University of Strathclyde

University majors



United Kingdom
  • Overview University
  • Specializations
  • Why Choose UK
Overview University

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Id volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu. Pretium aenean pharetra magna ac placerat. Commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat. Convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet. A diam sollicitudin tempor id eu. Adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit. Sit amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci eu lobortis elementum. Phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu. Ut lectus arcu bibendum at varius. Diam ut venenatis tellus in. In hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum. Libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam. Vel pretium lectus quam id leo in vitae turpis.

Arcu risu

#Course NameCourse Level
1Advanced BiochemistryMasters
2Advanced Chemical & Process EngineeringMasters
3Advanced Clinical Pharmacy PracticeMasters
4Advanced Computer Science Masters
5Advanced Computer Science with Big DataMasters
6Advanced Manufacturing: Technology & SystemsMasters
7Advanced Mechanical EngineeringMasters
8Advanced Mechanical Engineering (Distance Learning)Masters
9Advanced Mechanical Engineering with AerospaceMasters
10Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Energy SystemsMasters
11Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Industrial PlacementMasters
12Advanced Mechanical Engineering with MaterialsMasters
13Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Power Plant TechnologiesMasters
14Advanced Naval ArchitectureMasters
15Advanced Pharmaceutical ManufacturingMasters
16Advanced PharmacologyMasters
17Advanced Software EngineeringMasters
18Applied EconomicsMasters
19Applied Educational & Social ResearchMasters
20Applied Statistics in Health SciencesMasters
21Applied Statistics in Health Sciences (online)Masters
22Artificial Intelligence & ApplicationsMasters
24Biofluid MechanicsMasters
25Biomedical EngineeringMasters
26Biomedical Sciences Masters
27Business & ManagementMasters
28Business Analysis & ConsultingMasters
29Business Analysis & Consulting (Distance Learning)Masters
30Business Translation & InterpretingMasters
31Chemical Technology & Management (Distance Learning)Masters
32Child & Youth Care Studies by Distance LearningMasters
33Civil & Environmental Engineering Open Access (Modular)Masters
34Civil Engineering Masters
35Civil Engineering with IndustryMasters
36Clinical Health PsychologyMasters
37Clinical Pharmacy Masters
38Construction LawMasters
39Counselling & PsychotherapyMasters
40Creative Writing Masters
41Criminal Justice & Penal ChangeMasters
42Data AnalyticsMasters
43Data Science for Politics & PolicymakingMasters
44Design EngineeringMasters
45Design Engineering with Advanced Product DevelopmentMasters
46Design Engineering with SustainabilityMasters
47Digital Health SystemsMasters
48Digital JournalismMasters
49Digital Marketing ManagementMasters
50Economics & FinanceMasters
51Education Masters
52Education (International)Masters
53Education StudiesMasters
54Education StudiesMasters
55Educational Issues & ImpactMasters
56Educational Issues, Impact & ImmersionMasters
57Educational Leadership Masters
58Electronic & Electrical EngineeringMasters
59Engineering Management for Process ExcellenceMasters
60Entrepreneurial Management & LeadershipMasters
61Entrepreneurship, Innovation & TechnologyMasters
62Environmental EngineeringMasters
63Environmental EntrepreneurshipMasters
65Finance & ManagementMasters
66Financial TechnologyMasters
67Financial Technology (Bahrain)Masters
68Geoenvironmental EngineeringMasters
69Global Energy ManagementMasters
70Global Environmental Law & GovernanceMasters
71Global Innovation ManagementMasters
72Global Master in Industrial Management 4.0Masters
73Health HistoryMasters
74Historical StudiesMasters
75Human Resource ManagementMasters
76Human Resource ManagementMasters
77Human Rights LawMasters
79Industrial BiotechnologyMasters
80Information Management Masters
81Innovation & Marketing ManagementMasters
82Interdisciplinary English StudiesMasters
83International Accounting & FinanceMasters
84International Banking & FinanceMasters
85International Commercial LawMasters
86International Human Resource Management Masters
87International ManagementMasters
88International Marketing Masters
89International Master Project ManagementMasters
90International Relations, Law & SecurityMasters
91International Social WelfareMasters
92Internet Law & Policy/IT & Telecommunications Law (online)Masters
93Investment & FinanceMasters
95Learning & Teaching in Higher EducationMasters
96Machine Learning & Deep LearningMasters
97Manufacturing ManagementMasters
98Marine EngineeringMasters
99Marine Engineering with Specialisation in Autonomous Marine VehiclesMasters
101Master of Business Administration, BahrainMasters
