University majors
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Arcu risu
# | Course Name | Course Level |
1 | Accounting | Bachelor |
2 | Africana Studies | Bachelor |
3 | Agribusiness Economics and Management | Bachelor |
4 | Agricultural Technology Management and Education | Bachelor |
5 | Agriculture and Life Sciences, Undecided | Bachelor |
6 | American Indian Studies | Bachelor |
7 | Animal Sciences | Bachelor |
8 | Anthropology | Bachelor |
9 | Anthropology | Bachelor |
10 | Applied Humanities | Bachelor |
11 | Applied Humanities: Business Administration Emphasis | Bachelor |
12 | Applied Humanities: Fashion Studies | Bachelor |
13 | Applied Humanities: Game Studies | Bachelor |
14 | Applied Humanities: Public Studies | Bachelor |
15 | Applied Humanities: Rural Leadership and Renewal | Bachelor |
16 | Applied Humanities: Spatial Organization and Design Thinking Emphasis | Bachelor |
17 | Applied Physics | Bachelor |
18 | Applied Science: Administration of Justice Emphasis | Bachelor |
19 | Applied Science: Early Childhood Education Emphasis | Bachelor |
20 | Arabic | Bachelor |
21 | Architecture | Bachelor |
22 | Art and Visual Culture Education: Community Museums Emphasis | Bachelor |
23 | Art and Visual Culture Education: Teaching Emphasis | Bachelor |
24 | Art History | Bachelor |
25 | Art: Studio Art (BFA in : 2D, 3D, Photo or ID) | Bachelor |
26 | Astronomy | Bachelor |
27 | Biochemistry | Bachelor |
28 | Biochemistry | Bachelor |
29 | Bioinformatics | Bachelor |
30 | Biology | Bachelor |
31 | Biosystems: Analytics & Technology | Bachelor |
32 | Business (Pre-Business) | Bachelor |
33 | Business Economics (Pre-Business) | Bachelor |
34 | Business Management (Pre-Business) | Bachelor |
35 | Care, Health and Society | Bachelor |
36 | Chemistry | Bachelor |
37 | Chemistry | Bachelor |
38 | Classics | Bachelor |
39 | Communication | Bachelor |
40 | Computer Science | Bachelor |
41 | Computer Science | Bachelor |
42 | Creative Writing | Bachelor |
43 | Criminal Justice Studies | Bachelor |
44 | Cyber Operations | Bachelor |
45 | Dance | Bachelor |
46 | Deaf Studies (Pre-Deaf Studies) | Bachelor |
47 | Early Childhood Education (Pre-Early Childhood Education) | Bachelor |
48 | East Asian Studies | Bachelor |
49 | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Bachelor |
50 | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | Bachelor |
51 | Economics (Pre-Economics) | Bachelor |
52 | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Bachelor |
53 | Elementary Education (Pre-Early Child Education) | Bachelor |
54 | Emergency Medical Services | Bachelor |
55 | Engineering | Bachelor |
56 | English | Bachelor |
57 | Entrepreneurship (Pre-Business) | Bachelor |
58 | Environmental and Water Resource Economics | Bachelor |
59 | Environmental Science | Bachelor |
60 | Environmental Studies | Bachelor |
61 | Exploratory (Pre-Education) | Bachelor |
62 | Family Studies and Human Development | Bachelor |
63 | Film and Television | Bachelor |
64 | Film and Television | Bachelor |
65 | Finance | Bachelor |
66 | Food Studies | Bachelor |
67 | French | Bachelor |
68 | Game Design and Development | Bachelor |
69 | Games and Behavior | Bachelor |
70 | Gender and Women's Studies | Bachelor |
71 | General Studies: Global and Intercultural Understanding Emphasis | Bachelor |
72 | General Studies: Social, Behavioral and Human Understanding Emphasis | Bachelor |
73 | General Studies: Sports and Society Emphasis | Bachelor |
74 | Geography | Bachelor |
75 | Geography | Bachelor |
76 | Geosciences | Bachelor |
77 | German Studies | Bachelor |
78 | Global Studies | Bachelor |
79 | Government and Public Service | Bachelor |
80 | History | Bachelor |
81 | Human Services | Bachelor |
82 | Humanities, Undecided | Bachelor |
83 | Hydrology and Atmospheric Science | Bachelor |
84 | Information Science and Arts | Bachelor |
85 | Information Science and eSociety | Bachelor |
86 | Information Science and Technology | Bachelor |
87 | Intelligence and Information Operations | Bachelor |
88 | Italian | Bachelor |
89 | Journalism | Bachelor |
90 | Judaic Studies | Bachelor |
91 | Latin American Studies | Bachelor |
92 | Law | Bachelor |
93 | Linguistics | Bachelor |
94 | Literacy, Learning and Leadership | Bachelor |
95 | Management Information Systems (Pre-Business) | Bachelor |
96 | Marketing (Pre-Business) | Bachelor |
97 | Mathematics: Applied Emphasis | Bachelor |
98 | Mathematics: Applied Emphasis | Bachelor |
99 | Mexican American Studies | Bachelor |
100 | Microbiology | Bachelor |
101 | Middle Eastern and North African Studies | Bachelor |
102 | Molecular and Cellular Biology | Bachelor |
103 | Music - Performance | Bachelor |
104 | Music | Bachelor |
105 | Music Education | Bachelor |
106 | Natural Resources | Bachelor |
107 | Neuroscience and Cognitive Science | Bachelor |
108 | Nursing (Pre-Professional) | Bachelor |
109 | Nutrition & Food Systems | Bachelor |
111 | Operations & Supply Chain Management (Pre-Business) | Bachelor |
112 | Organizational Leadership | Bachelor |
113 | Personal & Family Financial Planning | Bachelor |
114 | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Bachelor |
115 | Philosophy | Bachelor |
116 | Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Law | Bachelor |
