University of Southampton

University majors



United Kingdom
  • Overview University
  • Specializations
  • Why Choose UK
Overview University

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#Course NameCourse Level
1Accounting and FinanceMasters
2Accounting and ManagementMasters
4Finance and EconometricsMasters
5Finance and EconomicsMasters
6in Operational Research and FinanceMasters
7International Banking and Financial StudiesMasters
8International Financial MarketsMasters
9Actuarial ScienceMasters
10Acoustical Engineering (formerlyMasters
11Sound and Vibration Studies)Masters
12Aerodynamics and ComputationMasters
13Race Car AerodynamicsMasters
14Space Systems EngineeringMasters
15Unmanned Aircraft Systems DesignMasters
17Gerontology (Distance Learning)Masters
18Gerontology (Research)Masters
19Global Ageing and Policy (Distance Learning)Masters
21Gerontology (Distance Learning)Masters
22Global Ageing and Policy (Distance Learning)Masters
23Gerontology (Distance Learning)Masters
24Global Ageing and Policy (Distance Learning) Short courses in gerontology Short courses in gerontology (distance learning)Masters
25Cultural Heritage StudiesMasters
26Maritime ArchaeologyMasters
28Archaeology (Bioarchaeology)Masters
29Archaeology (Higher Archaeological Practice)Masters
30Archaeology (Palaeoanthropology)Masters
31Business and Heritage ManagementMasters
32Audiology andMasters
33Audiology (with Clinical Placement)Masters
34Advanced Biological SciencesMasters
35Big DataMasters
36Evolution: From the Galapagos to the 21st CenturyMasters
37Advanced Biological SciencesMasters
38Wildlife ConservationMasters
40Biomedical EngineeringMasters
41Advanced Biological SciencesMasters
42Master of Business AdministrationMasters
43Business Analytics and FinanceMasters
44Business Strategy and Innovation ManagementMasters
45Cyber Security Risk Management - Not recruiting for 2019 and 2020Masters
46Digital BusinessMasters
47Digital BusinessMasters
48Entrepreneurship and ManagementMasters
49Human Resource ManagementMasters
50International ManagementMasters
51Knowledge and Information Systems ManagementMasters
52Marketing ManagementMasters
53Project ManagementMasters
54Risk and FinanceMasters
55Risk ManagementMasters
56Supply Chain Management and LogisticsMasters
57Advanced Chemical EngineeringMasters
59Chemistry by ResearchMasters
60Electrochemistry and Battery TechnologiesMasters
61Magnetic ResonanceMasters
62Civil Engineering Masters
63Civil Engineering with an Integrated Qualifying Year (2 years)Masters
64Transportation Planning & EngineeringMasters
65Transportation Planning and Engineering (Infrastructure)Masters
66Transportation Planning and Engineering (Operations)Masters
67Transportation Planning and Engineering (Behaviour)Masters
68Artificial Intelligence Masters
69Computer ScienceMasters
70Cyber SecurityMasters
71Data ScienceMasters
72Embedded SystemsMasters
73Internet of ThingsMasters
74Software EngineeringMasters
75Criminology Masters
76Applied StatisticsMasters
77Data Analytics for Government Masters
79Global HealthMasters
80Social Research Methods with Applied StatisticsMasters
81Official StatisticsMasters
82Communication DesignMasters
83Design ManagementMasters
84Global Advertising and BrandingMasters
85Global Media ManagementMasters
86Luxury Brand ManagementMasters
87Advanced Biological SciencesMasters
88Wildlife ConservationMasters
89Economics Masters
90Economics Masters
91Finance and EconometricsMasters
92Finance and EconomicsMasters
93Computer Sciences Subject Knowledge EnhancementMasters
94Mathematics Subject Knowledge EnhancementMasters
95Science Subject Knowledge Enhancement coursesMasters
96Applied Linguistics for Language TeachingMasters
97ELT/TESOL StudiesMasters
98Education Masters
99Education Management and LeadershipMasters
100Education onlineMasters
101Education Practice and InnovationMasters
103FE Learning and Skills SectorMasters
