Queen’s University Belfast

University majors



United Kingdom
  • Overview University
  • Specializations
  • Why Choose UK
Overview University

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Id volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu. Pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat. Commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat. Convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet. A diam sollicitudin tempor id eu. Adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit. Sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci eu lobortis elementum. Phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu. Ut lectus arcu bibendum at varius. Diam ut venenatis tellus in. In hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum. Libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam. Vel pretium lectus quam id leo in vitae turpis.

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#Course NameCourse Level
1Accounting and FinanceMasters
2Business AnalyticsMasters
3Economics Masters
5Human Resource ManagementMasters
6International BusinessMasters
7Management Masters
9Master of Business AdministrationMasters
10Quantitative FinanceMasters
11Risk and Investment ManagementMasters
12Criminology and Criminal Justice Masters
13Human Rights LawMasters
14International Business LawMasters
15International Business Law including PlacementMasters
17Law and TechnologyMasters
18Masters in LawMasters
19Arts and HumanitiesMasters
20Arts ManagementMasters
21English - Creative WritingMasters
22English - Literary StudiesMasters
23English - PoetryMasters
26Media and Broadcast ProductionMasters
27Translation Masters
28Anthropology Masters
29Conflict Transformation and Social JusticeMasters
30Global Security and BordersMasters
31History Masters
32International Public PolicyMasters
33International Relations Masters
34Irish StudiesMasters
35Politics Masters
36Public HistoryMasters
37Violence, Terrorism and SecurityMasters
38Applied Behaviour AnalysisMasters
39Autism Spectrum DisordersMasters
40Children's RightsMasters
41Educational Leadership Masters
42Educational StudiesMasters
43Inclusion and Special Educational NeedsMasters
44Social Science ResearchMasters
45Teaching English to Speakers of Other LanguagesMasters
46Youth JusticeMasters
47Pharmaceutical AnalysisMasters
48Pharmaceutical Analysis with Industrial PlacementMasters
49Pharmaceutical Analysis with International Industrial PlacementMasters
50Applied Cyber SecurityMasters
51Applied Cyber Security with Professional InternshipMasters
53Electronics with Professional InternshipMasters
54Software DevelopmentMasters
55Data AnalyticsMasters
56Materials Science and EngineeringMasters
57Materials Science and Engineering with Professional InternshipMasters
58Mechanical Engineering with ManagementMasters
59Mechanical Engineering with Management and Industrial InternshipMasters
60Architecture Masters
61Building Information Modelling Project ManagementMasters
62City Planning and DesignMasters
63Construction and Project ManagementMasters
64Construction and Project Management with Industrial InternshipMasters
65Environmental EngineeringMasters
66Planning and DevelopmentMasters
67Applied Developmental PsychologyMasters
68Clinical Health PsychologyMasters
69Psychological ScienceMasters
70Advanced Food SafetyMasters
71Animal Behaviour and WelfareMasters
72Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Business CommunicationMasters
73Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Innovation ManagementMasters
74Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Rural Enterprise DevelopmentMasters
75Ecological Management and Conservation BiologyMasters
76Leadership for Sustainable DevelopmentMasters
77Leadership for Sustainable Rural DevelopmentMasters
78Molecular Biology and BiotechnologyMasters
79Parasitology and Pathogen BiologyMasters
80Bioinformatics and Computational GenomicsMasters
81Cancer MedicineMasters
82Clinical AnatomyMasters
83Experimental MedicineMasters
84MPh (T) Public HealthMasters
85MPHGH (T) Global HealthMasters
86Oncology Drug Discovery MSc(Res)Masters
87Advanced Professional and Clinical PracticeMasters
88Advanced Professional PracticeMasters
89Caring for Children and Young People with Complex NeedsMasters
90Professional Nursing (Adult)Masters
91Professional Nursing Children and Young PeopleMasters
92Industrial PharmaceuticsMasters
93Accounting none
94Aerospace Engineeringnone
95Anthropological Studiesnone
96Archaeology & Palaeoecologynone
98Arts Management and Cultural Policynone
99Biological Sciencesnone
