University of Salford

University majors



  • Overview University
  • Specializations
  • Why Choose UK
Overview University

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Id volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu. Pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat. Commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat. Convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet. A diam sollicitudin tempor id eu. Adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit. Sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci eu lobortis elementum. Phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu. Ut lectus arcu bibendum at varius. Diam ut venenatis tellus in. In hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum. Libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam. Vel pretium lectus quam id leo in vitae turpis.

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#Course NameCourse Level
1Costume Design with Foundation YearBachelor
2Film, TV and Set Design with Foundation YearBachelor
3Fine Art with Foundation YearBachelor
4Graphic Design with Foundation YearBachelor
5Interior Design with Foundation YearBachelor
6Photography With Foundation YearBachelor
7Costume DesignBachelor
8Design for Sport, Health and WellbeingBachelor
9Film, TV and Stage DesignBachelor
10Fine ArtBachelor
11Graphic DesignBachelor
12Interior DesignBachelor
15Creative Writing (Multidiscipline) with Foundation YearBachelor
16Drama and Creative Writing with Foundation YearBachelor
17English and Creative Writing with Foundation YearBachelor
18English and Drama with Foundation YearBachelor
19English and Film with Foundation YearBachelor
20English Language with Foundation YearBachelor
21English Language and Creative Writing with Foundation YearBachelor
22English Literature with Foundation YearBachelor
23English Literature with English Language with Foundation YearBachelor
24Creative Writing (Multidiscipline)Bachelor
25Drama and Creative WritingBachelor
26English and Creative WritingBachelor
28English and Drama Foundation
29English LanguageBachelor
30English Language and Creative WritingBachelor
31English Literature Bachelor
32English Literature with English Language Bachelor
33Fashion Design with Foundation YearBachelor
34Fashion Image Making and Styling with Foundation YearBachelor
35Fashion DesignBachelor
36Fashion Image Making and StylingBachelor
37Fashion Business and PromotionBachelor
38Journalism: BroadcastBachelor
39Journalism: MultimediaBachelor
40Journalism with Public RelationsBachelor
41Film Studies Bachelor
42Film ProductionBachelor
43Media TechnologyBachelor
44Post Production and VFXBachelor
45Television and Radio ProductionBachelor
46Contemporary History and PoliticsBachelor
47Contemporary Military and International HistoryBachelor
48Intelligence AnalysisBachelor
49International Politics and SecurityBachelor
50International Relations and Politics Bachelor
51Politics Bachelor
52Music: Creative Music Technology with Foundation YearBachelor
53Music: Musical Arts with Foundation YearBachelor
54Music: Popular Music and Recording with Foundation YearBachelor
55Music: Creative Music TechnologyBachelor
56Music: Musical ArtsBachelor
57Music: Popular Music and RecordingBachelor
58Music Management and Creative EnterpriseBachelor
59Comedy Writing and PerformanceBachelor
60Media and PerformanceBachelor
61Technical Theatre (Production and Design)Bachelor
62Theatre and Performance PracticeBachelor
63Architecture Bachelor
64Architectural Design and TechnologyBachelor
65Architectural Design and Technology (part-time)Bachelor
66Architectural Engineering Bachelor
67Interior ArchitectureBachelor
68Architectural Design and Technology AcceleratedBachelor
69Architectural Design and Technology Accelerated Day ReleaseBachelor
70Architectural Design and Technology with Foundation YearBachelor
71Architectural Engineering with Foundation YearBachelor
72Interior Architecture with Foundation YearBachelor
73Building SurveyingBachelor
74Building Surveying (part-time)Bachelor
75Real Estate Surveying (Asset Management)Bachelor
76Real Estate Surveying (Valuation and Finance)Bachelor
77Real Estate Surveying (Planning and Development)Bachelor
78Quantity SurveyingBachelor
79Quantity Surveying (part-time)Bachelor
80Building Surveying AcceleratedBachelor
81Building Surveying Accelerated Day ReleaseBachelor
82Quantity Surveying AcceleratedBachelor
83Quantity Surveying Accelerated Day ReleaseBachelor
84Real Estate Surveying (Asset Management) AcceleratedBachelor
85Real Estate Surveying (Asset Management) Accelerated Day ReleaseBachelor
86Real Estate Surveying (Planning and Development) AcceleratedBachelor
87Real Estate Surveying (Planning and Development) Accelerated Day ReleaseBachelor
88Real Estate Surveying (Valuation and Finance) AcceleratedBachelor
89Real Estate Surveying (Valuation and Finance) Accelerated Day ReleaseBachelor
90Building Surveying with Foundation YearBachelor
91Quantity Surveying with Foundation YearBachelor
92Real Estate Surveying (Asset Management) with Foundation YearBachelor
93Real Estate Surveying (Planning and Development) with Foundation YearBachelor
94Real Estate Surveying (Valuation and Finance) with Foundation YearBachelor
