The University of Manchester

University majors



United Kingdom
  • Overview University
  • Specializations
  • Why Choose UK
Overview University

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Id volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu. Pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat. Commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat. Convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet. A diam sollicitudin tempor id eu. Adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit. Sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci eu lobortis elementum. Phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu. Ut lectus arcu bibendum at varius. Diam ut venenatis tellus in. In hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum. Libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam. Vel pretium lectus quam id leo in vitae turpis.

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#Course NameCourse Level
2Advanced Audiology StudiesMasters
3Advanced Audiology Studies (Paediatric Pathway)Masters
4Deaf EducationMasters
6Bioinformatics and Systems BiologyMasters
7Biological SciencesMasters
8Biomedical EgyptologyMasters
9Biotechnology and EnterpriseMasters
10Cancer Research and Molecular BiomedicineMasters
11Cell BiologyMasters
12Clinical BioinformaticsMasters
13Developmental BiologyMasters
14Infection BiologyMasters
15History of Science, Technology and MedicineMasters
16Medical and Molecular VirologyMasters
17Neuroimaging for Clinical and Cognitive NeuroscienceMasters
19Science CommunicationMasters
20Tissue Engineering for Regenerative MedicineMasters
21Paediatric DentistryMasters
22Advanced Restorative DentistryMasters
24Fixed and Removable ProsthodonticsMasters
25Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryMasters
28Medical and Health EducationMasters
29Advanced Clinical Practice - Paediatric AnaesthesiaMasters
30Advanced Therapy Medicinal ProductsMasters
31Clinical Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal MedicineMasters
32Experimental Medicine (Cancer)Masters
33Experimental Medicine (Dermatology)Masters
34Experimental Medicine (Hearing Health)Masters
35Experimental Medicine (Musculoskeletal)Masters
36Experimental Medicine (Respiratory)Masters
37Occupational MedicineMasters
38Physician Associate StudiesMasters
39Skin Ageing and Aesthetic MedicineMasters
40Skin Ageing and Aesthetic MedicineMasters
41Cancer Research and Molecular BiomedicineMasters
42Cardiovascular Health and DiseaseMasters
43Genomic MedicineMasters
44Medical SciencesMasters
46Precision MedicineMasters
47Public Health and Primary CareMasters
48Reproduction and PregnancyMasters
49Tissue Engineering for Regenerative MedicineMasters
50Cancer Biology and Radiotherapy PhysicsMasters
51Clinical BiochemistryMasters
52Clinical ImmunologyMasters
53Health Data ScienceMasters
54Health InformaticsMasters
55Medical and Molecular VirologyMasters
56Medical Imaging ScienceMasters
57Medical MicrobiologyMasters
58Molecular PathologyMasters
59Occupational HygieneMasters
60Medical and Health EducationMasters
61Advanced Leadership for Professional Practice (Nursing)Masters
62Advanced Leadership for Professional Practice (Social Work)Masters
63Advanced Leadership for Professional Practice (Allied Health Professional)Masters
64Social Work Masters
65Primary Mental Health Care (part of Advanced Practice Interventions in Mental Health)Masters
66Clinical ResearchMasters
67Health and Social CareMasters
68Advanced Clinical Practice (Paediatrics)Masters
69Specialist Practice (Cancer)Masters
70Medical and Health EducationMasters
71Neuroimaging for Clinical and Cognitive NeuroscienceMasters
73Advanced Community Pharmacy PracticeMasters
74Advanced Specialist Training in Emergency MedicineMasters
75Clinical PharmacyMasters
76Model-Based Drug DevelopmentMasters
77Pharmaceutical Industrial Advanced TrainingMasters
78Pharmaceutical Technology and Quality AssuranceMasters
79Approved Mental Health Professional PracticeMasters
80Clinical and Health PsychologyMasters
81Forensic Psychology and Mental HealthMasters
82Health PsychologyMasters
83Neuroimaging for Clinical and Cognitive NeuroscienceMasters
85Business PsychologyMasters
86Organisational PsychologyMasters
87Psychology of EducationMasters
88Clinical PsychologyMasters
89Forensic PsychologyMasters
90Advanced Chemical EngineeringMasters
91Advanced Process Integration and DesignMasters
92Subsurface Energy Engineering (Subject to Approval)Masters
93ACS: Advanced Web TechnologiesMasters
94ACS: Artificial IntelligenceMasters
95ACS: Computer SecurityMasters
96ACS: Data and Knowledge ManagementMasters
97ACS: Digital BiologyMasters
98ACS: Software EngineeringMasters
99Advanced Computer Science Masters
100Advanced Control and Systems EngineeringMasters
101Advanced Control and Systems Engineering with Extended ResearchMasters
102Advanced Electrical Power Systems EngineeringMasters
103Communications and Signal ProcessingMasters
104Communications and Signal Processing with Extended ResearchMasters
105Electrical Power Systems Engineering (Distance Learning)Masters
106Electrical Power Systems EngineeringMasters
107Renewable Energy and Clean TechnologyMasters
108Renewable Energy and Clean Technology with Extended ResearchMasters
109Advanced Manufacturing Technology & Systems ManagementMasters
110Aerospace EngineeringMasters
111Commercial Project ManagementMasters
112Construction Project Management Masters
113Engineering Project ManagementMasters
114Management of ProjectsMasters
115Mechanical Engineering DesignMasters
116Reliability Engineering and Asset ManagementMasters
117Renewable Energy and Clean TechnologyMasters
118Structural EngineeringMasters
119Thermal Power & Fluid EngineeringMasters
120Analytical Science (Distance Learning)Masters