117 | Philosophy: Ethics Emphasis | Bachelor |
118 | Physics | Bachelor |
119 | Physiology & Medical Sciences | Bachelor |
120 | Plant Sciences | Bachelor |
121 | Political Science | Bachelor |
122 | Precision Nutrition and Wellness | Bachelor |
123 | Psychological Science | Bachelor |
124 | Psychology | Bachelor |
125 | Public Health (Pre) | Bachelor |
126 | Public Management and Policy | Bachelor |
127 | Regional Commerce | Bachelor |
128 | Rehabilitation Studies Service | Bachelor |
129 | Religious Studies | Bachelor |
130 | Retailing and Consumer Science | Bachelor |
131 | Russian | Bachelor |
132 | Science, Undecided | Bachelor |
133 | Social and Behavioral Studies, Undecided | Bachelor |
134 | Sociology | Bachelor |
135 | Spanish | Bachelor |
136 | Special Education and Rehabilitation: Mild to Moderate Disabilities K-12 (Pre-Mild Moderate Disabilities) | Bachelor |
137 | Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences | Bachelor |
138 | Statistics and Data Science | Bachelor |
139 | Statistics and Data Science | Bachelor |
140 | Sustainable Built Environments | Bachelor |
141 | Sustainable Plant Systems | Bachelor |
142 | Theatre Arts | Bachelor |
143 | Theatre Production: Acting | Bachelor |
144 | Undecided/Undeclared | Bachelor |
145 | Urban and Regional Development | Bachelor |
146 | Veterinary Science | Bachelor |
147 | Accounting (Online) | Masters |
148 | Aerospace Engineering | Masters |
149 | Agricultural & Resource Econ - Applied Econometrics and Data Analytics | Masters |
150 | Agricultural & Resource Econ - Applied Economics and Policy Analysis | Masters |
151 | Agricultural Education - Career & Technical Education | Masters |
152 | Agricultural Education - Practitioner Emphasis | Masters |
153 | Agricultural Education - Professional Agriculture | Masters |
154 | Agricultural Education - Research Emphasis (MS) | Masters |
155 | American Indian Studies (MA) | Masters |
156 | Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences (MS) | Masters |
157 | Anthropology (MA) | Masters |
158 | Applied Mathematics (MS) | Masters |
159 | Architecture - Design and Energy Conservation (MS) | Masters |
160 | Architecture - Emerging Building Technologies (MS) | Masters |
161 | Architecture - General (MS) | Masters |
162 | Architecture - Health & The Built Environment (MS) | Masters |
163 | Architecture - Heritage Conservation (MS) | Masters |
164 | Architecture - Sustainable Market Transformation (MS) | Masters |
165 | Architecture - Urban Design (MS) | Masters |
166 | Architecture (MAR) | Masters |
167 | Architecture (MS) | Masters |
168 | Art (MFA) | Masters |
169 | Art and Visual Culture Educ - Art and Visual Culture Studies (MA) | Masters |
170 | Art and Visual Culture Educ - Community and Museums (MA) | Masters |
171 | Art and Visual Culture Education (MA) | Masters |
172 | Atmospheric Sciences (MS) | Masters |
173 | Biomedical Engineering (MS) | Masters |
174 | Biostatistics (MS) | Masters |
175 | Biosystems Analytics & Tech (MS) | Masters |
176 | Biosystems Engineering (MS) | Masters |
177 | Business Administration (Online) (MBA) | Masters |
178 | Business Analytics (MS) | Masters |
179 | Cellular & Molecular Medicine (MS) | Masters |
180 | Chemical Engineering (MS) | Masters |
181 | Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics (MS) | Masters |
182 | Communication (MA) | Masters |
183 | Counseling - Rehabilitation & Mental Health Emphasis (MA) | Masters |
184 | Counseling - School Counseling Emphasis (MA) | Masters |
185 | Cyber Security (Online) (MS) | Masters |
186 | Dance (MFA) | Masters |
187 | Data Science (MS) | Masters |
188 | East Asian Studies (MA) | Masters |
189 | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (MS) | Masters |
190 | Econometrics and Quantitative Economics (MS) | Masters |
191 | Education Policy (MA) | Masters |
192 | Educational Leadership (MA) | Masters |
193 | Educational Psychology (MA) | Masters |
194 | Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS) | Masters |
195 | Engineering - Aerospace Systems (MA) | Masters |
196 | Engineering - Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics (MA) | Masters |
197 | Engineering - Innovation, Sustainability, and Entrepreneurship (MA) | Masters |
198 | Engineering Management (MS) | Masters |
199 | English (MA) | Masters |
200 | Entomology & Insect Science (MS) | Masters |
201 | Entrepreneurship (Online) (MS) | Masters |
202 | Environmental Engineering (MS) | Masters |
203 | Environmental Health Sciences (MA) | Masters |
204 | Epidemiology (MA) | Masters |
205 | Finance (MS) | Masters |
206 | French (MA) | Masters |
207 | Gender and Women's Studies (MA) | Masters |
208 | Genetic Counseling (MA) | Masters |
209 | Genetics (MA) | Masters |
210 | Geographic Information Systems Technology (MA) | Masters |
211 | Geography (MA) | Masters |
212 | Geosciences (MA) | Masters |
213 | German Studies (MA) | Masters |
214 | Global Media (Online) (MS) | Masters |
215 | Health Behavior Health Promotion (MA) | Masters |
216 | Healthcare Management (Online) (MS) | Masters |
217 | Higher Education (MA) | Masters |
218 | History (MA) | Masters |
219 | Human Language Technology (MS) | Masters |
220 | Human Rights Practice (Online) (MS) | Masters |
221 | Hydrology - Non-thesis Option (MS) | Masters |
