University majors
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Id volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu. Pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat. Commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat. Convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet. A diam sollicitudin tempor id eu. Adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit. Sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci eu lobortis elementum. Phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu. Ut lectus arcu bibendum at varius. Diam ut venenatis tellus in. In hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum. Libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam. Vel pretium lectus quam id leo in vitae turpis.
Arcu risu
# | Course Name | Course Level |
1 | Accounting and Business | Bachelor |
2 | Accounting and Finance | Bachelor |
3 | Accounting and Finance with Placement Experience | Bachelor |
4 | Accounting and Management | Bachelor |
5 | Accounting and Management with Placement Experience | Bachelor |
6 | Agricultural Business Management with Industrial Training | Bachelor |
7 | Agricultural Business Management | Bachelor |
8 | Agricultural Business Management with Placement Year | Bachelor |
9 | Agriculture | Bachelor |
10 | Agriculture with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
11 | Agriculture with Foundation | Bachelor |
12 | Agriculture with Industrial Training | Bachelor |
13 | Agriculture with Placement Year | Bachelor |
14 | Ancient History | Bachelor |
15 | Animal Science | Bachelor |
16 | Animal Science with Foundation | Bachelor |
17 | Animal Science with Placement Year | Bachelor |
18 | Animal Science with Industrial Training | Bachelor |
19 | Ancient History and Archaeology | Bachelor |
20 | Ancient History and Archaeology with Study Year Abroad | Bachelor |
21 | Ancient History and History | Bachelor |
22 | Applied Chemistry | Bachelor |
23 | Architectural Engineering | Bachelor |
24 | Architectural Engineering with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
25 | Archaeology | Bachelor |
26 | Archaeology with Study Year Abroad | Bachelor |
27 | Archaeology | Bachelor |
28 | Architecture with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
29 | Architecture | Bachelor |
30 | Archaeological Science | Bachelor |
31 | Archaeological Science with Professional Placement | Bachelor |
32 | Art | Bachelor |
33 | Art and Creative Writing | Bachelor |
34 | Art and Film | Bachelor |
35 | Art and Film & Theatre | Bachelor |
36 | Art and Theatre | Bachelor |
37 | Archaeology and Anthropology | Bachelor |
38 | Archaeology and Anthropology with Study Year Abroad | Bachelor |
39 | Archaeology and Classical Studies | Bachelor |
40 | Archaeology and Classical Studies with Study Year Abroad | Bachelor |
41 | Archaeology and Geography | Bachelor |
42 | Archaeology and Geography with Professional Placement | Bachelor |
43 | Archaeology and History | Bachelor |
44 | Archaeology and History with Study Year Abroad | Bachelor |
45 | Archaeology and Italian | Bachelor |
46 | Atmospheric Sciences | Bachelor |
47 | Biochemistry | Bachelor |
48 | Biochemistry with Professional Experience | Bachelor |
49 | Biochemistry with Foundation | Bachelor |
50 | Biological Sciences | Bachelor |
51 | Biological Sciences with Industrial Experience | Bachelor |
52 | Biological Sciences with Professional Experience | Bachelor |
53 | Biological Sciences with Foundation | Bachelor |
54 | Biomedical Sciences | Bachelor |
55 | Biomedical Sciences with Foundation | Bachelor |
56 | Biomedical Sciences with Professional Experience | Bachelor |
57 | Biomedical Engineering | Bachelor |
58 | MEng Biomedical Engineering | Bachelor |
59 | Business and Management | Bachelor |
60 | Business and Management (Accounting) | Bachelor |
61 | Business and Management (Accounting) with Placement Year | Bachelor |
62 | Business and Management (Data Analytics and Digital Business) | Bachelor |
63 | Business and Management (Data Analytics and Digital Business) with Placement Year | Bachelor |
64 | Business and Management (Entrepreneurship) | Bachelor |
65 | Business and Management (Entrepreneurship) with Placement Year | Bachelor |
66 | Business and Management (Marketing) | Bachelor |