122Polymer Materials Science and EngineeringMasters
123Petroleum Exploration GeoscienceMasters
124Petroleum Geoscience for Reservoir Development and ProductionMasters
125Pollution & Environmental ControlMasters
126Advanced Engineering MaterialsMasters
128Corrosion Control EngineeringMasters
129International Fashion MarketingMasters
130International Fashion Retailing (Business Process Improvement)Masters
131International Fashion RetailingMasters
132International Fashion Retailing (Multichannel Marketing)Masters
134Polymer Materials Science and EngineeringMasters
135Textile Technology (Technical Textiles)Masters
136Actuarial ScienceMasters
137Applied MathematicsMasters
138Mathematical FinanceMasters
139Pure Mathematics and Mathematical LogicMasters
140Pure MathematicsMasters
142Nuclear Science and TechnologyMasters
143Accounting Masters
144Accounting and FinanceMasters
146Financial ManagementMasters
147Quantitative FinanceMasters
148Innovation Management and EntrepreneurshipMasters
149International Business and ManagementMasters
150Business Analysis and Strategic ManagementMasters
151Management Masters
152Management Practice (available only through apprenticeship levy funding)Masters
154Operations, Project and Supply Chain ManagementMasters
155Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk AnalysisMasters
156Human Resource Management and Industrial RelationsMasters
157International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial RelationsMasters
158Organisational PsychologyMasters
159Business PsychologyMasters
160Full-time MBAMasters
161Global Part-time MBAMasters
162Kelley-Manchester Global MBAMasters
163Art Gallery and Museum StudiesMasters
164Arts Management, Policy and PracticeMasters
165Classics and Ancient HistoryMasters
166Composition (Electroacoustic Music and Interactive Media)Masters
167Composition (Instrumental and Vocal music)Masters
168Creative Writing Masters
170English Literature and American StudiesMasters
171Film Studies Masters
172Gender, Sexuality and CultureMasters
173Global HealthMasters
174Heritage StudiesMasters
175History Masters
176History of Science, Technology and MedicineMasters
177Humanitarian PracticeMasters
178Humanitarianism and Conflict ResponseMasters
179Intercultural CommunicationMasters
180International Disaster ManagementMasters
181Linguistics Masters
182Medieval and Early Modern StudiesMasters
183Modern and Contemporary LiteratureMasters
184Music (Ethnomusicology)Masters
185Music (Musicology)Masters
187Religions and TheologyMasters
189Translation and Interpreting StudiesMasters
190Architecture and UrbanismMasters
191Architecture Masters
192Development Economics and PolicyMasters
193Development FinanceMasters
194Digital Technologies, Communication and EducationMasters
195Educational Leadership in PracticeMasters
196Educational Leadership Masters
197Environmental GovernanceMasters
198Environmental Impact Assessment & ManagementMasters
199Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and ReconstructionMasters
200Geographical Information ScienceMasters
201Global Urban Development and PlanningMasters
202Human Resource Development (International Development)Masters
203Human Resource Management and Development (International Development) by Distance LearningMasters
204Human Resource Management (International Development)Masters
205ICTs for DevelopmentMasters
206International Development: Development ManagementMasters
207International Development: Environment Climate Change and DevelopmentMasters
208International Development: Globalisation, Trade and IndustryMasters
209International DevelopmentMasters
210International Development: Politics, Governance and Development PolicyMasters
211International Development: Poverty Conflict and ReconstructionMasters
212International Development: Poverty, Inequality and DevelopmentMasters
213International Development: Public Policy and ManagementMasters
214International EducationMasters
215Management and Implementation of Development ProjectsMasters
216Management and Information Systems: Change and Development (Distance Learning)Masters
217Management and Information Systems: Change and DevelopmentMasters
218Organisational Change and DevelopmentMasters
219Primary MathsMasters
221Primary School Direct 5-11Masters
222Secondary BiologyMasters
223Secondary Business EducationMasters
224Secondary ChemistryMasters
225Secondary Economics and Business EducationMasters
226Secondary EnglishMasters
227Secondary FrenchMasters
228Secondary GeographyMasters
229Secondary GermanMasters
230Secondary HistoryMasters
231Secondary MathematicsMasters
232Secondary PhysicsMasters
233Secondary Physics with MathsMasters
234Secondary School Direct (English)Masters
235Secondary School Direct (French)Masters
236Secondary School Direct (Geography)Masters
237Secondary School Direct (German)Masters
238Secondary School Direct (History)Masters
239Secondary School Direct (Mathematics)Masters
240Secondary School Direct Science: Biology (11-16 or 11-18)Masters
241Secondary School Direct Science: Chemistry (11-16 or 11-18)Masters
242Secondary School Direct Science: Physics (11-16 or 11-18)Masters
243Secondary School Direct (Spanish)Masters
244Secondary SpanishMasters
246Psychology of EducationMasters
247Real Estate Asset ManagementMasters
248Real Estate DevelopmentMasters
249Real Estate Distance LearningMasters
250Research Methods with EducationMasters
251Research Methods with Human GeographyMasters
252Research Methods with International DevelopmentMasters
253Research Methods with Planning and Environmental ManagementMasters
255Urban Design and International PlanningMasters
256Urban Regeneration and DevelopmentMasters
257Anthropological ResearchMasters
258Criminology Masters
259Criminology Masters
260Criminology Masters
261Criminology (Social Statistics)Masters