95Building Surveying (Chartered Surveyor Degree Apprenticeship)Bachelor
96Quantity Surveying (Chartered Surveyor Degree Apprenticeship)Bachelor
97Construction Project Management Bachelor
98Construction Project Management (part-time)Bachelor
99Construction Project Management AcceleratedBachelor
100Construction Project Management Accelerated Day ReleaseBachelor
101Construction Project Management with Foundation YearBachelor
102Environmental Geography with Professional PracticeBachelor
103Environmental Geography with Studies in the USABachelor
104Environmental Management Bachelor
107Environmental Management with Foundation YearBachelor
108Geography with Foundation YearBachelor
109Geography with Foundation YearBachelor
110Acoustical and Audio EngineeringBachelor
111Sound Engineering and ProductionBachelor
112Professional Sound and Video TechnologyBachelor
113Acoustical and Audio EngineeringBachelor
114Acoustical and Audio Engineering with Foundation YearBachelor
115Aeronautical EngineeringBachelor
116Aircraft Engineering with Pilot StudiesBachelor
117Aeronautical EngineeringBachelor
118Aircraft Engineering with Pilot StudiesBachelor
119Aeronautical Engineering with Foundation YearBachelor
120Civil Engineering Bachelor
121Civil and Architectural EngineeringBachelor
122Civil Engineering Bachelor
123Civil and Architectural EngineeringBachelor
124Civil Engineering with Foundation YearBachelor
125Civil Engineering degree apprenticeshipBachelor
126Computer ScienceBachelor
127Computer Science with Cyber SecurityBachelor
128Computer Science with Web DevelopmentBachelor
129Computer NetworksBachelor
130Software EngineeringBachelor
131Computer Science with Professional ExperienceBachelor
132Computer Science with Cyber Security with Professional ExperienceBachelor
133Computer Science with Web Development with Professional ExperienceBachelor
134Software Engineering with Professional ExperienceBachelor
135Computer Science with Foundation Year Bachelor
136Computer Science with Cyber Security with Foundation YearBachelor
137Computer Science with Web Development with Foundation YearBachelor
138Software Engineering with Foundation YearBachelor
139Electrical and Electronic EngineeringBachelor
140Electronic Engineering Bachelor
141Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Professional ExperienceBachelor
142Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year Bachelor
143Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
144Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
145Mechanical Engineering with Foundation YearBachelor
146Biology Bachelor
147Biology with Studies in the USABachelor
148Marine Biology Bachelor
149Wildlife Conservation with Zoo BiologyBachelor
150Wildlife Conservation with Zoo Biology with Studies in the USABachelor
151Wildlife and Practical ConservationBachelor
152Zoology Bachelor
153Zoology with Marine BiologyBachelor
154Biology with Foundation Year Bachelor
155Marine Biology with Foundation YearBachelor
156Wildlife Conservation with Zoo Biology with Foundation YearBachelor
157Wildlife and Practical Conservation with Foundation YearBachelor
158Zoology with Foundation YearBachelor
159Zoology with Marine Biology with Foundation YearBachelor
160Biomedical ScienceBachelor
161Human Biology and Infectious DiseasesBachelor
163Biomedical Science with Foundation Year Bachelor
164Human Biology and Infectious Diseases with Foundation YearBachelor
165Biochemistry Bachelor
166Biochemistry with Studies in the USABachelor
168Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor
169Pharmaceutical ScienceBachelor
171Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor
172Biochemistry with Foundation YearBachelor
173Chemistry with Foundation YearBachelor
174Medicinal Chemistry with Foundation YearBachelor
175Pharmaceutical Science with Foundation YearBachelor
176Financial Mathematics Bachelor
178Financial Mathematics with Foundation YearBachelor
179Mathematics with Foundation YearBachelor
181Physics with AcousticsBachelor
182Pure and Applied PhysicsBachelor
184Physics with Studies in North AmericaBachelor
185Physics with AcousticsBachelor
186Physics with Foundation YearBachelor
187Counselling and Psychotherapy: Professional PracticeBachelor
188Criminology Bachelor
189Criminology and Sociology Bachelor
190Criminology with CounselingBachelor
191Criminology with SecurityBachelor
192Diagnostic Radiography Bachelor
193Nursing / RN Children and Young PeopleBachelor
194Nursing / RN AdultBachelor
195Nursing Studies (Top Up)Bachelor
196Nursing / RN Mental HealthBachelor
197Nutrition and Exercise as MedicineBachelor
198Occupational TherapyBachelor
199Physiotherapy Bachelor
201Professional PolicingBachelor
202Prosthetic and OrthoticsBachelor
204Psychology and CounsellingBachelor
205Psychology and CriminologyBachelor
206Psychology of Human and Animal BehaviourBachelor
207Psychology of SportBachelor
208Psychology with English LanguageBachelor
209Social Policy Bachelor
210Social Work Bachelor
212Sport RehabilitationBachelor
213Sports Coaching Analysis (Top UP)Bachelor
214Sports ScienceBachelor
215Business Management Bachelor
216Business Management with EconomicsBachelor
217Business Management with FinanceBachelor