67 | Business and Management (Marketing) with Placement Year | Bachelor |
68 | Business and Management with Placement Year | Bachelor |
69 | Building Surveying | Bachelor |
70 | Building Surveying with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
71 | Business Economics | Bachelor |
72 | Consumer Behaviour and Marketing | Bachelor |
73 | Consumer Behaviour and Marketing with Placement Year | Bachelor |
74 | Consumer Behaviour and Marketing with Industrial Training | Bachelor |
75 | Children's Development and Learning | Bachelor |
76 | Chemistry with Cosmetic Science | Bachelor |
77 | Chemistry with Cosmetic Science with a Year in Industry | Bachelor |
78 | Chemistry | Bachelor |
79 | Chemistry with Foundation | Bachelor |
80 | Chemistry with Education | Bachelor |
81 | Chemistry with Year in Industry | Bachelor |
82 | Chemistry with a Year in Industry / Research | Bachelor |
83 | Classics | Bachelor |
84 | Classics with Foundation | Bachelor |
85 | Classical Studies | Bachelor |
86 | Classical Studies and English Literature | Bachelor |
87 | Classical Studies and History of Art | Bachelor |
88 | Classical and Medieval Studies | Bachelor |
89 | Construction Management | Bachelor |
90 | Computer Science | Bachelor |
91 | Computational Mathematics | Bachelor |
92 | Computational Mathematics with a Placement Year | Bachelor |
93 | Construction Management and Surveying | Bachelor |
94 | Construction Management and Surveying with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
95 | Construction Management | Bachelor |
96 | Construction Management with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
97 | Computer Science with Industrial Year | Bachelor |
98 | Creative Writing and Film | Bachelor |
99 | Creative Writing and Film and Theatre | Bachelor |
100 | Creative Writing and Film & Theatre | Bachelor |
101 | Creative Writing and Theatre | Bachelor |
102 | Economics | Bachelor |
103 | Economics | Bachelor |
104 | Economics and Finance | Bachelor |
105 | Economics and Econometrics | Bachelor |
106 | Ecology and Wildlife Conservation | Bachelor |
107 | Ecology and Wildlife Conservation with Professional Experience | Bachelor |
108 | Ecology and Wildlife Conservation with Foundation | Bachelor |
109 | Primary Education with Art | Bachelor |
110 | Primary Education with English | Bachelor |
111 | Primary Education | Bachelor |
112 | Primary Education with Mathematics | Bachelor |
113 | Primary Education with Music | Bachelor |
114 | English Literature with Creative Writing | Bachelor |
115 | English Literature with French | Bachelor |
116 | English Literature and European Literature & Culture | Bachelor |
117 | English Literature and Film | Bachelor |
118 | English Literature and Film & Theatre | Bachelor |
119 | English Literature and German | Bachelor |
120 | English Literature and International Relations | Bachelor |
121 | English Literature and Italian | Bachelor |
122 | English Literature and Politics | Bachelor |
123 | English Literature and Theatre | Bachelor |
124 | English and Comparative Literature | Bachelor |
125 | English Literature | Bachelor |
126 | English Literature with Foundation | Bachelor |
127 | English Language | Bachelor |
128 | English Language Studies | Bachelor |
129 | English Language and Linguistics | Bachelor |
130 | English Language and Linguistics with Foundation | Bachelor |
131 | Entrepreneurship | Bachelor |
132 | Entrepreneurship with Placement Experience | Bachelor |
133 | Entrepreneurship and Management | Bachelor |
134 | Entrepreneurship and Management with Placement Experience | Bachelor |
135 | Environmental Management | Bachelor |
136 | Environmental Management with Foundation | Bachelor |
137 | Environmental Management with Professional Experience | Bachelor |
138 | Environmental Management with Placement Year | Bachelor |
139 | Environmental Science | Bachelor |
140 | Environmental Science with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
141 | Environmental Science with Professional Experience | Bachelor |
142 | English Language and Literature | Bachelor |
143 | Ethics, Value and Philosophy | Bachelor |
144 | Finance and Business Management - January Entry | Bachelor |
145 | Finance and Business Management - September Entry | Bachelor |