262Data Science (Applied Urban Analytics)Masters
263Data Science (Business and Management)Masters
264Data Science (Computer Science Data Informatics)Masters
265Data Science (Mathematics)Masters
266Data Science (Social Analytics)Masters
267Economics Masters
268Economics Masters
269Financial Economics Masters
270Healthcare Ethics and Law (Distance Learning)Masters
271Healthcare Ethics and Law (Distance Learning)Masters
272Healthcare Ethics and Law (Intercalated)Masters
273Healthcare Ethics and LawMasters
274Healthcare Ethics and Law Postgraduate DiplomaMasters
275Healthcare Ethics (Distance Learning)Masters
276Healthcare Ethics Postgraduate CertificateMasters
277Healthcare Law (Distance Learning)Masters
278Healthcare Law Postgraduate CertificateMasters
279Human Rights - Law/Political Science Pathway (Research Route)Masters
280Human Rights - Law/Political Science Pathway (Standard Route)Masters
281Human Rights - Political Science (Research Route)Masters
282Human Rights - Political Science (Standard Route)Masters
283International Political Economy (Research)Masters
284International Political Economy (Standard)Masters
285International Relations (Research)Masters
286International Relations (Standard)Masters
287Peace and Conflict StudiesMasters
288Philosophy Masters
289Political Economy (Research Route)Masters
290Political Economy (Standard Route)Masters
291Political Science - Democracy and Elections (Research Route)Masters
292Political Science - Democracy and Elections (Standard Route)Masters
293Political Science - European Politics & Policy Pathway (Research Route)Masters
294Political Science - European Politics & Policy Pathway (Standard Route)Masters
295Political Science - Governance and Public Policy Pathway (Research Route)Masters
296Political Science - Governance and Public Policy Pathway (Standard Route)Masters
297Political Science - Philosophy and Political TheoryMasters
298Political Science - Political Theory Pathway (Research Route)Masters
299Political Science - Political Theory Pathway (Standard Route)Masters
300Politics Masters
301Security and International LawMasters
302Social AnthropologyMasters
303Social Research Methods and StatisticsMasters
304Sociological ResearchMasters
306Visual AnthropologyMasters
307Corporate GovernanceMasters
308Healthcare Ethics and Law (Distance Learning)Masters
309Healthcare Ethics and LawMasters
310Intellectual Property Law Masters
311International Business and Commercial LawMasters
312International Financial LawMasters
314Public International LawMasters
315Security and International LawMasters
316Transnational Dispute ResolutionMasters
317Accounting and Financenone
318Aerospace Engineeringnone
319Anthropology, Media and Performancenone
320Arab World Studiesnone
322Architecture none
323Art History and Visual Studiesnone
324Arts Management and Cultural Practicesnone
325Astronomy and Astrophysicsnone
327Biochemistry none
329Biological Sciencesnone
333Business and Managementnone
334Chemical Engineering and Analytical Sciencenone
336Chinese Studiesnone
337Civil Engineering none
338Classiscs and Ancient Historynone
339Coatings and Ceramicsnone
340Computer Sciencenone
341Criminology none
343Development Policy and Managementnone
344Drama none
345Earth and Environmental Sciencesnone
346East Asian Studiesnone
347Economics none
348Education none
349Electrical and Electronic Engineeringnone
350English Literature, American Studies and Creative Writingnone
352Environmental Sciences none
353Fashion Management and Marketingnone
354French Studiesnone
356Geology none
357German Studiesnone
358Government, Politics and International Relationsnone
359History none
360History of Science, Technology and Medicinenone
361Humanitarianism and Conflict Responsenone
362Imaging and Characterisationnone
364Institute for Cultural Practicesnone
365International Developmentnone
366Italian Studiesnone
367Japanese Studiesnone
368Languages and Culturesnone
370Linguistcs and English Languagenone
371Management of Projects in Engineeringnone
374Mechanical Engineeringnone
375Medicine none
376Metallurgy and Corrosionnone
377Middle Eastern Studiesnone
378Music none
379Nano and Functional Materialsnone
380Nuclear Engineeringnone
381Nursing, Midwifery and Social Worknone
382Optometry and Opthalmologynone
383Petroleum Engineeringnone
384Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciencesnone
385Philosophy none
386Physics and Astronomynone
387Planning and Environmental Managementnone
388Politics none
389Polymers and Compositesnone
391Religions and Theologynone
392Russian and East European Studiesnone
393Science, Technology and Innovation Policynone
394Social Anthropologynone
395Social Sciencesnone
396Social Statisticsnone
398Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studiesnone
399Speech and Hearingnone
400Speech and Language Therapynone
401Speech and Language Therapynone
402Textiles and Apparelnone
403Translation and Interpreting and Intercultural Studiesnone
404Inherited eyes disease and therapiesnone
405cell replacement therapynone
406functional genomicsnone
407cardiovascular developmentnone
408Genomic editingnone
409Stem cellsnone
411Microbiome / Ultraviolet radiation / skinnone
412Genetics / Risk Prediction / Complex Disease / Diverse Populationsnone
413Dermatomyositis / myositisnone
414Rheumatoid arthritis / immunology / CyTOFnone
415Autism, balance, fallsnone
416Detecting subtle but clinically significant cognitive change in an ageing populationnone
417Characterising coordination difficulties in autism using computational techniquesnone
418Fluency and context in Recognition Memorynone
419Inflammation, the immune system and neurological diseasenone
420The effect of dementia and aging on the functional and hemodynamic response of the brainnone