219Business Management with SportBachelor
220Business Management with Innovation and TechnologyBachelor
221Business with Human Resource ManagementBachelor
222International Business ManagementBachelor
223Business Management with MarketingBachelor
224Business Management with TourismBachelor
225Accounting and FinanceBachelor
226Business Management with FinanceBachelor
227Business Management with EconomicsBachelor
229Law with Criminology Bachelor
230Applied Football StudiesBachelor
231Contemporary Fine ArtMasters
232Creative TechnologyMasters
233Visual CommunicationMasters
234Socially Engaged Arts PracticeMasters
235Socially Engaged PhotographyMasters
236Dance: Choreography and Professional PracticesMasters
237Dance: Creative Dance EducationMasters
238Dance: Performance and Professional PracticesMasters
239Creative Writing: Innovation and ExperimentMasters
240Literature and CultureMasters
241Fashion DesignMasters
242International Journalism for Digital MediaMasters
243Journalism: News / Broadcast / SportMasters
244Public Relations and Digital CommunicationsMasters
245Media Production: Post Production for TVMasters
246Media Production: TV Documentary ProductionMasters
247Media Production: TV Drama ProductionMasters
248Production Management for TV, Film and Digital MediaMasters
249Wildlife Documentary ProductionMasters
250Intelligence and Security StudiesMasters
251Terrorism and SecurityMasters
252Music Masters
253Contemporary Performance PracticeMasters
254Screen ActingMasters
255Audio AcousticsMasters
256Audio ProductionMasters
257Environmental AcousticsMasters
258Architecture Masters
259Biomedical ScienceMasters
261Drug Design and DiscoveryMasters
263Parasitology (Genomic)Masters
264Parasitology (Wildlife)Masters
265Parasitology (Biomedical)Masters
266Cyber Security, Threat Intelligence and ForensicsMasters
267Data ScienceMasters
268BIM and Digital Built EnvironmentsMasters
269Building SurveyingMasters
270Construction Law and PracticeMasters
271Construction ManagementMasters
272Project Management in ConstructionMasters
273Quantity SurveyingMasters
274Quantity Surveying (Mechanical and Electrical)Masters
275Real Estate and Property ManagementMasters
276Advanced Control SystemsMasters
277Advanced Mechanical Engineering DesignMasters
278Aerospace EngineeringMasters
279Structural EngineeringMasters
280Sustainable Air Transport Operations and PlanningMasters
281Transport Engineering and PlanningMasters
282Environmental Assessment and ManagementMasters
283Health and Global EnvironmentMasters
284Safety, Health and EnvironmentMasters
286Wildlife ConservationMasters
287Gas Engineering and ManagementMasters
288Petroleum and Gas EngineeringMasters
289Robotics and AutomationMasters
290Advanced Counselling and Psychotherapy Studies (Supervision)Masters
292Advanced PhysiotherapyMasters
293Cognitive Behavioural PsychotherapyMasters
294Diabetes CareMasters
295Gastrointestinal DisordersMasters
296Leadership and Management for Healthcare PracticeMasters
297Leading Education for Health and Social Care ReformMasters
298Media PsychologyMasters
299Midwifery Masters
300Nursing Masters
301Nursing (Children and Young People)Masters
302Nursing (Adult)Masters
303Nursing (Mental Health)Masters
304Nursing (Block and Blend)Masters
305Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration) Masters
306Podiatry (pre-registration)Masters
307psychology of coercive controlMasters
308Public Health Masters
309Social Work Masters
310Strength and ConditioningMasters
311Work Based Learning: Using and Disseminating Evidence into PracticeMasters
312Supervision in Counselling, Psychotherapy and Helping RelationshipsMasters
313Digital BusinessMasters
314Digital MarketingMasters
315Human Resource Management and DevelopmentMasters
316Human Resource Management and Development: part-time evening deliveryMasters
317International BusinessMasters
318International Business with LawMasters
319International Events ManagementMasters
320Management Masters
321Managing Innovation and Information TechnologyMasters
323Operations ManagementMasters
324Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementMasters
325Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management: part-time evening deliveryMasters
326Project ManagementMasters
327Project Management: part-time evening deliveryMasters
328The Salford MBA (Blended Learning)Masters
329Accounting and FinanceMasters
331Financial Technology (Fintech)Masters
332International Business LawMasters
333Informatics postgraduate researchnone
334Environment and Life Sciencesnone
335Built Environmentnone
336Health and Societynone
337Arts and Medianone
338Business, Management and Lawnone
Why Choose UK

We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions

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Why use UKUNI

We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions We also assist students that wish to develop their English language at schools and language colleges across that English speaking countries.

We could cater for almost all needs and requests. We also have several options for Young Learners to develop their English during the summer in a secure and enjoyable environment.


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