146 | Art and English Literature | Bachelor |
147 | Art and History of Art | Bachelor |
148 | Art and Philosophy | Bachelor |
149 | Art and Psychology | Bachelor |
150 | Food Marketing and Business Economics | Bachelor |
151 | Food Marketing and Business Economics with Placement Year | Bachelor |
152 | Food Science | Bachelor |
153 | Food Science with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
154 | Food Science with Industrial Training | Bachelor |
155 | Food Science with Foundation | Bachelor |
156 | Food Technology with Bio-processing with Industrial Training | Bachelor |
157 | Food Technology with Bio-processing (3 year) | Bachelor |
158 | Food Science with Business | Bachelor |
159 | Food Science with Business with Industrial Training | Bachelor |
160 | Film | Bachelor |
161 | Film & Theatre | Bachelor |
162 | Film & Television | Bachelor |
163 | Finance | Bachelor |
164 | Fine Art | Bachelor |
165 | Fine Art with Integrated Foundation | Bachelor |
166 | Finance (International Business) | Bachelor |
167 | Finance (International Business) with Placement Year | Bachelor |
168 | Finance (Investments) | Bachelor |
169 | Finance (Investments) with Placement Year | Bachelor |
170 | Finance (Sustainable Finance) | Bachelor |
171 | Finance (Sustainable Finance) with Placement Year | Bachelor |
172 | Finance (FinTech) | Bachelor |
173 | Finance (FinTech) with Placement Year | Bachelor |
174 | Finance with Placement Year | Bachelor |
175 | Food Marketing and Business Economics with Industrial Training | Bachelor |
176 | French | Bachelor |
177 | French Studies and Comparative Literature | Bachelor |
178 | French and Economics | Bachelor |
179 | French and English Literature | Bachelor |
180 | French Studies & English Language | Bachelor |
181 | French and German | Bachelor |
182 | French and History of Art | Bachelor |
183 | French and History | Bachelor |
184 | French and International Development | Bachelor |
185 | French and International Relations | Bachelor |
186 | French and Italian | Bachelor |
187 | French and Management Studies | Bachelor |
188 | French and Politics | Bachelor |
189 | French and Spanish | Bachelor |
190 | German | Bachelor |
191 | Geography (Human and Physical) | Bachelor |
192 | Geography (Human and Physical) with Professional Experience | Bachelor |
193 | Geography (Human) | Bachelor |
194 | Geography (Human) with Professional Experience | Bachelor |
195 | Geography (Physical) | Bachelor |
196 | Geography (Physical) with Professional Experience | Bachelor |
197 | Geography and Archaeology | Bachelor |
198 | Geography and Archaeology with Professional Placement | Bachelor |
199 | German Studies and Comparative Literature | Bachelor |
200 | German and Economics | Bachelor |
201 | German Studies & English Language | Bachelor |
202 | German and History of Art | Bachelor |
203 | German and History | Bachelor |
204 | German and International Relations | Bachelor |
205 | German and Italian | Bachelor |
206 | German and Management Studies | Bachelor |
207 | German and Politics | Bachelor |
208 | German and Spanish | Bachelor |
209 | Graphic Communication | Bachelor |
210 | History of Art and English Literature | Bachelor |
211 | History of Art and History | Bachelor |
212 | History of Art and Philosophy | Bachelor |
213 | History | Bachelor |
214 | History of Art and Architecture | Bachelor |
215 | History with Foundation | Bachelor |
216 | History of Art | Bachelor |
217 | History and Economics | Bachelor |
218 | History and English Literature | Bachelor |
220 | History and Politics | Bachelor |
221 | History and Philosophy | Bachelor |
222 | International Business and Management | Bachelor |
223 | International Business and Management with a Modern Language | Bachelor |
224 | International Business and Management with a Modern Language with Placement Year | Bachelor |
225 | International Business and Management with Placement Year | Bachelor |
226 | International Business and Finance | Bachelor |
227 | International Business and Management with Placement Experience | Bachelor |
228 | International Development (full-time) | Bachelor |
229 | International Development with Industrial Placement | Bachelor |
230 | International Development with Placement Year | Bachelor |
231 | Investment and Finance in Property | Bachelor |
