeMasters
24Medical BioscienceMasters
25Biological SciencesMasters
26Diabetes Care and Management Masters
27Diagnostic ImagingMasters
28Forensic PsychologyMasters
29Investigative Ophthalmology & Vision ResearchMasters
30Nursing: Advancing Professional PracticeMasters
31Theory of Podiatric SurgeryMasters
32Physiotherapy Masters
33Doctor of Physiotherapy (Pre-Reg)Masters
34Physiotherapy (Pre Reg)Masters
35Occupational Health (Pre Reg)Masters
36Social Work (Professional Qualification Route)Masters
373D Design for Virtual EnvironmentsMasters
38Applied Instrumentation and ControlMasters
39Cyber SecurityMasters
40International Project ManagementMasters
41Mechanical EngineeringMasters
42Quantity SurveyingMasters
43Advanced Internetwork EngineeringMasters
44Climate JusticeMasters
45Big Data TechnologiesMasters
46Environmental Management Masters
47Electrical and Electronic EngineeringMasters
48Electrical Power EngineeringMasters
49International Human Resource Management Masters
50Multimedia JournalismMasters
51TV Fiction WritingMasters
52International Operations and Supply Chain ManagementMasters
53International Fashion MarketingMasters
54Accounting, Finance and RegulationMasters
55Risk ManagementMasters
56International Banking, Finance and Risk ManagementMasters
57International Business ManagementMasters
58Social InnovationMasters
60International Tourism and Events ManagementMasters
61Human Resource ManagementMasters
62Global Master of Business AdministrationMasters
63Doctorate of Business AdministrationMasters
64International Economic & Social JusticeMasters
65International Operations and Supply Chain Management With Professional PracticeMasters
66International Fashion Marketing With Professional PracticeMasters
67Accounting, Finance and Regulation With Professional PracticeMasters
68Risk Management With Professional PracticeMasters
69International Business Management With Professional PracticeMasters
70Social Innovation With Professional PracticeMasters
71International Tourism and Events Management With Professional PracticeMasters
72International Economic & Social Justice With Professional PracticeMasters
73International Construction Project Management (London)Masters
74Master of Public Health (London)Masters
75Risk Management (London)Masters
76International Banking, Finance and Risk Management (London)Masters
77MBA Luxury Brand ManagementMasters
78International Management and Business Development (London)Masters
79Luxury Brand Marketing (London)Masters
80Global Marketing (London)Masters
81Fashion and Lifestyle Marketing (London)Masters
82Fashion Business Creation (London)Masters
83Quantity Surveying (London)Masters
84Insurance and Sustainable Risk Management (London)Masters
85Global MBAMasters
86Environmental Management Masters
87International Business, Trade and DiplomacyMasters
88International Diplomacy and the Digital StateMasters
89International Security and DiplomacyMasters
90Masters of Research (MRes)Masters
91Social Work Bachelor
92Applied PsychologyBachelor
93Applied Biomedical ScienceBachelor
94Biomedical ScienceBachelor
95Diagnostic ImagingBachelor
96Human Nutrition and DieteticsBachelor
97Nursing Studies (Adult)Bachelor
98Nursing Studies (Learning Disabilities)Bachelor
99Nursing Studies (Mental Health)Bachelor
100Occupational TherapyBachelor
104Physiotherapy Bachelor
106Radiotherapy and Oncology Bachelor
107Nursing Studies (Adult)Bachelor
108Nursing Studies (Child)Bachelor
109Nursing Studies (Learning Disabilities)Bachelor
110Nursing Studies (Mental Health)Bachelor
111Professional Studies in NursingBachelor
112Professional Studies in Nursing (hons)Bachelor
113Ophthalmic Dispensing ManagementBachelor
114Food ScienceBachelor
115Biological SciencesBachelor
116Building Services EngineeringBachelor
117Computer NetworkingBachelor
118Digital Security and ForensicsBachelor
119Electrical Power EngineeringBachelor
120Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
121Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with specialist options: Digital Systems, Communications, Mechatronics)Bachelor
122Audio TechnologyBachelor
123Building SurveyingBachelor
124Computer Games (Design)Bachelor
125Computer Games (Software Development)Bachelor
126Construction ManagementBachelor
127Cyber Security and NetworksBachelor
128Environmental Management Bachelor
129Evnironmental Civil EngineeringBachelor
130Forensic InvestigationBachelor
131Quantity SurveyingBachelor
132Software Development for BusinessBachelor
133Computer Games (Art & Animation)Bachelor
134Computing (FT)Bachelor
135Electrical and Electronic EngineeringBachelor
136Electrical Power EngineeringBachelor
138Business Management Bachelor
139Fashion Design with BusinessBachelor
140Finance, Investment and RiskBachelor
141International BusinessBachelor
142International Business with LanguagesBachelor
143International Tourism Events ManagementBachelor
144International Fashion BrandingBachelor
145International Marketing Bachelor
146International Supply Chain ManagementBachelor
147Media and CommunicationBachelor
148Multimedia JournalismBachelor
149Risk ManagementBachelor
150Social SciencesBachelor
151Bachelor of LawBachelor
152Bachelor of Law (Fast Track)Bachelor
153A novel membrane-free flow battery for renewable energy storage: Prototype Design by SimulationPhD