421The effects of Interleukin-1 primed mesenchymal stem cells on hypoxicischemic brain damagenone
422Understanding how inflammation affects brain diseasenone
423bioinformatics / pH-dependence in biology / protein solubility / ocular geneticsnone
424Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2 research aimed at modelling the role of pH-depndence in cell entrynone
425Crop improvement / investigation of novel regulator of plant yield and fitness in plantsnone
426Infants understanding of word meaningnone
427Development and validation of an obervational measure of children's conversational skills: application to children who have social (pragmatic) communication disorder or high-functioning autism specturum disordernone
428Improving the lives of older adults with hearing lossnone
429Acquisition of morphology in childrennone
430The effects of prior conditioning on susceptibility to noise damage in young peoplenone
431How do we increase adherence (and ability to adhere) to government Covid-19 instructions?none
432How do we ensure that people without Covid-19 continue to access essential healthcare?none
433How do we ensure that people take up the offer of Covid-19 vaccines?none
434How do we address the negative psychological impacts of the Covid-19 pandemicnone
435Exploring therapeutic alliance for digital mental healthnone
436Developing a pharmaceutical car screening tool for use by acute mental health clinical pharmacy servicesnone
437Molecular aggregated in solution anfd their translation into crystalline phase of pharmacuticalsnone
438Tailoring diffusion in supramolecular materials for drug deliverynone
439Investigating the link between amyloid-? oligomers, neuroinflammation and cognitive deficits in preclinical models for Alzheimernone
440What is the significance of MCT-1 distribution to a novel subcellular location (nucleus) for cancer progression?none
441The use of high- and low-melanopic lighting to improve cogntiion work in healthcarenone
442Molecular characterisation of novel interaction of DNA repair proteinsnone
443Bayesian statistical approaches to identification of shared genetic signalsnone
444Improved classification of myositis disease subtypes using statistical genetics approaches for stratified medicinenone
445Understanding disease mechanisms in autoimmune inflammatory muscle diseasenone
446Investigation of proteomic markers as predictors of dementianone
447N-Nitrosation of pesticides - a neglected mechanism for the formation of genotoxix speciesnone
448Advancing Methodology for Clinical Predictionnone
449Epidemiology / Electronic Health Records / Learning Healthcare System / Clinically iseful machine learningnone
450Exploring the epidemiology and care of cmplex wounds in lower and middle income countriesnone
451Children / Nursing / Palliative Care / Bereavementnone
452To minimize patient movement artefacts in radiologynone
454Developmental geneticsnone
455Defining the role of the transcription factor p63 during facial developmentnone
456Accounting Bachelor
457Accounting and FinanceBachelor
458Accounting with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
459Actuarial Science and MathematicsBachelor
460Adult Nursing Bachelor
461Aerospace EngineeringBachelor
462Aerospace EngineeringBachelor
463Aerospace Engineering with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
464Aerospace Engineering with Industrial ExperienceMEng (5 years)Bachelor
465Aerospace Engineering with ManagementBachelor
466American StudiesBachelor
467American StudiesBachelor
468Anatomical SciencesBachelor
469Anatomical SciencesBachelor
470Anatomical Sciences with a Modern LanguageBachelor
471Anatomical Sciences with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
472Anatomical Sciences with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
473Ancient History Bachelor
474Ancient History and ArchaeologyBachelor
475Ancient History and History Bachelor
476Arabic and a Modern European LanguageBachelor
477Arabic and PoliticsBachelor
478Arabic StudiesBachelor
480Archaeology and Ancient History Bachelor
481Archaeology and Anthropology Bachelor
482Archaeology and History Bachelor
483Architecture Bachelor
484Art History and ArabicBachelor
485Art History and ChineseBachelor
486Art History and English LiteratureBachelor
487Art History and FrenchBachelor
488Art History and GermanBachelor
489Art History and HistoryBachelor
490Art History and ItalianBachelor
491Art History and JapaneseBachelor
492Art History and PortugueseBachelor
493Art History and RussianBachelor
494Art History and SpanishBachelor
495Artificial Intelligence Bachelor
496Artificial Intelligence Bachelor
497Artificial Intelligence with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
498Artificial Intelligence with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
499Artificial Intelligence with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
500Biochemistry Bachelor
501Biochemistry Bachelor
502Biochemistry with a Modern LanguageBachelor
503Biochemistry with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
504Biochemistry with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
505Biology Bachelor
506Biology Bachelor
507Biology with a Modern LanguageBachelor
508Biology with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
509Biology with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
510Biology with Science & SocietyBachelor
511Biology with Science and Society with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
512Biomedical Sciences Bachelor
513Biomedical Sciences Bachelor
514Biomedical Sciences with a Modern LanguageBachelor
515Biomedical Sciences with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
516Biomedical Sciences with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
517Biosciences with a Foundation YearBachelor