102Master of Business Administration, Flexible LearningMasters
103Master of Business Administration, FT GlasgowMasters
104Master of Business Administration, GreeceMasters
105Master of Business Administration, MalaysiaMasters
106Master of Business Administration, OmanMasters
107Master of Business Administration, PT GlasgowMasters
108Master of Business Administration, SingaporeMasters
109Master of Business Administration, SwitzerlandMasters
110Master of Business Administration, UAEMasters
111Media & CommunicationMasters
112Mediation & Conflict ResolutionMasters
113Mental Health Social WorkMasters
114Molecular MicrobiologyMasters
115Neuroscience & Mental HealthMasters
116Pharmaceutical AnalysisMasters
117Pharmaceutical Quality & Good Manufacturing PracticeMasters
118Politics Masters
119Primary EducationMasters
120Process Technology & Management (Distance Learning)Masters
121Project Management & InnovationMasters
122Psychology with a specialisation in BusinessMasters
123Quantitative FinanceMasters
124Research Methods in PsychologyMasters
125Safety & Risk ManagementMasters
126Satellite Applications with Data ScienceMasters
127Secondary Education: Art & DesignMasters
128Secondary Education: Biology with ScienceMasters
129Secondary Education: Business EducationMasters
130Secondary Education: Chemistry with ScienceMasters
131Secondary Education: Computing ScienceMasters
132Secondary Education: EnglishMasters
133Secondary Education: GaelicMasters
134Secondary Education: GeographyMasters
135Secondary Education: HistoryMasters
136Secondary Education: Home EconomicsMasters
137Secondary Education: MathematicsMasters
138Secondary Education: Modern LanguagesMasters
139Secondary Education: Modern StudiesMasters
140Secondary Education: Physical EducationMasters
141Secondary Education: Physics with ScienceMasters
142Secondary Education: PsychologyMasters
143Secondary Education: Religious Moral EducationMasters
144Secondary Education: Technological EducationMasters
145Ship & Offshore TechnologyMasters
146Smart Grids with the Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid & IberdrolaMasters
147Social Policy Masters
148Social Policy (Research MethodsMasters
149Social Work Masters
150Software DevelopmentMasters
151Subsea & Pipeline EngineeringMasters
152Supply Chain & Logistics ManagementMasters
167Architecture none
168Biomedical Engineeringnone
169Chemical & Process Engineeringnone
170Civil & Environmental Engineeringnone
171Design, Manufacturing & Engineering Managementnone
172Electronic & Electrical Engineeringnone
173Mechanical & Aerospace Engineeringnone
174Naval Architecture, Ocean & Marine Engineeringnone
175Centre for Lifelong Learningnone
176Education none
177Government & Public Policynone
180Psychological Sciences & Healthnone
181Social Work & Social Policynone
182Computer & Information Sciencesnone
183Mathematics & Statisticsnone
185Pure & Applied Chemistrynone
186Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy & Biomedical Sciencesnone
187Accounting & Financenone
188Economics none
189Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurshipnone
190Management Sciencenone
192MBA & International Divisionnone
193Strathclyde Executive Education & Developmentnone
194Work, Employment & Organisationnone
195Accounting Bachelor
196Accounting & Business Analysis and TechnologyBachelor
197Accounting & Business EnterpriseBachelor
198Accounting & Business LawBachelor
199Accounting & EconomicsBachelor
200Accounting & FinanceBachelor
201Accounting & Hospitality and Tourism ManagementBachelor
202Accounting & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
203Accounting & MarketingBachelor
204Accounting & Mathematics and StatisticsBachelor
205Aero-Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
206Aero-Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
207Applied Chemistry & Chemical EngineeringBachelor
208Architectural StudiesBachelor
209Behavioural Aspects of CommerceBachelor
210Biochemistry Bachelor
211Biochemistry Bachelor
212Biochemistry & ImmunologyBachelor
213Biochemistry & MicrobiologyBachelor
214Biochemistry & PharmacologyBachelor
215Biomedical EngineeringBachelor
216Biomedical EngineeringBachelor
217Biomedical ScienceBachelor
218Biomolecular SciencesBachelor
219Business Bachelor
220Business AdministrationBachelor
221Business Analysis & TechnologyBachelor
222Business Analysis and Technology & Business EnterpriseBachelor
223Business Analysis and Technology & Business LawBachelor
224Business Analysis and Technology & EconomicsBachelor
225Business Analysis and Technology & FinanceBachelor
226Business Analysis and Technology & Hospitality and Tourism ManagementBachelor
227Business Analysis and Technology & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
228Business Analysis and Technology & MarketingBachelor
229Business Analysis and Technology & Mathematics and StatisticsBachelor
230Business EnterpriseBachelor
231Business Enterprise & Business LawBachelor
232Business Enterprise & EconomicsBachelor