222 | Hydrology (MS) | Masters |
223 | Hydrometeorology (MS) | Masters |
224 | Indigenous Governance (MS) | Masters |
225 | Industrial Engineering (MS) | Masters |
226 | Information (MS) | Masters |
227 | Innovation, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship (Online) (MS) | Masters |
228 | International Security (Online) (MA) | Masters |
229 | International Trade & Bus Law Legal Studies (LLM) | Masters |
230 | Journalism - Digital Journalism (MA) | Masters |
231 | Journalism - Global Journalism (MA) | Masters |
232 | Journalism - Science & Environmental Journalism (MA) | Masters |
233 | Journalism (MA) | Masters |
234 | Landscape Architecture (MA) | Masters |
235 | Language, Reading & Culture - Early Childhood Education (MA) | Masters |
236 | Language, Reading & Culture (MA) | Masters |
237 | Latin American Studies (MA) | Masters |
238 | Library & Information Science (MA) | Masters |
239 | Linguistics - Native American Linguistics and Languages (MA) | Masters |
240 | Management Information Systems (Online) (MS) | Masters |
241 | Marketing (MS) | Masters |
242 | Materials Science and Engineering (MS) | Masters |
243 | Mathematics (MA) | Masters |
244 | Mathematics (MS) | Masters |
245 | Mechanical Engineering (MS) | Masters |
246 | Medical Pharmacology - Perfusion (MA) | Masters |
247 | Medical Pharmacology (MA) | Masters |
248 | Mexican American Studies (MA) | Masters |
249 | Microbiology (MS) | Masters |
250 | Middle Eastern and North African Studies (MA) | Masters |
251 | Mining Geological/Geophysical Engineering (MS) | Masters |
252 | Molecular Medicine (MS) | Masters |
253 | Music - Composition (MM) | Masters |
254 | Music - Conducting (MM) | Masters |
255 | Music - Ethnomusicology (MM) | Masters |
256 | Music - Music Education (MM) | Masters |
257 | Music - Musicology (MM) | Masters |
258 | Music - Performance (MM) | Masters |
259 | Music - Theory (MM) | Masters |
260 | Music (MM) | Masters |
261 | Natural Resources - Ecology, Management & Restoration of Rangelands (MS) | Masters |
262 | Natural Resources - Fisheries Conservation & Management (MS) | Masters |
263 | Natural Resources - Natural Resources Studies (MS) | Masters |
264 | Natural Resources - Watershed Management & Ecohydrology (MS) | Masters |
265 | Natural Resources - Wildlife Conservation & Management (MS) | Masters |
266 | Natural Resources (MS) | Masters |
267 | Nutritional Sciences (MS) | Masters |
268 | Optical Sciences (Online) (MS) | Masters |
269 | Persian and Iranian Studies (MA) | Masters |
270 | Pharmaceutical Sciences - Health and Pharm Outcomes (MS) | Masters |
271 | Pharmaceutical Sciences - Non-Thesis (MS) | Masters |
272 | Pharmaceutical Sciences - Pharm Econ Policy & Outcomes (MS) | Masters |
273 | Philosophy (MA) | Masters |
274 | Photonic Communications Engineering (MS) | Masters |
275 | Physiological Sciences (MS) | Masters |
276 | Planning (MS) | Masters |
277 | Plant Pathology (MS) | Masters |
278 | Plant Science (MS) | Masters |
279 | Public Administration (MPA) | Masters |
280 | Public Health - Biostatistics (MPH) | Masters |
281 | Public Health - Environmental and Occupational Health (MPH) | Masters |
282 | Public Health - Epidemiology (MPH) | Masters |
283 | Public Health - Family and Child Health (MPH) | Masters |
284 | Public Health - Family and Child Health Global (MPH) | Masters |
285 | Public Health - Health Behavior Health Promotion (MPH) | Masters |
286 | Public Health - Health Services Administration (MPH) | Masters |
287 | Public Health - Industrial Hygiene (MPH) | Masters |
288 | Public Health - Public Health Policy and Mgmt (MPH) | Masters |
289 | Public Health - Public Health Practice (MPH) | Masters |
290 | Public Health (MPH) | Masters |
291 | Public Policy (MPP) | Masters |
292 | Real Estate Development (MRED) | Masters |
293 | Russian (MA) | Masters |
294 | Secondary Education (MED) | Masters |
295 | Soil, Water and Environmental Science (MS) | Masters |
296 | Spanish (MA) | Masters |
297 | Special Education - Mild-Moderate Disabilities (MA) | Masters |
298 | Special Education - Severe & Multiple Disabilities (MA) | Masters |
299 | Special Education - Visual Impairment (MA) | Masters |
300 | Special Education (MA) - Applied Behavior Analysis (MA) | Masters |
301 | Special Education (MA) - Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MA) | Masters |
302 | Special Education (MA) - Disabilities (MA) | Masters |
303 | Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (MS) | Masters |
304 | Statistics (MS) | Masters |
305 | Statistics and Data Science (MS) | Masters |
306 | Systems Engineering (MS) | Masters |
307 | Teaching & Teacher Education - Early Childhood Education (MA) | Masters |
308 | Teaching & Teacher Education (MA) | Masters |
309 | Teaching & Teacher Education (MED) | Masters |
310 | Teaching English as a Second Language (MA) | Masters |
311 | Theatre Arts - Theatre Design and Production (MFA) | Masters |
312 | Urban Planning (MS) | Masters |
313 | Water, Society and Policy (MS) | Masters |
314 | Accounting | Bachelor |
315 | Advertising | Bachelor |
316 | Anthropology | Bachelor |
317 | Architecture | Bachelor |
318 | Art | Bachelor |
319 | Art and Technology | Bachelor |
320 | Art History | Bachelor |
321 | Asian Studies | Bachelor |