520Biotechnology with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
521Biotechnology with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
522Business Accounting with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
523Cell BiologyBachelor
524Cell BiologyBachelor
525Cell Biology with a Modern LanguageBachelor
526Cell Biology with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
527Cell Biology with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
528Chemical Engineering Bachelor
529Chemical Engineering Bachelor
530Chemical Engineering with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
531Chemical Engineering with Energy and EnvironmentBachelor
532Chemical Engineering with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
533Chemical Engineering with Study in EuropeBachelor
536Chemistry with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
537Chemistry with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
538Chemistry with International StudyBachelor
539Chemistry with Medicinal ChemistryBachelor
540Chemistry with Medicinal ChemistryBachelor
541Children's Nursing Bachelor
542Chinese and English LanguageBachelor
543Chinese and FrenchBachelor
544Chinese and GermanBachelor
545Chinese and ItalianBachelor
546Chinese and ItalianBachelor
547Chinese and Linguistics Bachelor
548Chinese and PoliticsBachelor
549Chinese and PortugueseBachelor
550Chinese and RussianBachelor
551Chinese and SpanishBachelor
552Chinese StudiesBachelor
553Civil and Structural EngineeringBachelor
554Civil Engineering Bachelor
555Civil Engineering Bachelor
556Civil Engineering (Enterprise)Bachelor
557Civil Engineering with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
558Civil Engineering with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
559Classical Studies Bachelor
561Cognitive Neuroscience and PsychologyBachelor
562Cognitive Neuroscience and PsychologyBachelor
563Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
564Comparative Religion and Social AnthropologyBachelor
565Computer ScienceBachelor
566Computer ScienceBachelor
567Computer Science (Human Computer Interaction)Bachelor
568Computer Science (Human Computer Interaction)Bachelor
569Computer Science (Human Computer Interaction) with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
570Computer Science (Human Computer Interaction) with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
571Computer Science and Mathematics Bachelor
572Computer Science and Mathematics with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
573Computer Science with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
574Computer Science with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
575Computer Science with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
576Computer Systems Engineering Bachelor
577Computer Systems Engineering Bachelor
578Computer Systems Engineering with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
579Computer Systems Engineering with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
580Computer Systems Engineering with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
581Criminology Bachelor
582Criminology and Quantitative MethodsBachelor
583Criminology with International StudyBachelor
584Dentistry (first-year entry)Bachelor
585Dentistry (pre-dental entry)Bachelor
586Developmental BiologyBachelor
587Developmental BiologyBachelor
588Developmental Biology with a Modern LanguagBachelor
589Developmental Biology with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
590Developmental Biology with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
591Development StudiesBachelor
592Development Studies and Social StatisticsBachelor
593Drama Bachelor
594Drama and English LiteratureBachelor
595Drama and Film StudiesBachelor
596Drama and MusicBachelor
597Earth and Planetary SciencesBachelor
598Earth and Planetary SciencesBachelor
599Earth and Planetary Sciences with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
600Earth and Planetary Sciences with a Research PlacementBachelor
601Earth and Planetary Sciences with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
602Earth and Planetary Sciences with International StudyBachelor
603East Asian StudiesBachelor
604East Asian Studies with International StudyBachelor
605Economics Bachelor
606Economics Bachelor
607Economics and Finance Bachelor
608Economics and PhilosophyBachelor
609Economics and Politics Bachelor
610Economics and Social StatisticsBachelor
611Economics and SociologyBachelor
612Education Bachelor
613Educational PsychologyBachelor
616Electrical, Electronic & Mechatronic Engineering with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
617Electrical and Electronic EngineeringBachelor
618Electrical and Electronic EngineeringBachelor
619Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
620Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
621Electronic Engineering Bachelor
622Electronic Engineering Bachelor
623Electronic Engineering with Industrial ExperienceBEng (4 years)Bachelor
624Electronic Engineering with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
625English LanguageBachelor
626English Language and ArabicBachelor
627English Language and Chinese Bachelor
628English Language and English Literature Bachelor
629English Language and French Bachelor
630English Language and German Bachelor
631English Language and Italian Bachelor
632English Language and JapaneseBachelor
633English Language and PortugueseBachelor
634English Language and RussianBachelor
635English Language and Spanish Bachelor
636English Literature Bachelor
637English Literature and American StudiesBachelor
638English Literature and DramaBachelor
639English Literature and FrenchBachelor
640English Literature and GermanBachelor
641English Literature and History Bachelor