105History Masters
106Information Technology and Computer Science (IT&CS)Masters
108Modern Languages Masters
109Physical EducationMasters
110Physics with MathematicsMasters
114Art and DesignMasters
115Education Studies (Integrated) in Educationnone
116Education (3 years) School DirectMasters
117European Masters in Embedded Computing Systems (2 years)Masters
118Energy and Sustainability With Electrical Power EngineeringMasters
119Micro and Nanotechnology (1 year full-time)Masters
120Microelectronics Systems DesignMasters
121Mobile Communications and Smart NetworkingMasters
122System On ChipMasters
123Systems, Control and Signal ProcessingMasters
124European Masters in Embedded Computing Systems (2 years)Masters
125Electronic Engineering Masters
126Micro and Nanotechnology (1 year full-time)Masters
127Microelectronics Systems DesignMasters
128Mobile Communications and Smart NetworkingMasters
129System On ChipMasters
130Systems, Control and Signal ProcessingMasters
131Creative Writing Masters
132English Literary StudiesMasters
133English Literary Studies (Eighteenth Century)Masters
134English Literary Studies (Nineteenth Century)Masters
135English Literary Studies (Postcolonial and World Literatures)Masters
136English Literary Studies (Twentieth Century and Contemporary)Masters
137Global Literary Industries ManagementMasters
138Medieval and Renaissance CultureMasters
139Jane AustenMasters
140Energy and Sustainability (Energy, Environment and Buildings)Masters
141Energy and Sustainability (Energy, Resources and Climate Change)Masters
142Engineering in the Coastal EnvironmentMasters
143Marine TechnologyMasters
144Sustainable Energy TechnologiesMasters
145Advanced Biological SciencesMasters
146Biodiversity and ConservationMasters
147Environmental ConsultancyMasters
148Environmental Monitoring and AssessmentMasters
149Environmental Pollution ControlMasters
150Water Resources ManagementMasters
151Fashion DesignMasters
152Fashion ManagementMasters
153Fashion Marketing and BrandingMasters
154Film and Cultural ManagementMasters
155Film Studies Masters
156Contemporary CurationMasters
157Fine ArtMasters
158Applied Geographical Information Systems and Remote SensingMasters
160Marine Geology and GeophysicsMasters
161Marine Geology and GeophysicsMasters
162Clinical and Health ResearchMasters
163Advanced Clinical Practice (Advanced Allied Health Practitioner) (5 years)Masters
164Advanced Clinical Practice (Advanced Critical Care Practitioner)Masters
165Advanced Clinical Practice (Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner)Masters
166Advanced Clinical Practice (Advanced Nurse Practitioner)Masters
167Clinical Leadership in Cancer, Palliative and End of Life CareMasters
168Health Sciences - Amputation & Prosthetic RehabilitationMasters
169Leadership and Management in Health and Social CareMasters
170Midwifery with Advanced Standing (2 years)Masters
172Occupational Therapy (Pre-registration) (2 years)Masters
173Public Health Masters
174Psychological Therapies and Mental Health Postgraduate Certificate Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with IAPT PWP statusMasters
175History Masters
176Jewish History and CultureMasters
177Medieval and Renaissance CultureMasters
178Applied Linguistics for Language TeachingMasters
179Languages and CulturesMasters
180Translation and Professional Communication SkillsMasters
181International Law and Human RightsMasters
182Maritime Law Masters
183Master of LawsMasters
184International Commercial and Corporate LawMasters
185Languages and CulturesMasters
186Translation and Professional Communication SkillsMasters
187Business Analytics and Management SciencesMasters
188Education Management and LeadershipMasters
189Leadership and Management in Health and Social CareMasters
190Marine TechnologyMasters
191Maritime Engineering ScienceMasters
192Maritime Engineering Science / Advanced MaterialsMasters