232 | International Relations and Economics | Bachelor |
233 | Italian | Bachelor |
234 | Italian and Classical Studies | Bachelor |
235 | Italian Studies and Comparative Literature | Bachelor |
236 | Italian and Economics | Bachelor |
237 | Italian Studies & English Language | Bachelor |
238 | Italian and History of Art | Bachelor |
239 | Italian and History | Bachelor |
240 | Italian and International Relations | Bachelor |
241 | Italian and Management Studies | Bachelor |
242 | Italian and Politics | Bachelor |
243 | Italian and Spanish | Bachelor |
244 | Law | Bachelor |
245 | Law with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
246 | Language Sciences and Psychology | Bachelor |
247 | Mathematics with Finance and Investment Banking | Bachelor |
248 | Mathematics with Finance and Investment Banking with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
249 | Mathematics with Finance and Investment Banking with a Placement Year | Bachelor |
250 | Mathematics | Bachelor |
251 | Mathematics with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
252 | Mathematics with a Placement Year | Bachelor |
253 | Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (NUIST-UoR Academy) UoR-based (full-time) | Bachelor |
254 | Mathematics with Computer Science | Bachelor |
255 | Mathematics with Computer Science with Placement Year | Bachelor |
256 | Mathematics and Economics | Bachelor |
257 | Mathematics and Economics with a Placement Year | Bachelor |
258 | Mathematics and Meteorology | Bachelor |
259 | Mathematics and Meteorology with a Placement Year | Bachelor |
260 | Mathematics and Statistics | Bachelor |
261 | Mathematics and Statistics with a Placement Year | Bachelor |
262 | Medical Science | Bachelor |
263 | Medical Science with Foundation | Bachelor |
264 | Medical Science with Professional Experience | Bachelor |
265 | Meteorology and Climate | Bachelor |
266 | Meteorology and Climate with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
267 | Microbiology | Bachelor |
268 | Microbiology with Foundation | Bachelor |
269 | Microbiology with Professional Experience | Bachelor |
270 | Modern Languages | Bachelor |
271 | Museum Studies and Archaeology | Bachelor |
272 | Museum Studies and Archaeology with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
273 | Museum Studies and Archaeology with Study Year Abroad | Bachelor |
274 | Museum and Classical Studies | Bachelor |
275 | Nutrition with Food Consumer Sciences | Bachelor |
276 | Nutrition with Food Consumer Sciences with Professional Training | Bachelor |
277 | Nutrition and Food Science | Bachelor |
278 | Nutrition and Food Science with Professional Training | Bachelor |
279 | Nutrition | Bachelor |
280 | Nutrition with Professional Training | Bachelor |
281 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Bachelor |
282 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry with Foundation | Bachelor |
283 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry with a Year in Industry / Research | Bachelor |
284 | Philosophy | Bachelor |
285 | Philosophy with Foundation | Bachelor |
286 | Pharmacology | Bachelor |
287 | Pharmacology with Foundation | Bachelor |
288 | Pharmacology with a Year in Industry | Bachelor |
289 | Pharmacy | Bachelor |
290 | Pharmacy with Foundation | Bachelor |
291 | Politics and International Relations | Bachelor |
292 | Politics and Economics | Bachelor |
293 | Philosophy, Politics and Economics | Bachelor |
294 | Philosophy and Classical Studies | Bachelor |
295 | Philosophy and English Literature | Bachelor |
296 | Philosophy and French | Bachelor |
297 | Philosophy and German | Bachelor |
298 | Philosophy and International Relations | Bachelor |
299 | Philosophy and Italian | Bachelor |
300 | Philosophy and Politics | Bachelor |
301 | Psychology | Bachelor |
302 | Psychology with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
303 | Psychology with Foundation | Bachelor |
304 | Psychology with Professional Placement | Bachelor |
305 | Psychology with Neuroscience | Bachelor |
306 | Psychology and Philosophy | Bachelor |
307 | Quantity Surveying | Bachelor |
308 | Quantity Surveying with International Foundation Year | Bachelor |
309 | Real Estate | Bachelor |