322 | Biochemistry | Bachelor |
323 | Biology | Bachelor |
324 | Business Administration | Bachelor |
325 | Chemistry | Bachelor |
326 | Chinese | Bachelor |
327 | Cinemal Studies | Bachelor |
328 | Classics | Bachelor |
329 | Communication Disorders and Sciences | Bachelor |
330 | Comparative Literature | Bachelor |
331 | Computer Sciences | Bachelor |
332 | Dance | Bachelor |
333 | Data Science | Bachelor |
334 | Earth Sciences | Bachelor |
335 | Economics | Bachelor |
336 | Educational Foundations | Bachelor |
337 | English | Bachelor |
338 | Environmental Science | Bachelor |
339 | Environmental Studies | Bachelor |
340 | Ethnic Studies | Bachelor |
341 | Family and Human Services | Bachelor |
342 | Folklore and Public Culture | Bachelor |
343 | French | Bachelor |
344 | General Science | Bachelor |
345 | General Social Science | Bachelor |
346 | Geography | Bachelor |
347 | German | Bachelor |
348 | German and Scandinavian Studies | Bachelor |
349 | History | Bachelor |
350 | Human Physiology | Bachelor |
351 | Humanities | Bachelor |
352 | Interior Architecture | Bachelor |
353 | Italian | Bachelor |
354 | Japanese | Bachelor |
355 | Journalism Studies | Bachelor |
356 | Judaic Studies | Bachelor |
357 | Landscape Architecture | Bachelor |
358 | Latin American Studies | Bachelor |
359 | Linquistics | Bachelor |
360 | Marine Biology | Bachelor |
361 | Mathematics | Bachelor |
362 | Mathematics and Computer Science | Bachelor |
363 | Media Studies | Bachelor |
364 | Medieval Studies | Bachelor |
365 | Music | Bachelor |
366 | Music Composition | Bachelor |
367 | Music Education | Bachelor |
368 | Music Performance | Bachelor |
369 | Music: Jazz Studies | Bachelor |
370 | Native American and Indigenous Studies | Bachelor |
371 | Neuroscience | Bachelor |
372 | Philosophy | Bachelor |
373 | Physics | Bachelor |
374 | Planning, Public Policy and Management | Bachelor |
375 | Political Science | Bachelor |
376 | Product Design | Bachelor |
377 | Pyschology | Bachelor |
378 | Religious Studies | Bachelor |
379 | Romance Languages | Bachelor |
380 | Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies | Bachelor |
381 | Sociology | Bachelor |
382 | Accounting | Bachelor |
383 | Adolescent and Young Adult Education | Bachelor |
384 | Africana Studies | Bachelor |
385 | Anthropology | Bachelor |
386 | Art | Bachelor |
387 | Art Education | Bachelor |
388 | Art History | Bachelor |
389 | Asian Studies | Bachelor |
390 | Astronomy | Bachelor |
391 | Biochemistry | Bachelor |
392 | Bioengineering | Bachelor |
393 | Biology | Bachelor |
394 | Business Management Technology | Bachelor |
395 | Chemical Engineering | Bachelor |
396 | Chemistry | Bachelor |
397 | Civil Engineering | Bachelor |
398 | Communication Studies | Bachelor |
399 | Computer Science and Engineering | Bachelor |
400 | Computer Science and Engineering Technology | Bachelor |
401 | Construction Engineering Technology | Bachelor |
402 | Criminal Justice | Bachelor |
403 | Data Analytics | Bachelor |
404 | Data Science | Bachelor |
405 | Early Childhood Education | Bachelor |
406 | Economics | Bachelor |
407 | Electrical Engineering | Bachelor |
408 | Electrical Engineering Technology | Bachelor |
409 | English | Bachelor |
410 | Entrepreneurship and Innovation | Bachelor |
411 | Environmental Engineering | Bachelor |
412 | Environmental Geology | Bachelor |
413 | Environmental Sciences | Bachelor |
414 | Environmental Studies | Bachelor |
415 | Exercise Science | Bachelor |
416 | Film and Video | Bachelor |
417 | Finance | Bachelor |
418 | Financial Services | Bachelor |
419 | Foreign Language Education | Bachelor |
420 | French | Bachelor |
421 | General Studies | Bachelor |
422 | Geography and Planning | Bachelor |
423 | Health Information Administration | Bachelor |
424 | History | Bachelor |
425 | Human Resource Management | Bachelor |
426 | Information Systems | Bachelor |
427 | Information Technology | Bachelor |
428 | Law and Social Thought | Bachelor |
429 | Liberal Studies | Bachelor |
430 | Management | Bachelor |
431 | Marketing | Bachelor |
432 | Mathematics | Bachelor |
433 | Mechanical Engineering | Bachelor |
434 | Mechanical Engineering Technology | Bachelor |
435 | Media Communication | Bachelor |
436 | Medical Technology | Bachelor |
437 | Middle Childhood Education | Bachelor |
438 | Middle East Studies | Bachelor |
439 | Multi-Age Education | Bachelor |
440 | Music | Bachelor |
441 | Music Education | Bachelor |
442 | Nursing | Bachelor |
443 | Operation and Supply Chain Management | Bachelor |
444 | Organizational Leadership and Management | Bachelor |
445 | Pharmacy | Bachelor |
446 | Pharmacy Adminstration | Bachelor |
447 | Philosophy | Bachelor |
448 | Physics | Bachelor |
449 | Political Science | Bachelor |
450 | Pre-Law | Bachelor |
451 | Psychology | Bachelor |
452 | Religious Studies | Bachelor |
453 | Sociology | Bachelor |
454 | Spanish | Bachelor |
455 | Special Education | Bachelor |
456 | Studio Art | Bachelor |
457 | Theatre | Bachelor |
458 | University Studies | Bachelor |
459 | Urban Studies | Bachelor |
460 | Visual Arts | Bachelor |
461 | Women's and Gender Studies | Bachelor |
462 | Accounting | Bachelor |
463 | Art Education | Bachelor |
464 | Art- Fine Art Studio 3D or 2D | Bachelor |