193Maritime Engineering Science / Marine EngineeringMasters
194Maritime Engineering Science / Maritime Computational Fluid DynamicsMasters
195Maritime Engineering Science / Naval ArchitectureMasters
196Maritime Engineering Science / Offshore EngineeringMasters
197Maritime Engineering Science / Yacht and Small CraftMasters
198Fashion Marketing and BrandingMasters
199Digital MarketingMasters
200Marketing AnalyticsMasters
201Marketing ManagementMasters
202Data and Decision AnalyticsMasters
203in Operational ResearchMasters
204in Operational Research and FinanceMasters
205in Statistics with Applications in MedicineMasters
206Operational Research and StatisticsMasters
208Actuarial ScienceMasters
209Advanced Chemical EngineeringMasters
210Biomedical EngineeringMasters
211Computational Engineering Design (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science)Masters
212Engineering Materials (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science)Masters
213Mechatronics (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science)Masters
214Propulsion and Engine Systems Engineering (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Sciences)Masters
216Diabetes Best PracticeMasters
218in Statistics with Applications in MedicineMasters
219Public Health Masters
220Midwifery (pre-registration)Masters
221International Music ManagementMasters
222Master of music (MMus) (Performance, Composition, Musicology, Music Education)Masters
223Advanced Biological Sciences Postgraduate Certificate Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with IAPT PWP statusMasters
224Advanced Clinical Practice (Advanced Allied Health Practitioner) (5 years)Masters
225Advanced Clinical Practice (Advanced Critical Care Practitioner)Masters
226Advanced Clinical Practice (Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner)Masters
227Advanced Clinical Practice (Advanced Nurse Practitioner)Masters
228Nursing Studies (Top-up for Postgraduate DiploMasters
229in Nursing or SCPHN) Postgraduate DiploMasters
230in Nursing - Adult (pre-registration) Postgraduate DiploMasters
231in Nursing - Child (pre-registration) Postgraduate DiploMasters
232in Nursing - Mental Health (pre-registration)Masters
233Marine Geology and GeophysicsMasters
234Ocean ScienceMasters
235Marine Environment and Resources (2 years)Masters
237Optical Fibre and Photonic EngineeringMasters
238Optical Fibre TechnologiesMasters
239Photonics TechnologiesMasters
240Philosophy Masters
241Physiotherapy (Pre-registration)Masters
242Public AdministrationMasters
243International PoliticsMasters
244International Politics (Research)Masters
245International Security and RiskMasters
246Foundations of Clinical PsychologyMasters
247Health PsychologyMasters
248Research Methods in Psychology Postgraduate Certificate Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with IAPT PWP statusMasters
249CBT (Level 1) Postgraduate Certificate in CBT (Advanced level practice) Postgraduate DiplomaMasters
250CBT for Anxiety and Depression (IAPT)Masters
251Data Analytics for Government Masters
252Public Health Masters
253Sociology and Social PolicyMasters
254Textile DesignMasters
255Advanced Biological SciencesMasters
256Wildlife ConservationMasters
257Accounting and Financenone
259Advanced Materialsnone
260Ageing and Gerontologynone
261Allied Healthnone
263Art and Design Managementnone
264Biodiversity, Ecology and Ecosystem Servicesnone
265Bioengineering and Human Factorsnone
267Biological Sciencesnone
268Biomedical Science (Medicine)none
269Biomedical Sciences (Centre for Biological Sciences)none
272Business(including Accounting, Finance and Management)none
273Cancer Sciencesnone
274Characterisation and Analyticsnone
275Chemical Biologynone
277Child Healthnone
278Clinical and Health Researchnone
279Computational Engineeringnone
280Computer Sciencenone
281Developmental Biologynone
282Earth Sciencenone