310 | Real Estate leading to Diploma/MSc in Planning | Bachelor |
311 | Geography and Economics (Regional Science) | Bachelor |
312 | Geography and Economics (Regional Science) with Professional Experience | Bachelor |
313 | Rural Land and Asset Management | Bachelor |
314 | Rural Property Management | Bachelor |
315 | Spanish | Bachelor |
316 | Spanish Studies and Comparative Literature | Bachelor |
317 | Spanish and Economics | Bachelor |
318 | Spanish and English Literature | Bachelor |
319 | Spanish Studies & English Language | Bachelor |
320 | Spanish and History | Bachelor |
321 | Spanish and International Development | Bachelor |
322 | Spanish and International Relations | Bachelor |
323 | Spanish and Management Studies | Bachelor |
324 | Education Studies | Bachelor |
325 | Theatre | Bachelor |
326 | Theatre & Performance | Bachelor |
327 | War, Peace and International Relations | Bachelor |
328 | Zoology | Bachelor |
329 | Zoology with Professional Experience | Bachelor |
330 | Zoology with Foundation | Bachelor |
331 | Speech & Language Therapy | Bachelor |
332 | Classics and Ancient History | Masters |
333 | Business Economics | Masters |
334 | Economics | Masters |
335 | Education | Masters |
336 | Early Years Practice (Graduate Entry - employment-based) | Masters |
337 | Early Years Practice (Graduate Entry - mainstream) | Masters |
338 | Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO) | Masters |
339 | Education (Reflective Practice) | Masters |
340 | Early Years (3-7) | Masters |
341 | General Primary | Masters |
342 | Primary with Mathematics | Masters |
343 | Primary with Special Education Needs | Masters |
344 | Secondary Education: Art & Design | Masters |
345 | Secondary Education: Computer Science | Masters |
346 | Secondary Education: Design & Technology | Masters |
347 | Secondary Education: Drama | Masters |
348 | Secondary Education: English | Masters |
349 | Secondary Education: French | Masters |
350 | Secondary Education: German | Masters |
351 | Secondary Education: Spanish | Masters |
352 | Secondary Education: Geography | Masters |
353 | Secondary Education: History | Masters |
354 | Secondary Education: Mathematics | Masters |
355 | Secondary Education: Music | Masters |
356 | Secondary Education: Physical Education | Masters |
357 | Secondary Education: Science with Biology | Masters |
358 | Secondary Education: Science with Chemistry | Masters |
359 | Secondary Education: Science with Physics | Masters |
360 | Secondary Education: Physics with Mathematics | Masters |
361 | Secondary Education: Religious Education | Masters |
362 | English | Masters |
363 | Children’s Literature | Masters |
364 | Creative Enterprise (Film) | Masters |
365 | Creative Enterprise (Theatre) | Masters |
366 | Film, Theatre and Television | Masters |
367 | Creative Enterprise (Art) | Masters |
368 | Fine Art | Masters |
369 | History | Masters |
370 | Medieval Studies | Masters |
371 | Economic History | Masters |
372 | Advanced Legal Studies (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
373 | Global Crisis, Conflict and Disaster Management (Oct only) | Masters |
374 | PGD Global Crisis, Conflict and Disaster Management (Oct only) | Masters |
375 | PGC Global Crisis, Conflict and Disaster Management (Oct only) | Masters |
376 | Global Crisis, Conflict and Distaster Management (Oct only) | Masters |
377 | Human Rights (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
378 | International Law (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
379 | International Law with Conflict (Oct/ Jan (FT only)) | Masters |
380 | International Law with Development (Oct/ Jan (FT only)) | Masters |
381 | International Law with Transnational Law (Oct/ Jan (FT only)) | Masters |
382 | International Commercial Law (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
383 | International Commercial Law with Competition Law and Regulation (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
384 | International Commercial Law with Energy Law and Natural Resourcecs (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
385 | International Commercial Law with Information Technology Law and Commerce (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
386 | International Commercial Law with Insolvency and Corporate Rescue (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