642English Literature and ItalianBachelor
643English Literature and LatinBachelor
644English Literature and SpanishBachelor
645English Literature with Creative Writing Bachelor
646Environmental Management Bachelor
647Environmental Management with Professional PlacementBachelor
648Environmental Science Bachelor
649Environmental Science Bachelor
650Environmental Science with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
651Environmental Science with a Research PlacementBachelor
652Environmental Science with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
653Environmental Science with International StudyBachelor
654Fashion Buying and MerchandisingBachelor
655Fashion ManagementBachelor
656Fashion MarketingBachelor
657Fashion TechnologyBachelor
658Film Studies and ArchaeologyBachelor
659Film Studies and Chinese Bachelor
660Film Studies and East Asian StudiesBachelor
661Film Studies and English Language Bachelor
662Film Studies and English LiteratureBachelor
663Film Studies and French Bachelor
664Film Studies and German Bachelor
665Film Studies and History Bachelor
666Film Studies and History of ArtBachelor
667Film Studies and Italian Bachelor
668Film Studies and JapaneseBachelor
669Film Studies and LinguisticsBachelor
670Film Studies and Middle Eastern StudiesBachelor
671Film Studies and MusicBachelor
672Film Studies and PortugueseBachelor
673Film Studies and RussianBachelor
674Film Studies and Spanish Bachelor
676French and ChineseBachelor
677French and English LanguageBachelor
678French and GermanBachelor
679French and HistoryBachelor
680French and Italian Bachelor
681French and Japanese Bachelor
682French and Japanese Bachelor
683French and Portuguese Bachelor
684French and RussianBachelor
685French and SpanishBachelor
686French StudiesBachelor
689Genetics with a Modern LanguageBachelor
690Genetics with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
691Genetics with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
694Geography with International StudyBachelor
695Geography with International StudyBachelor
696Geography with Professional PlacementBachelor
697Geography with Professional PlacementBachelor
698German and ChineseBachelor
699German and English LanguageBachelor
700German and FrenchBachelor
701German and HistoryBachelor
702German and Italian Bachelor
703German and Japanese Bachelor
704German and Politics Bachelor
705German and Portuguese Bachelor
706German and RussianBachelor
707German and SpanishBachelor
708German StudiesBachelor
709Global Health (intercalated)Bachelor
710Healthcare Science (Audiology)Bachelor
711History Bachelor
712History and American StudiesBachelor
713History and ArabicBachelor
714History and Art HistoryBachelor
715History and French Bachelor
716History and German Bachelor
717History and Italian Bachelor
718History and PortugueseBachelor
719History and RussianBachelor
720History and SociologyBachelor
721History and Spanish Bachelor
722History of ArtBachelor
725Immunology with a Modern LanguageBachelor
726Immunology with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
727Immunology with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
728Information Technology Management for BusinessBachelor
729Information Technology Management for Business with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
730International Business, Finance and EconomicsBachelor
731International Business, Finance and Economics with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
732International Disaster Management & Humanitarian ResponseBachelor
733International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response and ArabicBachelor
734International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response and ChineseBachelor
735International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response and FrenchBachelor
736International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response and SpanishBachelor
737International ManagementBachelor
738International Management with American Business StudiesBachelor
739Italian and ChineseBachelor
740Italian and English LanguageBachelor
741Italian and FrenchBachelor
742Italian and GermanBachelor
743Italian and HistoryBachelor
744Italian and Japanese Bachelor
745Italian and LatinBachelor
746Italian and Politics Bachelor
747Italian and Portuguese Bachelor
748Italian and RussianBachelor
749Italian and Spanish Bachelor
750Italian StudiesBachelor
751Japanese and English LanguageBachelor
752Japanese and FrenchBachelor
753Japanese and GermanBachelor
754Japanese and ItalianBachelor
755Japanese and LinguisticsBachelor
756Japanese and PoliticsBachelor
757Japanese and PortugueseBachelor
758Japanese and RussianBachelor
759Japanese and SpanishBachelor
760Japanese StudiesBachelor
761Latin and English LiteratureBachelor
762Latin and FrenchBachelor
763Latin and ItalianBachelor
764Latin and LinguisticsBachelor
765Latin and SpanishBachelor
767Law with Criminology Bachelor
768Law with International StudyBachelor
769Law with Politics Bachelor
770Life SciencesBachelor
771Life Sciences with a Modern LanguageBachelor
772Life Sciences with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
773Life Sciences with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
774Linguistics Bachelor
775Linguistics and ArabicBachelor
776Linguistics and ChineseBachelor
777Linguistics and French Bachelor
778Linguistics and German Bachelor
779Linguistics and ItalianBachelor
780Linguistics and JapaneseBachelor
781Linguistics and LatinBachelor
782Linguistics and PortugueseBachelor
783Linguistics and RussianBachelor
784Linguistics and Social AnthropologyBachelor
785Linguistics and SociologyBachelor
786Linguistics and Spanish Bachelor
787Management Bachelor
788Management (Accounting & Finance) with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