465 | Art- Graphic Design | Bachelor |
466 | Art History | Bachelor |
467 | Art- Studio Art | Bachelor |
468 | Art Therapy | Bachelor |
469 | Arts Administration | Bachelor |
470 | Audiology - Health Sciences | Bachelor |
471 | Biochemistry | Bachelor |
472 | Biology | Bachelor |
473 | Biology | Bachelor |
474 | Business Management | Bachelor |
475 | Chemistry | Bachelor |
476 | Chemistry | Bachelor |
477 | Communication | Bachelor |
478 | Communication- Advocacy Media Communication | Bachelor |
479 | Communication- Corporate Communication | Bachelor |
480 | Communication- Political Communication | Bachelor |
481 | Computer Science | Bachelor |
482 | Criminal Justice | Bachelor |
483 | Cybersecurity | Bachelor |
484 | Dance Choreography | Bachelor |
485 | Dance Education/Pedagogy | Bachelor |
486 | Dance- Performance | Bachelor |
487 | Data Analytics | Bachelor |
488 | Elementary Education with Special Education | Bachelor |
489 | Engineering- Chemistry (3+) | Bachelor |
490 | Engineering- Mathematics (3+) | Bachelor |
491 | English- Creative Writing | Bachelor |
492 | English- Journalism/New Media | Bachelor |
493 | English- Literature | Bachelor |
494 | Exercise Science | Bachelor |
495 | Forensic Science | Bachelor |
496 | Global Studies | Bachelor |
497 | Health Science | Bachelor |
498 | History | Bachelor |
499 | Human Resources Management | Bachelor |
500 | International Business | Bachelor |
501 | Marketing | Bachelor |
502 | Mathematics | Bachelor |
503 | Mathematics- Actuary Science | Bachelor |
504 | Music | Bachelor |
505 | Music- Commercial Music | Bachelor |
506 | Music Education | Bachelor |
507 | Music Performance | Bachelor |
508 | Music- Sacred Music | Bachelor |
509 | Music Therapy | Bachelor |
510 | Nutrition and Dietetics | Bachelor |
511 | Physician Assistant | Bachelor |
512 | Political Science | Bachelor |
513 | Pre-Law- History (3+3) | Bachelor |
514 | Pre-Law- Political Science (3+3) | Bachelor |
515 | Psychology | Bachelor |
516 | Religious Studies/Theology- Academic | Bachelor |
517 | Religious Studies/Theology- Pastoral Ministry | Bachelor |
518 | Social Work | Bachelor |
519 | Sociology | Bachelor |
520 | Spanish | Bachelor |
521 | Sports Management | Bachelor |
522 | Theatre Arts | Bachelor |
523 | Theatre Business | Bachelor |
524 | Theatre Design & Technology | Bachelor |
525 | Theatre- Musical Theatre | Bachelor |
526 | Theatre- Musical Theatre | Bachelor |
527 | Theatre Performance | Bachelor |
528 | Advanced Nutrition Practice | Masters |
529 | Art Therapy - Specialization in Counseling | Masters |
530 | Elementary/Middle Level Education | Masters |
531 | Forensic Accounting & Fraud Examination | Masters |
532 | Healthcare Administration | Masters |
533 | Innovative Instruction | Masters |
534 | Management | Masters |
535 | Orthodontics | Masters |
536 | Physician Assistant | Masters |
537 | Project Management | Masters |
538 | Special Education | Masters |
539 | Writing Popular Fiction | Masters |
540 | Accounting | Bachelor |
541 | Art | Bachelor |
542 | Biology | Bachelor |
543 | Biology | Bachelor |
544 | Biopsychology | Bachelor |
545 | Biopsychology | Bachelor |
546 | Business Administration | Bachelor |
547 | Chemistry | Bachelor |
548 | Communication Studies | Bachelor |
549 | Computational Science | Bachelor |
550 | Computer Information Systems | Bachelor |
551 | Computer Science | Bachelor |
552 | Conditional | Bachelor |
553 | Cyber Defense (Online) | Bachelor |
554 | Cybersecurity | Bachelor |
555 | Economics & Finance | Bachelor |
556 | Economics | Bachelor |
557 | Economics | Bachelor |
558 | Education - K-12 - Music Education | Bachelor |
559 | Education - K-12 - Physical Education | Bachelor |
560 | Educational Studies | Bachelor |
561 | Elementary Education | Bachelor |
562 | English | Bachelor |
563 | Entrepreneurship | Bachelor |
564 | Environmental Studies | Bachelor |
565 | Exercise Science & Sports Performance | Bachelor |
566 | Health and Wellness | Bachelor |
567 | Healthcare Management | Bachelor |
568 | History | Bachelor |
569 | History Education | Bachelor |
570 | Human Resource Management | Bachelor |
571 | International Relations | Bachelor |
572 | Management | Bachelor |
573 | Management (Online) | Bachelor |
574 | Marketing | Bachelor |
575 | Mathematics | Bachelor |
576 | Mathematics | Bachelor |
577 | Middle School Education - English/Language Arts | Bachelor |
578 | Middle School Education - Mathematics | Bachelor |
579 | Middle School Education - Science | Bachelor |
580 | Middle School Education - Social Science | Bachelor |
581 | Music | Bachelor |
582 | Music Education - Instrumental Emphasis | Bachelor |
583 | Music Marketing | Bachelor |
584 | Musical Theatre | Bachelor |
585 | Occupational Therapy | Bachelor |
586 | Organizational Communication | Bachelor |
587 | Philosophy | Bachelor |
588 | Physical Education | Bachelor |
589 | Political Science | Bachelor |
590 | Psychology | Bachelor |
591 | Public Relations | Bachelor |
592 | Religious Studies | Bachelor |
593 | Secondary Education - English | Bachelor |
594 | Secondary Education - Mathematics | Bachelor |
595 | Secondary Education - Political Science | Bachelor |
596 | Secondary Education - Psychology | Bachelor |
597 | Secondary Education - Social Science | Bachelor |