387 | International Commercial Law with Intellectual Property Law and Management (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
388 | International Commercial Law with International Banking Law and Financial Regulation (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
389 | International Commercial Law with International Corporate Finance (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
390 | International Commercial Law with International Dispute Resolution (Arbitration) (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
391 | International Commercial Law with International Economic Law (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
392 | International Commercial Law with Oil and Gas Law (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
393 | Oil and Gas (Oct/Jan) | Masters |
394 | (Law and Society) | Masters |
395 | Law | Masters |
396 | Legal History | Masters |
397 | Master of Laws by Thesis | Masters |
398 | applied linguistics | Masters |
399 | Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) | Masters |
400 | Philosophy | Masters |
401 | International Relations | Masters |
402 | Politics and International Relations | Masters |
403 | Diplomacy | Masters |
404 | International Security Studies | Masters |
405 | Double MA Security Studies with MGIMO, Mosow (2 year programme) | Masters |
406 | Strategic Studies | Masters |
407 | Public Policy | Masters |
408 | Communication Design | Masters |
409 | Creative Enterprise (Communication Design) | Masters |
410 | Typography & Graphic Communication | Masters |
411 | Typeface Design | Masters |
412 | Accounting and Finance | Masters |
413 | Accounting & Financial Management | Masters |
414 | Accounting & International Management | Masters |
415 | Entrepreneurship (Creative Industries) | Masters |
416 | Entrepreneurship (Leadership) | Masters |
417 | Entrepreneurship (Financing) | Masters |
418 | International Human Resource Management | Masters |
419 | Management | Masters |
420 | Management (International Business) | Masters |
421 | International Business and Finance | Masters |
422 | Marketing (Digital Marketing) | Masters |
423 | Marketing (International Marketing) | Masters |
424 | Marketing (Consumer Marketing) | Masters |
425 | Digital and Technology Solutions | Masters |
426 | Information Management and Digital Business - Digital Innovation | Masters |
427 | Information Management and Digital Business - Big Data in Business | Masters |
428 | Information Management and Digital Business - Digital Health and Data Analytics) | Masters |
429 | Business Technology Consulting | Masters |
430 | Behavioural Finance (9 month version) | Masters |
431 | Behavioural Finance (12 month version) | Masters |
432 | Capital Markets, Regulation and Compliance (9 month version) | Masters |
433 | Capital Markets, Regulation and Compliance (12 month version) | Masters |
434 | Corporate Finance (9 month version) | Masters |
435 | Corporate Finance (12 month version) | Masters |
436 | Economics and Finance (9 month version) | Masters |
437 | Economics and Finance (12 month version) | Masters |
438 | Finance (9 month version) | Masters |
439 | Finance (12 month version) | Masters |
440 | Financial Engineering (9 month version) | Masters |
441 | Financial Engineering (12 month version) | Masters |
442 | Financial Risk Management (9 month version) | Masters |
443 | Financial Risk Management (12 month version) | Masters |
444 | Finance and Financial Technology (9 month version) | Masters |
445 | Finance and Financial Technology (12 month version) | Masters |
446 | International Shipping & Finance (9 month version) | Masters |
447 | International Shipping & Finance (12 month version) | Masters |
448 | Investment Management (9 month version) | Masters |
449 | Investment Management (12 month version) | Masters |
450 | Real Estate | Masters |
451 | Real Estate Finance | Masters |
452 | Rural Land & Business Management | Masters |
453 | Spatial Planning and Development | Masters |
454 | Real Estate (part time modular) | Masters |
455 | Real Estate Investment & Finance (part time modular) | Masters |
456 | Real Estate Investment and Finance (flexible) | Masters |
457 | Real Estate Investment and Finance (flexible) | Masters |