789Management (Accounting and Finance)Bachelor
790Management (Human Resources)Bachelor
791Management (Human Resources) with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
792Management (Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship)Bachelor
793Management (Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship) with Industrial / Professional ExperienceBachelor
794Management (International Business Economics)Bachelor
795Management (International Business Economics) with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
796Management (Marketing)Bachelor
797Management (Marketing) with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
798Management, Leadership and LeisureBachelor
799Management with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
800Master of Planning with Real EstateBachelor
801Materials Science and EngineeringBachelor
802Materials Science and EngineeringBachelor
803Materials Science and Engineering with BiomaterialsBachelor
804Materials Science and Engineering with CorrosionBachelor
805Materials Science and Engineering with MetallurgyBachelor
806Materials Science and Engineering with NanomaterialsBachelor
807Materials Science and Engineering with PolymersBachelor
808Materials Science and Engineering with Textiles TechnologyBachelor
809Materials Science with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
812Mathematics and PhilosophyBachelor
813Mathematics and PhysicsBachelor
814Mathematics and PhysicsBachelor
815Mathematics and StatisticsBachelor
816Mathematics and StatisticsBachelor
817Mathematics with a Modern LanguageBachelor
818Mathematics with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
819Mathematics with Finance Bachelor
820Mathematics with Financial MathematicsBachelor
821Mathematics with Financial MathematicsBachelor
822Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
823Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
824Mechanical Engineering with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
825Mechanical Engineering with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
826Mechanical Engineering with ManagementBachelor
827Mechanical Engineering with ManagementBachelor
828Mechatronic EngineeringBachelor
829Mechatronic EngineeringBachelor
830Mechatronic Engineering with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
831Mechatronic Engineering with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
832Medical Biochemistry Bachelor
833Medical Biochemistry Bachelor
834Medical Biochemistry with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
835Medical PhysiologyBachelor
836Medical PhysiologyBachelor
837Medical Physiology with a Modern LanguageBachelor
838Medical Physiology with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
839Medical Physiology with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
840Medicine Bachelor
841Medicine (6 years including foundation year)Bachelor
842Mental Health Nursing Bachelor
845Microbiology with a Modern LanguageBachelor
846Microbiology with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
847Microbiology with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
848Middle Eastern StudiesBachelor
849Midwifery Bachelor
850Modern History and PoliticsBachelor
851Modern History with EconomicsBachelor
852Modern Language and Business & Management (Arabic)Bachelor
853Modern Language and Business & Management (Chinese)Bachelor
854Modern Language and Business & Management (French)Bachelor
855Modern Language and Business & Management (German)Bachelor
856Modern Language and Business & Management (Italian)Bachelor
857Modern Language and Business & Management (Japanese)Bachelor
858Modern Language and Business & Management (Portuguese)Bachelor
859Modern Language and Business & Management (Russian)Bachelor
860Modern Language and Business & Management (Russian)Bachelor
861Molecular BiologyBachelor
862Molecular BiologyBachelor
863Molecular Biology with a Modern LanguageBachelor
864Molecular Biology with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
865Molecular Biology with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
866Music Bachelor
867Music and DramaBachelor
870Neuroscience with a Modern LanguageBachelor
871Neuroscience with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
872Neuroscience with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
873Nursing (Adult)Bachelor
874Nursing (Children's)Bachelor
875Nursing (Mental Health)Bachelor
877Oral Health ScienceBachelor
880Pharmacology and PhysiologyBachelor
881Pharmacology and Physiology with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
882Pharmacology with a Modern LanguageBachelor
883Pharmacology with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
884Pharmacology with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
885Pharmacy Bachelor
886Pharmacy with a Foundation YearBachelor
887Philosophy Bachelor
888Philosophy and CriminologyBachelor
889Philosophy and Politics Bachelor
890Philosophy and Quantitative MethodsBachelor
891Philosophy and Religion Bachelor
894Physics with an Integrated Foundation YearBachelor
895Physics with Astrophysics Bachelor
896Physics with Astrophysics Bachelor
897Physics with PhilosophyBachelor
898Physics with PhilosophyBachelor
899Physics with Study in EuropeBachelor
900Physics with Theoretical PhysicsBachelor
901Physics with Theoretical PhysicsBachelor
903Planning and Real EstateBachelor
904Planning and Real Estate with Professional PlacementBachelor
905Planning and Real Estate with Professional PlacementBachelor
906Planning with Professional PlacementBachelor
907Plant ScienceBachelor
908Plant ScienceBachelor
909Plant Science with a Modern LanguageBachelor
910Plant Science with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