283Economics none
285Electronics and Computer Sciencenone
286Education none
287Energy and Climate Changenone
291Fashion and Textilesnone
292Femtosecond Opticsnone
293Fibre Opticsnone
294Film Studies none
295Fine Artnone
296Fluid Dynamicsnone
299Geology and Geophysicsnone
300Geomechanics and Geotechnicsnone
303Graphic Artsnone
304Health carenone
305Health Sciencesnone
306History none
307Human Development and Healthnone
309Infectious Diseasenone
310Infrared materialsnone
3132D materialsnone
314Magnetic Resonancenone
315Management none
316Marine Biogeochemistrynone
317Marine Biology and Ecologynone
318Marine Science none
322Materials and Surface Engineeringnone
323Mathematical Sciencesnone
324Mechatronics and Signal Processingnone
325Medicine none
327Midwifery none
328Modern Languages none
329Molecular and Cellular Biosciencesnone
330Music none
333Nursing none
334Ocean and Earth Sciencenone
335Optical Engineeringnone
336Optical Memorynone
337Optical Fibres and Waveguidesnone
338Optical Telecommunicationsnone
339Optics and Optoelectronicsnone
341Palaeoceanography and Palaeoclimatenone
342Philosophy none
344Physical Oceanography none
345Physiotherapy none
346Physics and Astronomynone
348Plant Biologynone
349Politics and International Relationsnone
350Primary Carenone
354Respiratory Diseasenone
356Silicon Photonicsnone
357Social Statistics and Demographynone
358Sociology, Social Policy and Criminologynone
359Stem cells and regenerationnone
360Structures and Solid Mechanicsnone
362Water and Environmentnone
363Web Sciencenone
364Zoology none
365Accounting and Economics Bachelor
366Accounting and FinanceBachelor
367Accounting and Finance with PlacementBachelor
368Acoustical EngineeringBachelor
369Acoustical EngineeringBachelor
370Acoustics with MusicBachelor
371Aeronautics and AstronauticsBachelor
372Aeronautics and AstronauticsBachelor
373Aeronautics and Astronautics / AerodynamicsBachelor
374Aeronautics and Astronautics / Airvehicle Systems DesignBachelor
375Aeronautics and Astronautics / Computational Engineering and DesignBachelor
376Aeronautics and Astronautics / Engineering ManagementBachelor
377Aeronautics and Astronautics / Materials and StructuresBachelor
378Aeronautics and Astronautics / Semester AbroadBachelor
379Aeronautics and Astronautics / Spacecraft EngineeringBachelor
380Aerospace Electronic EngineeringBachelor
381Aerospace Electronic EngineeringBachelor
382Ancient History Bachelor
383Ancient History and ArchaeologyBachelor
384Ancient History and Archaeology with Year AbroadBachelor
385Ancient History and History Bachelor
386Ancient History and History with Year AbroadBachelor
387Ancient History and PhilosophyBachelor
388Ancient History and Philosophy with Year AbroadBachelor
389Ancient History with Year AbroadBachelor
390Applied Linguistics and English LanguageBachelor
394Archaeology and Anthropology Bachelor
395Archaeology and Anthropology with Year AbroadBachelor
396Archaeology and History Bachelor
397Archaeology and History with Year AbroadBachelor
398Archaeology with Year AbroadBachelor
399Archaeology with Year AbroadBachelor
400Astrophysics with Year AbroadBachelor
403Biochemistry Bachelor
404Biochemistry Bachelor
405Biology Bachelor
406Biology Bachelor
407Biology and Marine BiologyBachelor
408Biology and Marine BiologyBachelor
409Biomedical Electronic EngineeringBachelor
410Biomedical Electronic EngineeringBachelor
411Biomedical Sciences Bachelor
412Biomedical Sciences Bachelor
413Business AnalyticsBachelor
414Business Analytics with PlacementBachelor
415Business EntrepreneurshipBachelor
416Business Entrepreneurship with PlacementBachelor
417Business Management Bachelor
418Business Management and French Bachelor
419Business Management and German Bachelor
420Business Management and Spanish Bachelor
421Business Management with PlacementBachelor
422Cardiac PhysiologyBachelor
425Chemistry with MathsBachelor