598 | Sociology | Bachelor |
599 | Spanish | Bachelor |
600 | Special & Elementary Education Dual Licensure | Bachelor |
601 | Sport Management | Bachelor |
602 | Sport Management (Online) | Bachelor |
603 | Supply Chain Management & Logistics | Bachelor |
604 | Theatre | Bachelor |
605 | Business Administration | Masters |
606 | Doctor of Nursing Practice | Masters |
607 | Doctorate of Education | Masters |
608 | Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling | Masters |
609 | Master of Arts in Education | Masters |
610 | Master of Health Administration | Masters |
611 | Master of Science in Athletic Training | Masters |
612 | Master of Science in Nursing | Masters |
613 | Masters of Arts in Teaching | Masters |
614 | Specialist in Education | Masters |
615 | Bachelor of Fine Arts | Bachelor |
616 | Biochemistry | Bachelor |
617 | Biological Sciences | Bachelor |
618 | Business Administration - Accounting | Bachelor |
619 | Business Administration - Economics | Bachelor |
620 | Business Administration - Finance | Bachelor |
621 | Business Administration - International Business | Bachelor |
622 | Business Administration - Management | Bachelor |
623 | Business Administration - Marketing | Bachelor |
624 | Chemistry | Bachelor |
625 | Classical Studies - Classical Civilizations | Bachelor |
626 | Classical Studies | Bachelor |
627 | Criminal Justice | Bachelor |
628 | Economics | Bachelor |
629 | English - Film/Digital Media | Bachelor |
630 | English - Literature | Bachelor |
631 | English - Writing | Bachelor |
632 | Environmental Science | Bachelor |
633 | Environmental Studies - Humanities | Bachelor |
634 | Environmental Studies - Social Sciences | Bachelor |
635 | Forensic Chemistry | Bachelor |
636 | Graphic Design | Bachelor |
637 | History - Pre-Law History | Bachelor |
638 | History | Bachelor |
639 | Languages and Cultures - French | Bachelor |
640 | Languages and Cultures - Latin American Studies | Bachelor |
641 | Languages and Cultures - Spanish | Bachelor |
642 | Mass Communication | Bachelor |
643 | Mathematics - Computational Mathematics | Bachelor |
644 | Mathematics - Liberal Arts | Bachelor |
645 | Mathematics | Bachelor |
646 | Music - Composition | Bachelor |
647 | Music - Elective Studies | Bachelor |
648 | Music - Guitar Performance | Bachelor |
649 | Music - Jazz Studies | Bachelor |
650 | Music - Keyboard Performance | Bachelor |
651 | Music - Music Industry Studies | Bachelor |
652 | Music - Orchestral Instrument Performance | Bachelor |
653 | Music - Vocal Performance | Bachelor |
654 | Music | Bachelor |
655 | Music Education - Instrumental Performance Track | Bachelor |
656 | Music Education - Vocal Performance Track | Bachelor |
657 | Music Education - Vocal with General Music Concentration Track | Bachelor |
658 | Music Industry Studies | Bachelor |
659 | Music Therapy | Bachelor |
660 | Philosophy - Pre-Law Philosophy | Bachelor |
661 | Philosophy | Bachelor |
662 | Physics - Liberal Arts Physics | Bachelor |
663 | Physics - Pre-Engineering Physics | Bachelor |
664 | Physics - Pre-Health Physics | Bachelor |
665 | Physics | Bachelor |
666 | Political Science | Bachelor |
667 | Psychology - Pre-Health | Bachelor |
668 | Psychology | Bachelor |
669 | Religious Studies - Christianity | Bachelor |
670 | Religious Studies - World Religions | Bachelor |
671 | Sociology | Bachelor |
672 | Studio Art | Bachelor |
673 | Theatre Arts | Bachelor |
674 | Theatre Arts with a Minor in Business Administration | Bachelor |
675 | Business Administration | Masters |
676 | Counseling | Masters |
677 | Criminology & Justice | Masters |
678 | Ministry | Masters |
679 | Ministry | Masters |
680 | Music - Music Therapy | Masters |
681 | Music - Performance | Masters |
682 | Nursing | Masters |
683 | Nursing | Masters |
684 | Teacher Education | Masters |
685 | Accounting | Bachelor |
686 | Adolescent Education | Bachelor |
687 | Allied Health | Bachelor |
688 | Allied Health/Healthcare Leadership (Accelerated Program) | Bachelor |
689 | Art History | Bachelor |
690 | Biochemistry | Bachelor |
691 | Biology | Bachelor |
692 | Business Analytics | Bachelor |
693 | Chemical Engineering | Bachelor |
694 | Chemistry | Bachelor |
695 | Childhood Education | Bachelor |
696 | Childhood/Special Education (dual program) | Bachelor |
697 | Civil Engineering | Bachelor |
698 | Communication | Bachelor |
699 | Computer Engineering | Bachelor |
700 | Computer Information Systems | Bachelor |
701 | Computer Science | Bachelor |
702 | Economics - B.A. | Bachelor |
703 | Economics - B.S. | Bachelor |
704 | Electrical Engineering | Bachelor |
705 | English | Bachelor |
706 | Environmental Science | Bachelor |
707 | Environmental Studies | Bachelor |
708 | Exercise Science | Bachelor |
709 | Finance | Bachelor |
710 | French | Bachelor |
711 | Global Business Studies | Bachelor |
712 | History | Bachelor |
713 | International Studies | Bachelor |
714 | Labor Studies | Bachelor |
715 | Management | Bachelor |
716 | Marketing | Bachelor |
717 | Mathematics | Bachelor |
718 | Mechanical Engineering | Bachelor |
719 | Nuclear Medicine Technology | Bachelor |
720 | Organizational Leadership (Accelerated Program) | Bachelor |
721 | Peace and Justice Studies | Bachelor |
722 | Philosophy | Bachelor |