100Chemical Engineering none
102Civil Engineeringnone
103Cognition and Culturenone
104Computer Sciencenone
105Aerospace Engineeringnone
106Anthropological Studiesnone
107Archaeology & Palaeoecologynone
109Arts Management and Cultural Policynone
110Biological Sciencesnone
111Chemical Engineering none
113Civil Engineeringnone
114Cognition and Culturenone
115Computer Sciencenone
116Economics none
117Education none
118Electrical & Electronic Engineeringnone
120Film Studies none
122French none
124History none
125International Studiesnone
127Irish & Celticnone
129Linguistics none
131Management none
133Mechanical Engineeringnone
134Media and Broadcastnone
135Medicine none
136Music none
137Nursing & Midwiferynone
138Pharmacy none
140Photonic Integration and Advanced Data Storagenone
145Social Worknone
149Accounting Bachelor
150Accounting with FrenchBachelor
151Accounting with SpanishBachelor
152Actuarial Science and Risk ManagementBachelor
153Business Management with PlacementBachelor
154Business Economics Bachelor
155Economics Bachelor
156Economics with FinanceBachelor
157Economics with FrenchBachelor
158Economics with SpanishBachelor
159Economics and AccountingBachelor
161International Business with FrenchBachelor
162International Business with GermanBachelor
163International Business with Mandarin ChineseBachelor
164International Business with PortugueseBachelor
165International Business with SpanishBachelor
167Law (Major) and PoliticsBachelor
168Law Senior StatusBachelor
169Common and Civil Law (Major) with FrenchBachelor
170Common and Civil Law (Major) with Hispanic StudiesBachelor
171Audio EngineeringBachelor
172Broadcast ProductionBachelor
173Drama Bachelor
174Drama and EnglishBachelor
176English and Film StudiesBachelor
177English and FrenchBachelor
178English and HistoryBachelor
179English and IrishBachelor
180English and LinguisticsBachelor
181English and PhilosophyBachelor
182English and PoliticsBachelor
183English and SociologyBachelor
184English and SpanishBachelor
185English with Creative WritingBachelor
186Film and Theatre MakingBachelor
187Film Studies and ProductionBachelor
188French Bachelor
189French and HistoryBachelor
190French and International StudiesBachelor
191French and IrishBachelor
192French and Politics Bachelor
193French and Portuguese Bachelor
194French and SpanishBachelor
196Irish and HistoryBachelor
197Irish and PoliticsBachelor
198Irish and SpanishBachelor
199Mlba (UM) Liberal ArtsBachelor
200Music Bachelor
201Music and Audio ProductionBachelor
203Music PerformanceBachelor
204Spanish Bachelor
205Spanish and PortugueseBachelor
206Anthropology Bachelor
207Anthropology and EnglishBachelor
208Anthropology and FrenchBachelor
209Anthropology and HistoryBachelor
210Anthropology and IrishBachelor
211Anthropology and SpanishBachelor
212History Bachelor
213History and International StudiesBachelor
214History and PhilosophyBachelor
215History and PoliticsBachelor
216History and SociologyBachelor
217History and Spanish Bachelor
218International Politics and Conflict StudiesBachelor
219International Politics and IrishBachelor
220International Studies and PoliticsBachelor
221International Studies and SpanishBachelor
222Philosophy Bachelor
223Philosophy and Politics Bachelor
224Politics Bachelor
225Politics and Spanish Bachelor
226Politics, Philosophy and EconomicsBachelor
227Criminology Bachelor
228Criminology and Social Policy Bachelor
229Criminology and Sociology Bachelor
230Social Policy and SociologyBachelor
231Social Work Bachelor
232Social Work Relevant Degree EntryBachelor
234Chemical Engineering Bachelor
235Chemical Engineering Bachelor
236Chemical Engineering SandwichBachelor
237Chemical Engineering SandwichBachelor
240Chemistry SandwichBachelor
241Chemistry with a Year in Industry Bachelor
242Chemistry with Study AbroadBachelor
243Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor
244Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor
245Medicinal Chemistry SandwichBachelor
246Medicinal Chemistry with IndustryBachelor
247Business Information Technology Incl Professional ExperienceBachelor
248Computer ScienceBachelor
249Computer Science Incl Professional ExperienceBachelor
250Computer Science Professional ExperienceBachelor
251Computing and Information Technology Incl Professional ExperienceBachelor
252Electrical and Electronic EngineeringBachelor
253Electrical and Electronic EngineeringBachelor
254Electrical and Electronic Engineering SandwichBachelor
255Electrical and Electronic Engineering SandwichBachelor
256Software and Electronic Systems EngineeringBachelor
257Software and Electronic Systems EngineeringBachelor