426Chemistry with Medicinal SciencesBachelor
427Chemistry with Research Project Abroad or Industry ExperienceBachelor
428Chemistry with Year-Long Industry ExperienceBachelor
429Civil and Environmental Engineering Bachelor
430Civil Engineering Bachelor
431Civil Engineering Bachelor
432Civil Engineering and ArchitectureBachelor
433Computer ScienceBachelor
434Computer ScienceBachelor
435Computer Science with Artificial IntelligenceBachelor
436Computer Science with Cyber SecurityBachelor
437Criminology Bachelor
438Criminology and PsychologyBachelor
439Ecology and ConservationBachelor
440Ecology and ConservationBachelor
441Economics Bachelor
442Economics Bachelor
443Economics and Actuarial ScienceBachelor
444Economics and Finance Bachelor
445Economics and Management SciencesBachelor
446Economics and PhilosophyBachelor
447Economics and Philosophy with Year AbroadBachelor
448Education Bachelor
449Education and PsychologyBachelor
450Electrical and Electronic EngineeringBachelor
451Electrical and Electronic EngineeringBachelor
452Electrical EngineeringBachelor
453Electrical EngineeringBachelor
454Electronic Engineering Bachelor
455Electronic Engineering Bachelor
456Electronic Engineering with Artificial IntelligenceBachelor
457Electronic Engineering with Computer SystemsBachelor
458Electronic Engineering with Mobile and Secure SystemsBachelor
459Electronic Engineering with NanotechnologyBachelor
460Electronic Engineering with PhotonicsBachelor
461Electronic Engineering with Wireless CommunicationsBachelor
463English and FrenchBachelor
464English and GermanBachelor
465English and HistoryBachelor
466English and History with Year AbroadBachelor
467English and MusicBachelor
468English and Music with Year AbroadBachelor
469English and SpanishBachelor
470English Language and Linguistics Bachelor
471English Language and Linguistics with Year AbroadBachelor
472English Literature, Language and LinguisticsBachelor
473English Literature, Language and Linguistics with Year AbroadBachelor
474English with Creative WritingBachelor
475English with Year AbroadBachelor
476Environmental Geoscience Bachelor
477Environmental Geoscience Bachelor
478Environmental Management with BusinessBachelor
479Environmental Science Bachelor
480European Legal StudiesBachelor
481Fashion DesignBachelor
482Fashion Marketing with ManagementBachelor
483Film and EnglishBachelor
484Film and English with Year AbroadBachelor
485Film and FrenchBachelor
486Film and GermanBachelor
487Film and HistoryBachelor
488Film and History with Year AbroadBachelor
489Film and PhilosophyBachelor
490Film and Philosophy with Year AbroadBachelor
491Film and SpanishBachelor
492Film Studies Bachelor
493Film Studies with Year AbroadBachelor
495Finance with PlacementBachelor
496Fine ArtBachelor
497French Bachelor
498French Bachelor
499French and GermanBachelor
500French and GermanBachelor
501French and German Linguistic StudiesBachelor
502French and German Linguistic StudiesBachelor
503French and HistoryBachelor
504French and LinguisticsBachelor
505French and LinguisticsBachelor
506French and Music Bachelor
507French and Philosophy Bachelor
508French and Portuguese Bachelor
509French and SpanishBachelor
510French and SpanishBachelor
511French and Spanish Linguistic StudiesBachelor
512French and Spanish Linguistic StudiesBachelor
513Games Design and ArtBachelor
516Geology Bachelor
517Geology Bachelor
518Geology with Physical GeographyBachelor
519Geology with Study AbroadBachelor
520Geophysical SciencesBachelor
522Geophysics and GeologyBachelor
523Geophysics and GeologyBachelor
524Geophysics with Study AbroadBachelor
525German Bachelor
526German and HistoryBachelor
527German and LinguisticsBachelor
528German and Linguistics Integrated Master's in LanguagesBachelor
529German and Music Bachelor
530German and PhilosophyBachelor
531German and SpanishBachelor
532German and SpanishBachelor
533German and Spanish Linguistic StudiesBachelor