154Adaptive design of the UK dwellings to reduce summertime overheatingPhD
155Antimicrobial Stewardship and the role of the nurse within the hospital setting: The need to speak up. (Ref: SHLS22103)PhD
156Application of BIM in Geotechnical EngineeringPhD
157Blockchain based Edge Computing for Healthcare Asset ManagementPhD
158Carbon leakage in forest ecosystems – towards a better understanding of the real contribution of forests to mitigate climate changePhD
159Climate Technologies and Eco-Emotions: VR solution to support Eco-Related Mental HealthPhD
160Data-Driven robust and optimal smart grid controlPhD
161Design and Development of Prescriptive Maintenance Framework for Digital ManufacturingPhD
162Design and Development of Trustworthy Digital Maintenance FrameworkPhD
163Design of Digital Twins for In-Service Support and MaintenancePhD
164Designing the next generation of 3D-printers using Robotics, Computer Vision and Artificial IntelligencePhD
165Digital Forensic Investigation for Insider Threat Breaches using Artificial Intelligence (AI)PhD
166Eco-technological design for stability and resilience of transport infrastructurePhD
167Edge AI for Healthcare Applications with embedded securityPhD
168Energy Harvesting for Optical Wireless Communication Systems in Indoor EnvironmentsPhD
169Explainable AI, Affordability, and Prescriptive Analytics for Sustainable Intelligent MaintenancePhD
170Explainable AI: Improving Understanding of Automated Medical Image ClassificationPhD
171Exploiting the microRNA ‘signature’ of high density lipoproteins in cells and tissues: routes to novel therapeutics (Ref: SHLS21096)PhD
172Fatal construction industry accidents: international comparisons for global improvementPhD
173Glasgow School for Business and Society (GSBS) – Self-Funded PhD ProjectsPhD
174Green infrastructure for adaptation to and resilience against natural hazards such as flooding, erosion, landslides and firesPhD
175How to address health inequalities? Measuring public views and public deliberationPhD
176Impact of High Frequency Transients on HVDC CablesPhD
177Insider Threat Detection and Prevention using Artificial Intelligence (AI)PhD
178Investigating hepatic p53-mediated neutrophil suppression in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (Reference SHLS22100)PhD
179Investigating the Dielectric and Electrical Properties of Superhydrophobic High Voltage Outdoor InsulatorsPhD
180Investigating the role of food as a vehicle for microbial transmission and antimicrobial resistance genes.PhD
181Investigating the role of the biofilm in waste water treatment plants as a reservoir for antimicrobial resistancePhD
182Macrophage driven therapy resistance in AML: from macrophage subset characterisation to therapeutic targeting. (Ref SHLS20065)PhD
183Materials and manufacturing for advanced indoor people trackingPhD
184Multi-modality Based Smart System for Managing Resilience and Mental WellbeingPhD
185Multiple PhD Positions in Operations and Digital MaintenancePhD
186Nature-based solutions for coastal protection and hazard mitigationPhD
187Patient and visitor perspectives on measures to reduce Respiratory Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI)- the pandemic legacy (Ref: SHLS22104)PhD
188Physics Informed Machine Learning for Gas Solids Multi-Phase Flow CharacterisationPhD
189Potentials of Electric Vehicles and Heat Pumps for the Voltage Control Strategy of the Modern Distribution NetworksPhD
190Railway rolling stock fleet data analytics towards reliability and performance predictionPhD
191Recognising Sign Language using Radio Frequency SensingPhD
192Regulation of water and nutrient cycles with Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in a changing environmentPhD
193SHLS22101 Targeting cancer pathways in metabolic syndrome to prevent liver cancerPhD
194Smart 5G and IoT Cooperative Communication System for Autonomous Vehicles in Intelligent Transport SystemsPhD
195Sponge cities for climate resilience and healthy urban livingPhD
196Sustainable Personalisation in Fashion RetailPhD
197Sustainable use of vegetation for slope stabilisation and protection against landslides and erosionPhD
198Tackling a global public health threat: Nurses antimicrobial stewardship in the post-pandemic era (Ref: SHLS21077)PhD
199The Investigation of Cold-Formed Thin-Walled Structural Members with Perforations Subjected to Different Loading ConditionsPhD
200The role of the microbiome in diabetic foot ulcersPhD
201Use of Advanced Robotics to augment Railway Maintenance and OperationsPhD
202Use of Deep Learning for Image-Based Fruit Trees Disease Detection on Edge Devices.PhD
203Water re-use and resource recovery in arid countries – a climate justice analysisPhD
204Doctorate of Business Administration DBA
Why Choose UK

We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions

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Why use UKUNI

We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions We also assist students that wish to develop their English language at schools and language colleges across that English speaking countries.

We could cater for almost all needs and requests. We also have several options for Young Learners to develop their English during the summer in a secure and enjoyable environment.


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