458 | Agricultural and Food Economics (full-time only) | Masters |
459 | Agricultural Economics | Masters |
460 | Development Finance | Masters |
461 | Food Economics and Marketing | Masters |
462 | Agriculture and Development | Masters |
463 | Agriculture, Ecology and Environment | Masters |
464 | Animal Science | Masters |
465 | Applied International Development | Masters |
466 | Climate Change and Development | Masters |
467 | Communication for Development | Masters |
468 | Consumer Behaviour | Masters |
469 | Environment and Development | Masters |
470 | Food Security & Development | Masters |
471 | Entomology | Masters |
472 | Molecular Medicine | Masters |
473 | Species Identification and Survey Skills (full-time only) | Masters |
474 | Biomedicine | Masters |
475 | Chemical Research (Oct & Jan Start) | Masters |
476 | Chemical Research | Masters |
477 | Food Science | Masters |
478 | Food Technology: Quality Assurance | Masters |
479 | Nutrition and Food Science | Masters |
480 | Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience | Masters |
481 | Formulation Design and Analysis | Masters |
482 | Pharmacy Practice | Masters |
483 | Physician Associate Programme | Masters |
484 | Physician Associate | Masters |
485 | Cognitive Neuroscience | Masters |
486 | Theory and Practice in Clinical Psychology (with Clinical Placement) | Masters |
487 | Theory and Practice in Clinical Psychology (with Research Placement) | Masters |
488 | Psychology Conversion | Masters |
489 | Research Methods in Psychology | Masters |
490 | Language Sciences | Masters |
491 | Speech and Language Therapy | Masters |
492 | Construction Management | Masters |
493 | Construction Management and International Development | Masters |
494 | Construction Cost Management | Masters |
495 | Project Management | Masters |
496 | Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability | Masters |
497 | Design & Management of Sustainable Built Environments | Masters |
498 | Digital Design and Construction | Masters |
499 | Master of Architecture | Masters |
500 | Archaeology | Masters |
501 | Professional Human Osteoarchaeology | Masters |
502 | Environmental Management | Masters |
503 | Environmental Pollution | Masters |
504 | Data Science & Advanced Computing | Masters |
505 | Applied Meteorology | Masters |
506 | Applied Meteorology and Climate with Management | Masters |
507 | Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate | Masters |
508 | Accounting | none |
509 | Agriculture, Policy and Development | none |
510 | Ancient History | none |
511 | applied linguistics | none |
512 | Archaeology | none |
513 | Architecture | none |
514 | Art | none |
515 | Biological Sciences | none |
516 | Biomedical Engineering | none |
517 | Biomedical Sciences | none |
518 | Built Environment | none |
519 | Business | none |
520 | Business Informatics, Systems and Accounting | none |
521 | Chemistry | none |
522 | Classics | none |
523 | Climate | none |
524 | Clinical Language Sciences | none |
525 | Computer Science | none |
526 | Construction Management | none |
527 | Consumer Behaviour and Food Marketing | none |
528 | Cybernetics | none |
529 | Development Studies | none |
530 | Early Modern Studies | none |
531 | Ecology | none |
532 | Economics | none |
533 | Education | none |
534 | Electronic Engineering | none |
535 | Energy and Environmental Engineering | none |
536 | English Language and Applied Linguistics | none |
537 | English Literature | none |
538 | Environmental Science | none |
539 | Film, Theatre and Television | none |
540 | Finance | none |
541 | Food and Nutritional Sciences | none |
542 | Food, Nutrition and Health | none |
543 | French Studies | none |
544 | Geography and environmental science | none |
545 | German Studies | none |
546 | Graphic Communication | none |
547 | Gut Immunity | none |
548 | History | none |
549 | Human Geography | none |
550 | International Development | none |
551 | International Relations | none |
552 | Italian Studies | none |
553 | Law | none |
554 | Linguistics | none |
555 | Management | none |
556 | Marketing and Reputation | none |
557 | Mathematics and Statistics | none |
558 | Medieval Studies | none |
559 | Meteorology | none |
560 | Microbiology | none |
561 | Modern Languages | none |