534German and Spanish Linguistic StudiesBachelor
535German Integrated Masters in LanguagesBachelor
536Graphic ArtsBachelor
537History Bachelor
538History with Year AbroadBachelor
539International Legal Studies Bachelor
540International Relations Bachelor
541Languages and Contemporary European StudiesBachelor
542Languages and Contemporary European StudiesBachelor
544Law Accelerated ProgrammeBachelor
545Law Accelerated Programme JD PathwayBachelor
546Law with PsychologyBachelor
547Marine Biology Bachelor
548Marine Biology Bachelor
549Marine Biology with OceanographyBachelor
550Marine Biology with OceanographyBachelor
551Maritime Law Bachelor
553Marketing with PlacementBachelor
554Marketing with Study AbroadBachelor
555Mathematical PhysicsBachelor
556Mathematical SciencesBachelor
559Mathematics with Actuarial ScienceBachelor
560Mathematics with Computer ScienceBachelor
561Mathematics with Finance Bachelor
562Mathematics with FrenchBachelor
563Mathematics with GermanBachelor
564Mathematics with SpanishBachelor
565Mathematics with StatisticsBachelor
566Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and EconomicsBachelor
567Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and EconomicsBachelor
568Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
569Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
570Mechanical Engineering / Acoustical EngineeringBachelor
571Mechanical Engineering / Aerospace EngineeringBachelor
572Mechanical Engineering / Automotive EngineeringBachelor
573Mechanical Engineering / Biomedical EngineeringBachelor
574Mechanical Engineering / Computational Engineering and DesignBachelor
575Mechanical Engineering / Engineering ManagementBachelor
576Mechanical Engineering / MaterialsBachelor
577Mechanical Engineering / MechatronicsBachelor
578Mechanical Engineering / Naval EngineeringBachelor
579Mechanical Engineering / Sustainable Energy SystemsBachelor
580Mechatronic EngineeringBachelor
581Mechatronic EngineeringBachelor
582Medicine BM4 Graduate EntryBachelor
583Medicine BM5Bachelor
584Medicine BM6 Widening ParticipationBachelor
585Midwifery Bachelor
586Midwifery with Advanced StandingBachelor
587Modern History and PoliticsBachelor
588Modern History and Politics with Year AbroadBachelor
589Modern Languages Bachelor
590Music Bachelor
591Music and Business ManagementBachelor
592Music and Business Management with Year AbroadBachelor
593Music with Year AbroadBachelor
594Natural Sciences Bachelor
596Nursing, Adult and ChildBachelor
597Nursing, Adult and Mental HealthBachelor
598Nursing, AdultBachelor
599Nursing, Child and Mental HealthBachelor
600Nursing, ChildBachelor
601Nursing, Mental HealthBachelor
602Occupational TherapyBachelor
605Oceanography with FrenchBachelor
606Oceanography with Physical GeographyBachelor
607Particle Physics with Research Year AbroadBachelor
609Philosophy Bachelor
610Philosophy and EnglishBachelor
611Philosophy and English with Year AbroadBachelor
612Philosophy and History Bachelor
613Philosophy and History with Year AbroadBachelor
614Philosophy and MathematicsBachelor
615Philosophy and Mathematics with Year AbroadBachelor
616Philosophy and MusicBachelor
617Philosophy and Music with Year AbroadBachelor
618Philosophy and Politics Bachelor
619Philosophy and Politics with Year AbroadBachelor
620Philosophy and Sociology Bachelor
621Philosophy and Sociology with Year AbroadBachelor
622Philosophy with Year AbroadBachelor
623Philosophy, Ethics and ReligionBachelor
624Philosophy, Ethics and Religion with Year AbroadBachelor
625Philosophy, Politics and EconomicsBachelor
626Philosophy, Politics and Economics with Year AbroadBachelor
629Physics with Astronomy Bachelor
630Physics with Industrial PlacementBachelor
631Physics with MathematicsBachelor
632Physics with NanotechnologyBachelor
633Physics with PhotonicsBachelor
634Physics with Space ScienceBachelor
635Physics with Year of Experimental ResearchBachelor