233Business Enterprise & FinanceBachelor
234Business Enterprise & Hospitality and Tourism ManagementBachelor
235Business Enterprise & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
236Business Enterprise & MarketingBachelor
237Chemical Engineering Bachelor
238Chemical Engineering Bachelor
239Chemical Engineering Bachelor
240Chemical Engineering Bachelor
242Chemistry with Drug DiscoveryBachelor
243Chemistry with TeachingBachelor
244Childhood PracticeBachelor
245Civil & Environmental EngineeringBachelor
246Civil & Environmental EngineeringBachelor
247Civil Engineering Bachelor
248Civil Engineering Bachelor
249Computer & Electronic SystemsBachelor
250Computer & Electronic SystemsBachelor
251Computer & Electronic Systems with International StudyBachelor
252Computer ScienceBachelor
253Computer ScienceBachelor
254Data AnalyticsBachelor
255Economics Bachelor
256Economics & Business LawBachelor
257Economics & FinanceBachelor
258Economics & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
259Economics & MarketingBachelor
260Economics & PsychologyBachelor
261Economics, Mathematics & StatisticsBachelor
262Education & Curricular Studies with Teaching QualificationBachelor
263Education & EconomicsBachelor
264Education & EnglishBachelor
265Education & English and Creative WritingBachelor
266Education & FrenchBachelor
267Education & HistoryBachelor
268Education & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
269Education & Journalism, Media and CommunicationBachelor
270Education & LawBachelor
271Education & Politics and International RelationsBachelor
272Education & PsychologyBachelor
273Education & Social PolicyBachelor
274Education & Social ServicesBachelor
275Education & SpanishBachelor
276Education & SportBachelor
277Education & TESOLBachelor
278Electrical & Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
279Electrical & Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
280Electrical & Mechanical Engineering with International StudyBachelor
281Electrical Energy SystemsBachelor
282Electronic & Digital SystemsBachelor
283Electronic & Electrical EngineeringBachelor
284Electronic & Electrical EngineeringBachelor
285Electronic & Electrical Engineering with Business StudiesBachelor
286Electronic & Electrical Engineering with International StudyBachelor
287Engineering AcademyBachelor
289English & Creative WritingBachelor
290English & FrenchBachelor
291English & HistoryBachelor
292English & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
293English & Journalism, Media and CommunicationBachelor
294English & LawBachelor
295English & Politics and International RelationsBachelor
296English & PsychologyBachelor
297English & Social PolicyBachelor
298English & SpanishBachelor
299English and Creative Writing & FrenchBachelor
300English and Creative Writing & HistoryBachelor
301English and Creative Writing & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
302English and Creative Writing & Journalism, Media and CommunicationBachelor
303English and Creative Writing & LawBachelor
304English and Creative Writing & Politics and International RelationsBachelor
305English and Creative Writing & PsychologyBachelor
306English and Creative Writing & Social PolicyBachelor
307English and Creative Writing & SpanishBachelor
308English LawBachelor
310Finance & Business LawBachelor
311Finance & Hospitality and Tourism ManagementBachelor
312Finance & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
313Finance & MarketingBachelor
314Finance & Mathematics and StatisticsBachelor
315Forensic & Analytical ChemistryBachelor
316French & EconomicsBachelor
317French & HistoryBachelor
318French & Hospitality and Tourism ManagementBachelor
319French & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
320French & Journalism, Media and CommunicationBachelor
321French & LawBachelor
322French & MarketingBachelor
323French & Politics and International RelationsBachelor
324French & PsychologyBachelor
325French & Social PolicyBachelor
326French & SpanishBachelor
327History Bachelor
328History & EconomicsBachelor
329History & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
330History & Journalism, Media and CommunicationBachelor
331History & LawBachelor
332History & Politics and International RelationsBachelor
333History & PsychologyBachelor
334History & Social PolicyBachelor
335History & SpanishBachelor
336Hospitality & Tourism ManagementBachelor
337Hospitality and Tourism Management & Business LawBachelor
338Hospitality and Tourism Management & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
339Hospitality and Tourism Management & MarketingBachelor
340Human Resource ManagementBachelor
341Human Resource Management & Business LawBachelor
342Human Resource Management & MarketingBachelor
343Human Resource Management & PsychologyBachelor
346Immunology & MicrobiologyBachelor
347Immunology & PharmacologyBachelor
348Intercultural Communications for Global BusinessBachelor