911Plant Science with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
912Politics, Philosophy and EconomicsBachelor
913Politics and ArabicBachelor
914Politics and ChineseBachelor
915Politics and CriminologyBachelor
916Politics and FrenchBachelor
917Politics and GermanBachelor
918Politics and International RelationsBachelor
919Politics and ItalianBachelor
920Politics and JapaneseBachelor
921Politics and Modern History Bachelor
922Politics and PortugueseBachelor
923Politics and Quantitative MethodsBachelor
924Politics and RussianBachelor
925Politics and Social AnthropologyBachelor
926Politics and SociologyBachelor
927Politics and Spanish Bachelor
928Portuguese and ChineseBachelor
929Portuguese and English LanguageBachelor
930Portuguese and FrenchBachelor
931Portuguese and GermanBachelor
932Portuguese and HistoryBachelor
933Portuguese and ItalianBachelor
934Portuguese and JapaneseBachelor
935Portuguese and LinguisticsBachelor
936Portuguese and PoliticsBachelor
937Portuguese and RussianBachelor
938Portuguese and Spanish Bachelor
940Religions, Theology and EthicsBachelor
941Religions and TheologyBachelor
942Russian and ChineseBachelor
943Russian and English LanguageBachelor
944Russian and FrenchBachelor
945Russian and GermanBachelor
946Russian and HistoryBachelor
947Russian and ItalianBachelor
948Russian and JapaneseBachelor
949Russian and LinguisticsBachelor
950Russian and PoliticsBachelor
951Russian and PortugueseBachelor
952Russian and SpanishBachelor
953Russian StudiesBachelor
954Social AnthropologyBachelor
955Social Anthropology and CriminologyBachelor
956Social Anthropology and LinguisticsBachelor
957Social Anthropology and PhilosophyBachelor
958Social Anthropology and Quantitative MethodsBachelor
959Social Anthropology and SociologyBachelor
961Sociology and CriminologyBachelor
962Sociology and History Bachelor
963Sociology and Linguistics Bachelor
964Sociology and PhilosophyBachelor
965Sociology and Quantitative MethodsBachelor
966Software EngineeringBachelor
967Software EngineeringBachelor
968Software Engineering with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
969Software Engineering with Industrial ExperienceBachelor
970Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American StudiesBachelor
971Spanish and ChineseBachelor
972Spanish and English LanguageBachelor
973Spanish and FrenchBachelor
974Spanish and GermanBachelor
975Spanish and HistoryBachelor
976Spanish and ItalianBachelor
977Spanish and Japanese Bachelor
978Spanish and LatinBachelor
979Spanish and LinguisticsBachelor
980Spanish and PoliticsBachelor
981Spanish and PortugueseBachelor
982Spanish and RussianBachelor
983Speech and Language TherapyBachelor
984Speech and Language TherapyBachelor
985Theological Studies in Philosophy and EthicsBachelor
986Zoology Bachelor
987Zoology Bachelor
988Zoology with a Modern LanguageBachelor
989Zoology with EntrepreneurshipBachelor
990Zoology with Industrial/Professional ExperienceBachelor
991Accounting and FinancePhD
992Aerospace EngineeringPhD
993Anthropology, Media and PerformancePhD
994Arab World StudiesPhD
996Architecture PhD
997Art History and Visual StudiesPhD
998Arts Management and Cultural PracticesPhD
999Astronomy and AstrophysicsPhD
1001Biochemistry PhD
1003Biological SciencesPhD
1007Business and ManagementPhD
1008Chemical Engineering and Analytical SciencePhD
1010Chinese StudiesPhD
1011Civil Engineering PhD
1012Classiscs and Ancient HistoryPhD
1013Coatings and CeramicsPhD
1014Computer SciencePhD
1015Criminology PhD
1017Development Policy and ManagementPhD
1018Drama PhD
1019Earth and Environmental SciencesPhD
1020East Asian StudiesPhD
1021Economics PhD
1022Education PhD
1023Electrical and Electronic EngineeringPhD
1024English Literature, American Studies and Creative WritingPhD
1026Environmental Sciences PhD
1027Fashion Management and MarketingPhD
1028French StudiesPhD
1030Geology PhD
1031German StudiesPhD
1032Government, Politics and International RelationsPhD
1033History PhD
1034History of Science, Technology and MedicinePhD
1035Humanitarianism and Conflict ResponsePhD
1036Imaging and CharacterisationPhD
1038Institute for Cultural PracticesPhD
1039International DevelopmentPhD
1040Italian StudiesPhD
1041Japanese StudiesPhD
1042Languages and CulturesPhD
1044Linguistcs and English LanguagePhD
1045Management of Projects in EngineeringPhD
1048Mechanical EngineeringPhD
1049Medicine PhD
1050Metallurgy and CorrosionPhD
1051Middle Eastern StudiesPhD
1052Music PhD
1053Nano and Functional MaterialsPhD
1054Nuclear EngineeringPhD
1055Nursing, Midwifery and Social WorkPhD
1056Optometry and OpthalmologyPhD
1057Petroleum EngineeringPhD
1058Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesPhD
1059Philosophy PhD
1060Physics and AstronomyPhD
1061Planning and Environmental ManagementPhD
1062Politics PhD
1063Polymers and CompositesPhD
1065Religions and TheologyPhD
1066Russian and East European StudiesPhD
1067Science, Technology and Innovation PolicyPhD
1068Social AnthropologyPhD
1069Social SciencesPhD
1070Social StatisticsPhD
1072Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American StudiesPhD
1073Speech and HearingPhD
1074Speech and Language TherapyPhD
1075Speech and Language TherapyPhD
1076Textiles and ApparelPhD
1077Translation and Interpreting and Intercultural StudiesPhD
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Why use UKUNI

We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions We also assist students that wish to develop their English language at schools and language colleges across that English speaking countries.

We could cater for almost all needs and requests. We also have several options for Young Learners to develop their English during the summer in a secure and enjoyable environment.


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