258Software and Electronic Systems Engineering (with Year in Industry)Bachelor
259Software and Electronic Systems Engineering (with Year in Industry)Bachelor
260Software EngineeringBachelor
261Software Engineering with Digital Technology PartnershipBachelor
262Software Engineering With PlacementBachelor
263Software Engineering With PlacementBachelor
264Applied Mathematics and PhysicsBachelor
265Applied Mathematics and PhysicsBachelor
268Mathematics and Computer ScienceBachelor
269Mathematics and Computer ScienceBachelor
270Mathematics and Statistics & Op ResearchBachelor
271Mathematics and Statistics & Op ResearchBachelor
272Mathematics with Finance Bachelor
273Mathematics wth Extended Studies in EuropeBachelor
276Physics and Extended Studies in EuropeBachelor
277Physics with Astro-PhysicsBachelor
278Physics with Astro-PhysicsBachelor
279Physics with Medical ApplicationsBachelor
280Physics with Medical ApplicationsBachelor
281Physics wth Extended Studies in EuropeBachelor
282Theoretical PhysicsBachelor
283Theoretical PhysicsBachelor
284Aerospace EngineeringBachelor
285Aerospace EngineeringBachelor
286Aerospace Engineering SandwichBachelor
287Aerospace Engineering SandwichBachelor
288Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
289Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
290Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
291Mechanical Engineering SandwichBachelor
292Mechanical Engineering SandwichBachelor
295Product Design Engineering - SandwichBachelor
296Product Design Engineering - SandwichBachelor
299Archaeology and History Bachelor
300Archaeology and IrishBachelor
301Archaeology with FrenchBachelor
302Archaeology with PortugueseBachelor
303Archaeology with SpanishBachelor
305Archaeology-Palaeoecology and GeographyBachelor
306Architecture Bachelor
307Civil Engineering Bachelor
308Civil Engineering Bachelor
309Civil Engineering SandwichBachelor
310Civil Engineering SandwichBachelor
311Environmental and Civil EngineeringBachelor
312Environmental and Civil Engineering SandwichBachelor
313European PlanningBachelor
315Geography with a LanguageBachelor
316Planning, Environment and DevelopmentBachelor
317Structural Engineering with ArchitectureBachelor
318Structural Engineering with Architecture SandwichBachelor
320Agricultural TechnologyBachelor
321Agricultural Technology with Professional StudiesBachelor
322Biochemistry Bachelor
323Biochemistry Bachelor
324Biochemistry with Professional StudiesBachelor
325Biochemistry with Professional StudiesBachelor
326Biological SciencesBachelor
327Biological SciencesBachelor
328Biological SciencesBachelor
329Biological Sciences with Professional StudiesBachelor
330Biological Sciences with Professional StudiesBachelor
331Energy, Environment and SustainabilityBachelor
332Environmental Management Bachelor
333Environmental Management with Professional StudiesBachelor
334Food Quality, Safety and NutritionBachelor
335Food Quality, Safety and NutritionBachelor
336Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition with Professional StudiesBachelor
337Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition with Professional StudiesBachelor
338Marine Biology Bachelor
339Marine Biology Bachelor
340Marine Biology with Professional StudiesBachelor
341Marine Biology with Professional StudiesBachelor
344Microbiology with Professional StudiesBachelor
345Microbiology with Professional StudiesBachelor
346Zoology Bachelor
347Zoology Bachelor
348Zoology with Professional StudiesBachelor
349Zoology with Professional StudiesBachelor
350Biomedical ScienceBachelor
352Human BiologyBachelor
353Medicine Bachelor
354Midwifery SciencesBachelor
355Nursing Adult NursingBachelor
356Nursing Children's NursingBachelor
357Nursing Learning Disability NursingBachelor
358Nursing Mental Health NursingBachelor
359Pharmaceutical BiotechnologyBachelor
360Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Sandwich)Bachelor
361Pharmaceutical SciencesBachelor
362Pharmaceutical Sciences (Sandwich)Bachelor
363Pharmacy Bachelor
Why Choose UK

We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions

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Why use UKUNI

We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions We also assist students that wish to develop their English language at schools and language colleges across that English speaking countries.

We could cater for almost all needs and requests. We also have several options for Young Learners to develop their English during the summer in a secure and enjoyable environment.


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