349International BusinessBachelor
350International Business with a Modern LanguageBachelor
351Journalism, Media and Communication & EconomicsBachelor
352Journalism, Media and Communication & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
353Journalism, Media and Communication & LawBachelor
354Journalism, Media and Communication & Politics and International RelationsBachelor
355Journalism, Media and Communication & PsychologyBachelor
356Journalism, Media and Communication & Social PolicyBachelor
357Journalism, Media and Communication & SpanishBachelor
359Law & EconomicsBachelor
360Law & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
361Law & Politics and International RelationsBachelor
362Law & PsychologyBachelor
363Law & Social PolicyBachelor
364Law & SpanishBachelor
370Law with FrenchBachelor
371Law with SpanishBachelor
372Manufacturing Engineering with ManagementBachelor
373Manufacturing Engineering with ManagementBachelor
375Marketing & Business LawBachelor
376Marketing & PsychologyBachelor
379Mathematics & Computer ScienceBachelor
380Mathematics & PhysicsBachelor
381Mathematics with TeachingBachelor
382Mathematics, Statistics & AccountingBachelor
383Mathematics, Statistics & Business AnalysisBachelor
384Mathematics, Statistics & EconomicsBachelor
385Mathematics, Statistics & FinanceBachelor
386Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
387Mechanical EngineeringBachelor
388Mechanical Engineering with AeronauticsBachelor
389Mechanical Engineering with Financial ManagementBachelor
390Mechanical Engineering with International StudyBachelor
391Mechanical Engineering with International StudyBachelor
392Mechanical Engineering with Materials EngineeringBachelor
395Microbiology & PharmacologyBachelor
396Naval Architecture & Marine EngineeringBachelor
397Naval Architecture & Marine EngineeringBachelor
398Naval Architecture with High Performance Marine VehiclesBachelor
399Naval Architecture with High Performance Marine VehiclesBachelor
400Naval Architecture with Ocean EngineeringBachelor
401Naval Architecture with Ocean EngineeringBachelor
404Pharmacy Bachelor
407Physics with Advanced ResearchBachelor
408Physics with TeachingBachelor
409Politics & International RelationsBachelor
410Politics and International Relations & EconomicsBachelor
411Politics and International Relations & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
412Politics and International Relations & PsychologyBachelor
413Politics and International Relations & Social PolicyBachelor
414Politics and International Relations & SpanishBachelor
415Primary EducationBachelor
416Product Design & InnovationBachelor
417Product Design & InnovationBachelor
420Prosthetics & OrthoticsBachelor
422Psychology & CounsellingBachelor
423Psychology & EconomicsBachelor
424Psychology & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
425Psychology & MathematicsBachelor
426Psychology & Social PolicyBachelor
427Psychology & SpanishBachelor
428Psychology & SportBachelor
429Scots & English LawBachelor
430Social Policy & EconomicsBachelor
431Social Policy & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
432Social Policy & SpanishBachelor
433Social Work Bachelor
434Software EngineeringBachelor
435Spanish & EconomicsBachelor
436Spanish & Hospitality and Tourism ManagementBachelor
437Spanish & Human Resource ManagementBachelor
438Spanish & MarketingBachelor
439Speech & Language PathologyBachelor
440Sport & Physical ActivityBachelor
441Sports Design EngineeringBachelor
442Architecture PhD
443Biomedical EngineeringPhD
444Chemical & Process EngineeringPhD
445Civil & Environmental EngineeringPhD
446Design, Manufacturing & Engineering ManagementPhD
447Electronic & Electrical EngineeringPhD
448Mechanical & Aerospace EngineeringPhD
449Naval Architecture, Ocean & Marine EngineeringPhD
450Centre for Lifelong LearningPhD
451Education PhD
452Government & Public PolicyPhD
455Psychological Sciences & HealthPhD
456Social Work & Social PolicyPhD
457Computer & Information SciencesPhD
458Mathematics & StatisticsPhD
460Pure & Applied ChemistryPhD
461Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy & Biomedical SciencesPhD
462Accounting & FinancePhD
463Economics PhD
464Hunter Centre for EntrepreneurshipPhD
465Management SciencePhD
467MBA & International DivisionPhD
468Strathclyde Executive Education & DevelopmentPhD
469Work, Employment & OrganisationPhD
Why Choose UK

We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions

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Why use UKUNI

We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions We also assist students that wish to develop their English language at schools and language colleges across that English speaking countries.

We could cater for almost all needs and requests. We also have several options for Young Learners to develop their English during the summer in a secure and enjoyable environment.


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