562 | Neuroscience | none |
563 | Nutrition | none |
564 | Pharmacy | none |
565 | Pharmacy Practice | none |
566 | Pharmaceutics | none |
567 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | none |
568 | Philosophy | none |
569 | Physiology and Pharmacology | none |
570 | Politics and International Relations | none |
571 | Practice in Curating (Art) | none |
572 | Psychology | none |
573 | Psycholinguistics | none |
574 | Real Estate and Planning | none |
575 | Soil Science | none |
576 | Space weather and solar-terrestrial physics | none |
577 | Spanish and Latin American Studies | none |
578 | Speech and Language Therapy | none |
579 | Teaching | none |
580 | Television | none |
581 | Theatre | none |
582 | Translation Studies | none |
583 | Typography and Graphic Communication | none |
584 | Zoology | none |
585 | Accounting | PhD |
586 | Agriculture, Policy and Development | PhD |
587 | Ancient History | PhD |
588 | applied linguistics | PhD |
589 | Archaeology | PhD |
590 | Architecture | PhD |
591 | Art | PhD |
592 | Biological Sciences | PhD |
593 | Biomedical Engineering | PhD |
594 | Biomedical Sciences | PhD |
595 | Built Environment | PhD |
596 | Business | PhD |
597 | Business Informatics, Systems and Accounting | PhD |
598 | Chemistry | PhD |
599 | Classics | PhD |
600 | Climate | PhD |
601 | Clinical Language Sciences | PhD |
602 | Computer Science | PhD |
603 | Construction Management | PhD |
604 | Consumer Behaviour and Food Marketing | PhD |
605 | Cybernetics | PhD |
606 | Development Studies | PhD |
607 | Early Modern Studies | PhD |
608 | Ecology | PhD |
609 | Economics | PhD |
610 | Education | PhD |
611 | Electronic Engineering | PhD |
612 | Energy and Environmental Engineering | PhD |
613 | English Language and Applied Linguistics | PhD |
614 | English Literature | PhD |
615 | Environmental Science | PhD |
616 | Film, Theatre and Television | PhD |
617 | Finance | PhD |
618 | Food and Nutritional Sciences | PhD |
619 | Food, Nutrition and Health | PhD |
620 | French Studies | PhD |
621 | Geography and environmental science | PhD |
622 | German Studies | PhD |
623 | Graphic Communication | PhD |
624 | Gut Immunity | PhD |
625 | History | PhD |
626 | Human Geography | PhD |
627 | International Development | PhD |
628 | International Relations | PhD |
629 | Italian Studies | PhD |
630 | Law | PhD |
631 | Linguistics | PhD |
632 | Management | PhD |
633 | Marketing and Reputation | PhD |
634 | Mathematics and Statistics | PhD |
635 | Medieval Studies | PhD |
636 | Meteorology | PhD |
637 | Microbiology | PhD |
638 | Modern Languages | PhD |
639 | Neuroscience | PhD |
640 | Nutrition | PhD |
641 | Pharmacy | PhD |
642 | Pharmacy Practice | PhD |
643 | Pharmaceutics | PhD |
644 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | PhD |
645 | Philosophy | PhD |
646 | Physiology and Pharmacology | PhD |
647 | Politics and International Relations | PhD |
648 | Practice in Curating (Art) | PhD |
649 | Psychology | PhD |
650 | Psycholinguistics | PhD |
651 | Real Estate and Planning | PhD |
652 | Soil Science | PhD |
653 | Space weather and solar-terrestrial physics | PhD |
654 | Spanish and Latin American Studies | PhD |
655 | Speech and Language Therapy | PhD |
656 | Teaching | PhD |
657 | Television | PhD |
658 | Theatre | PhD |
659 | Translation Studies | PhD |
660 | Typography and Graphic Communication | PhD |
661 | Zoology | PhD |
662 | Art and Design | Bachelor |
663 | Business | Bachelor |
664 | Economics | Bachelor |
665 | Finance and Management | Bachelor |
666 | Engineering and Physical Sciences | Bachelor |
667 | Humanities and Social Sciences | Bachelor |
668 | Life Sciences | Bachelor |
669 | Art and Design | Masters |
670 | Business | Masters |
671 | Economics | Masters |
We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions
Why use UKUNI
We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions We also assist students that wish to develop their English language at schools and language colleges across that English speaking countries.
We could cater for almost all needs and requests. We also have several options for Young Learners to develop their English during the summer in a secure and enjoyable environment.
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