636Physiotherapy Bachelor
638Politics Bachelor
639Politics and EconomicsBachelor
640Politics and FrenchBachelor
641Politics and GermanBachelor
642Politics and International RelationsBachelor
643Politics and Spanish and Latin American StudiesBachelor
644Population and GeographyBachelor
646Psychology with LawBachelor
647Ship ScienceBachelor
648Ship ScienceBachelor
650Sociology and CriminologyBachelor
651Sociology with AnthropologyBachelor
652Software EngineeringBachelor
653Software EngineeringBachelor
654Spanish Bachelor
655Spanish Bachelor
656Spanish and HistoryBachelor
657Spanish and Latin American StudiesBachelor
658Spanish and Latin American StudiesBachelor
659Spanish and LinguisticsBachelor
660Spanish and LinguisticsBachelor
661Spanish and PortugueseBachelor
662Textile DesignBachelor
663Zoology Bachelor
664Zoology Bachelor
665Accounting and FinancePhD
667Advanced MaterialsPhD
668Ageing and GerontologyPhD
669Allied HealthPhD
671Art and Design ManagementPhD
672Biodiversity, Ecology and Ecosystem ServicesPhD
673Bioengineering and Human FactorsPhD
675Biological SciencesPhD
676Biomedical Science (Medicine)PhD
677Biomedical Sciences (Centre for Biological Sciences)PhD
680Business (including Accounting, Finance and Management)PhD
681Cancer SciencesPhD
682Characterisation and AnalyticsPhD
683Chemical BiologyPhD
685Child HealthPhD
686Clinical and Health ResearchPhD
687Computational EngineeringPhD
688Computer SciencePhD
689Developmental BiologyPhD
690Earth SciencePhD
691Economics PhD
693Electronics and Computer SciencePhD
694Education PhD
695Energy and Climate ChangePhD
699Fashion and TextilesPhD
700Femtosecond OpticsPhD
701Fibre OpticsPhD
702Film Studies PhD
703Fine ArtPhD
704Fluid DynamicsPhD
707Geology and GeophysicsPhD
708Geomechanics and GeotechnicsPhD
711Graphic ArtsPhD
712Health carePhD
713Health SciencesPhD
714History PhD
715Human Development and HealthPhD
717Infectious DiseasePhD
718Infrared materialsPhD
7212D materialsPhD
722Magnetic ResonancePhD
723Management PhD
724Marine BiogeochemistryPhD
725Marine Biology and EcologyPhD
726Marine Science PhD
730Materials and Surface EngineeringPhD
731Mathematical SciencesPhD
732Mechatronics and Signal ProcessingPhD
733Medicine PhD
735Midwifery PhD
736Modern Languages PhD
737Molecular and Cellular BiosciencesPhD
738Music PhD
741Nursing PhD
742Ocean and Earth SciencePhD
743Optical EngineeringPhD
744Optical MemoryPhD
745Optical Fibres and WaveguidesPhD
746Optical TelecommunicationsPhD
747Optics and OptoelectronicsPhD
749Palaeoceanography and PalaeoclimatePhD
750Philosophy PhD
752Physical Oceanography PhD
753Physiotherapy PhD
754Physics and AstronomyPhD
756Plant BiologyPhD
757Politics and International RelationsPhD
758Primary CarePhD
762Respiratory DiseasePhD
764Silicon PhotonicsPhD
765Social Statistics and DemographyPhD
766Sociology, Social Policy and CriminologyPhD
767Stem cells and regenerationPhD
768Structures and Solid MechanicsPhD
770Water and EnvironmentPhD
771Web SciencePhD
772Zoology PhD
773Arts and DesignBachelor
774Business, Economics, Finance and managementBachelor
775Engineering and Physical SciencesBachelor
776Humanities and Social SciencesBachelor
777Life SceincesBachelor
778Arts and DesignMasters
779Business, Economics, Finance and managementMasters
780Engineering and Physical SciencesMasters
781Humanities and Social SciencesMasters
782Life SceincesMasters
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Why use UKUNI

We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions We also assist students that wish to develop their English language at schools and language colleges across that English speaking countries.

We could cater for almost all needs and requests. We also have several options for Young Learners to develop their English during the summer in a secure and enjoyable environment.


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