723 | Physical Education | Bachelor |
724 | Physics | Bachelor |
725 | Political Science | Bachelor |
726 | Pre-Health (concentration) | Bachelor |
727 | Psychology | Bachelor |
728 | Radiation Therapy Technology | Bachelor |
729 | Religious Studies | Bachelor |
730 | Sociology | Bachelor |
731 | Spanish | Bachelor |
732 | Urban Studies | Bachelor |
733 | Applied Mathematics - Data Analytics | Masters |
734 | Business | Masters |
735 | Computer Science | Masters |
736 | Education - Advanced Leadership Studies | Masters |
737 | Education - School Building Leadership | Masters |
738 | Engineering - Chemical Engineering | Masters |
739 | Engineering - Civil Engineering | Masters |
740 | Engineering - Computer Engineering | Masters |
741 | Engineering - Construction Management | Masters |
742 | Engineering - Electrical Engineering | Masters |
743 | Engineering - Environmental Engineering | Masters |
744 | Engineering - Mechanical Engineering | Masters |
745 | Instructional Design & Delivery | Masters |
746 | Mathematics | Masters |
747 | Accounting Data and Analytics | Masters |
748 | Accounting Foundations | Masters |
749 | Advanced Analytics for Accountants | Masters |
750 | Advanced Financial Planning | Masters |
751 | Advanced Studies in Taxation | Masters |
752 | Analytics For Competitive Advantage | Masters |
753 | Business Analytics | Masters |
754 | Conflict Resolution | Masters |
755 | Counseling Psychology | Masters |
756 | Counseling Skills | Masters |
757 | CPA Applied Accounting | Masters |
758 | Estate Planning | Masters |
759 | Executive Master of Business Administration | Masters |
760 | Executive Master of Public Administration | Masters |
761 | Finance | Masters |
762 | Financial Analytics | Masters |
763 | Financial Life Planning | Masters |
764 | Financial Planning | Masters |
765 | HR Management | Masters |
766 | Industrial Organizational Psychology | Masters |
767 | International Taxation | Masters |
768 | IT Management | Masters |
769 | Juris Doctor | Masters |
770 | Leadership | Masters |
771 | Master of Business Administration | Masters |
772 | Project Management | Masters |
773 | Security in Computer Systems Management | Masters |
774 | State and Local Taxation | Masters |
775 | Taxation | Masters |
776 | Urban Innovations | Masters |
777 | Accounting - American Honors | Foundation |
778 | American Sign Language/English Interpreting - American Honors | Foundation |
779 | Applied Science and Engineering Technology - American Honors | Foundation |
780 | Applied Science and Engineering Technology (Honors) - American Honors | Foundation |
781 | Architecture - American Honors | Foundation |
782 | Art and Design - American Honors | Foundation |
783 | Automotive Technology - American Honors | Foundation |
784 | Behavioral Health/Human Services - American Honors | Foundation |
785 | Biology - American Honors | Foundation |
786 | Biology Honors - American Honors | Foundation |
787 | Building Science - American Honors | Foundation |
788 | Business - Accelerated - American Honors | Foundation |
789 | Business - General - American Honors | Foundation |
790 | Chemistry - American Honors | Foundation |
791 | Communication Studies- American Honors | Foundation |
792 | Computer Information Systems - Information Technology - American Honors | Foundation |
793 | Computer Science - American Honors | Foundation |
794 | Construction Management- American Honors | Foundation |
795 | Culinary Arts - American Honors | Foundation |
796 | Cybersecurity - American Honors | Foundation |
797 | Dental Hygiene - American Honors | Foundation |
798 | Diagnostic Medical Imaging - American Honors | Foundation |
799 | Digital Forensics - American Honors | Foundation |
800 | Digital Video Production - American Honors | Foundation |
801 | Education: Early Childhood (Birth to 4th Grade) - American Honors | Foundation |
802 | Education: Middle Level (4th to 8th Grades) - American Honors | Foundation |
803 | Education: Middle Level (4th to 8th Grades) - American Honors | Foundation |
804 | Education: Secondary Humanities/Social Studies Education Option - American Honors | Foundation |
805 | Education: Secondary Math/Science Option - American Honors | Foundation |
806 | Engineering Science - American Honors | Foundation |
807 | English - American Honors | Foundation |
808 | English (Honors) - American Honors | Foundation |
809 | Facility Management - Construction Option - American Honors | Foundation |
810 | Facility Management - Design Option - American Honors | Foundation |
811 | Fire Science - American Honors | Foundation |
812 | Health Care Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
813 | Health Services Management - American Honors | Foundation |
814 | Hospitality Management - American Honors | Foundation |
815 | Interior Design - American Honors | Foundation |
816 | International Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
817 | Justice - American Honors | Foundation |
818 | Liberal Arts - American Honors | Foundation |
819 | Liberal Arts - Social/Behavioral Science - American Honors | Foundation |
820 | Liberal Arts (Honors)- American Honors | Foundation |
821 | Mass Media - American Honors | Foundation |
822 | Mathematics - American Honors | Foundation |
823 | Medical Laboratory Technician - American Honors | Foundation |
824 | Music Performance - American Honors | Foundation |
825 | Network Technology Management and Administration - American Honors | Foundation |
826 | Nursing - American Honors | Foundation |
827 | Paralegal Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
828 | Photographic Imaging - American Honors | Foundation |
829 | Psychology - American Honors | Foundation |
830 | Religious Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
831 | Respiratory Care Technology - American Honors | Foundation |
832 | Sound Recording and Music Technology - American Honors | Foundation |
833 | Technical Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
834 | Theater - American Honors | Foundation |
835 | Accounting - American Honors | Foundation |
836 | American Sign Language and Deaf Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
837 | American Sign Language and Deaf Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
838 | Architecture - American Honors | Foundation |
839 | Audio Production - American Honors | Foundation |
840 | Automotive Technology - American Honors | Foundation |
841 | Biology - American Honors | Foundation |
842 | Business - American Honors | Foundation |
843 | Business Management - American Honors | Foundation |
844 | Business Marketing - American Honors | Foundation |
845 | CAD-CAM - American Honors | Foundation |
846 | Chemistry - American Honors | Foundation |
847 | Communications - American Honors | Foundation |
848 | Computer Information Systems & Technology - American Honors x | Foundation |
849 | Computer Science - American Honors | Foundation |
850 | Computer Science/Engineering - American Honors | Foundation |
851 | Criminal Justice - American Honors | Foundation |
852 | Criminal Justice C.T. - American Honors | Foundation |
853 | Cyber Forensics - American Honors | Foundation |
854 | Cybersecurity - American Honors | Foundation |
855 | Diagnostic Medical Sonography - American Honors | Foundation |
856 | Early Childhood Elementary Education, Suggested Grades Pre-K-3 - American Honors | Foundation |
857 | Education, Suggested Grades 4-12 - American Honors | Foundation |
858 | Educational Interpreter Program (EIP) - American Honors | Foundation |
859 | Electronics/Electromechanical Engineering Technology - American Honors | Foundation |
860 | Emergency Medical Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
861 | Emergency Medical Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
862 | Engineering - American Honors | Foundation |
863 | English - American Honors | Foundation |
864 | Fire Science Technology - American Honors | Foundation |
865 | Game Design Development - American Honors | Foundation |
866 | Graphic Design - American Honors | Foundation |
867 | Health Science - American Honors | Foundation |
868 | History - American Honors | Foundation |
869 | Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management - American Honors | Foundation |
870 | Interpreting Spoken Language - American Honors | Foundation |
871 | Journalism and Public Relations - American Honors | Foundation |
872 | Liberal Arts - American Honors | Foundation |
873 | Liberal Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
874 | Liberal Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
875 | Mathematics - American Honors | Foundation |
876 | Mathematics Major - Education Option - American Honors | Foundation |
877 | Media - American Honors | Foundation |
878 | Office Professional - American Honors | Foundation |
879 | Paralegal Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
880 | Paralegal Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
881 | Paramedic Emergency Health Science - American Honors | Foundation |
882 | Photovoltaic (PV) - American Honors | Foundation |
883 | Physical Therapist Assistant - American Honors | Foundation |
884 | Psychology - American Honors | Foundation |
885 | Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Treatment - American Honors | Foundation |
886 | Public Administration - American Honors | Foundation |
887 | Radiography - American Honors | Foundation |
888 | Social Services - American Honors | Foundation |
889 | Sociology - American Honors | Foundation |
890 | Sport Management - American Honors | Foundation |
891 | Supply Chain Management - American Honors | Foundation |
892 | Supply Chain Management - American Honors | Foundation |
893 | Sustainability Science - American Honors | Foundation |
894 | Technical Studies - American Honors | Foundation |
895 | Theater Arts - American Honors | Foundation |
896 | Visual Arts - American Honors | Foundation |
We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions
Why use UKUNI
We are a specialised Educational Counselling and Advisory Company. We offer advice and counselling to students, parents and employers that wish to access the educational opportunities available at our partner institutions We also assist students that wish to develop their English language at schools and language colleges across that English speaking countries.
We could cater for almost all needs and requests. We also have several options for Young Learners to develop their English during the summer in a secure and enjoyable environment.
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